FOSSASIA Summit 2020 Takes Places as Online and Offline Event
Due to the Corona crisis it is clear that events like the FOSSASIA Summit cannot be run in the usual way with large crowds. Therefore this year the FOSSASIA Summit will only be possible as a smaller gathering with social distancing in Singapore and online interactions from Thursday, March 19 – Saturday, March 21.
Even with travel restrictions in place a number of speakers are in Singapore and expressed their wish sharing their knowledge and the FOSSASIA team is working hard to facilitate this in a safe space offline and online. Due to ongoing changes we will conduct the event with both unscheduled and scheduled sessions. The program will be updated continuously here.
The Lifelong Learning Institute, our host and co-organizer, adjusted the venue to ensure the safety and health of all. To participate on-premise you need to pass a screening test and follow directions for hygiene measures. The sign up is here.
Singapore has an outstanding record seen internationally as a gold standard when it comes to cleanliness, hygiene and health. Additional measures in the LLI include providing entrance screening tests, social distancing, using open spaces, reducing the use of mics and mic disinfection, avoiding close group photos. Please find a list of measures here.

The events of our time show more than ever that we need to collaborate to solve the world’s problems such as climate change, global health issues, poverty and economic challenges. The FOSS/Open Source community has proven that we are able to overcome differences and work together across countries and cultures. It is important that we stay connected and continue our work be it offline or online. To connect virtually during the FOSSASIA Summit you can join us on these channels:
- Plug in to the FOSSASIA Summit Social room on Jitsi live.
- Talk to participants, we have a Telegram channel to exchange information. Please use this link.
- Watch the videos of sessions on our video channel.
- Read our news and learnings on the FOSSASIA Twitter and the Singapore event Twitter.
We will share more details about sessions in the upcoming days. Furthermore, we are planning additional online events at a later time this year. Let’s continue and build a better world through learning and sharing where-ever and however we can!
We would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout these challenges around the event – our speakers, friends, supporters, and partners like Google, Facebook, Arm, and Elastic.
We hope to stay connected. All the best and stay healthy!

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