Holding query search in Loklak
Continuously searching user’s input while the user kept typing is not good. It has certain drawbacks which result in continuous action dispatch and loading of the result page which depicts the site to be slow, but actually it is not. To prevent continuous loading and searching while user types a query in Loklak Search, it was important to keep hold on query until user completes typing and then start searching for the results. I am writing this blog post to emphasise a proper solution to constantly keep track of the query and search on an appropriate event.
Adding keypress event
First and foremost task would be to add keypress event to input tag on home and results page.
<input … (keypress)=“onEnter($event)” [formControl]=“searchInputControl” />
formControl will constantly keep track of the user input and will be stored in searchInputControl, while keypress event will activate onEnter() method firing an $event as an input to onEnter() method.
Adding onEnter() method
Note: Keeping track of special keypress event code 13 which is equivalent for an enter key press.
Add a new method onEnter() with event as an input which will execute its function only when the event’s keypress code is 13 (Enter key press). One point should be noted here that query to be searched should not be empty or containing leading and trailing spaces or should not contain only spaces (treated as an incomplete query to be searched).
onEnter(event: any) { if (event.which === 13) { if (this.searchInputControl.value.trim() !== ”) { // Actual work of query search will go here. } }
Add query searching and migration code under onEnter()
Now comes the last part to shift query search and route migration code from setupSearchField() to the portion mentioned above in comments. We need to take one point in consideration that from now on we actually do not need to subscribe to formControl in ngOnInit() since now it depends on user query input.
Complete onEnter() in home component file
After completion, onEnter() method should be similar to:
onEnter(event: any) { if (event.which === 13) { if (this._queryControl.value.trim() !== ”) { this.store.dispatch(new queryAction.RelocationAfterQuerySetAction()); this.store.dispatch(new suggestAction .SuggestAction(this._queryControl.value.trim())); this.store.dispatch(new queryAction .InputValueChangeAction(this._queryControl.value.trim() )); this.router.navigate([`/search`], { queryParams: { query: this._queryControl.value.trim() } , skipLocationChange: true } ); this.store.dispatch(new titleAction .SetTitleAction(this._queryControl.value.trim() + ‘ – Loklak Search’)); this.getDataFromStore(); } } }
Since we are not depending on ngOnInit() therefore we also need to append getDataFromStore() to onEnter() method.
Complete onEnter() in feed-header component file
After completion, onEnter() method should be similar to:
onEnter(event: any) { if (event.which === 13) { if (this.searchInputControl.value.trim() !== '') { this.searchEvent.emit(this.searchInputControl .value.trim()); this.setupSuggestBoxClosing(); } } }
Try typing different formats of query on home and results page of loklak.
- Stack-Overflow: keypress
- Angular: FormControl