Using Custom Forms In Open Event API Server
One feature of the Open Event management system is the ability to add a custom form for an event. The nextgen API Server exposes endpoints to view, edit and delete forms and form-fields. This blogpost describes how to use a custom-form in Open Event API Server.
Custom forms allow the event organizer to make a personalized forms for his/her event. The form object includes an identifier set by the user, and the form itself in the form of a string. The user can also set the type for the form which can be either of text or checkbox depending on the user needs. There are other fields as well, which are abstracted. These fields include:
- id : auto generated unique identifier for the form
- event_id : id of the event with which the form is associated
- is_required : If the form is required
- is_included : if the form is to be included
- is_fixed : if the form is fixedThe last three of these fields are boolean fields and provide the user with better control over forms use-cases in the event management.
Only the event organizer has permissions to edit or delete these forms, while any user who is logged in to can see the fields available for a custom form for an event.
To create a custom-form for event with id=1, the following request is to be made:
with all the above described fields to be included in the request body. For example:
{ "data": { "type": "custom_form", "attributes": { "form": "form", "type": "text", "field-identifier": "abc123", "is-required": "true", "is-included": "false", "is-fixed": "false" } } }
The API returns the custom form object along with the event relationships and other self and related links. To see what the response looks like exactly, please check the sample here.
Now that we have created a form, any user can get the fields for the same. But let’s say that the event organiser wants to update some field or some other attribute for the form, he can make the following request along with the custom-form id.
(Note: custom-form id must be included in both the URL as well as request body)
Similarly, to delete the form,
DELETE can be used.