Creating a component for achieving an n-times running loop in Open Event Frontend
This blog article will illustrate how to to make a component in ember JS which allows you to iterate over a block of statements n-times which is being used in Open Event Frontend This is of great utility as the default ‘each’ helper of ember only allows us to iterate over objects and arrays, and not simply as a loop.So we begin by generating a component and calling it `n-times` and it is currently being used in the open event front-end project.
Even before implementing it, it is obvious to us that the content inside the loop can be any thing and the component should be able to iterate over them repeatedly. Thus this component will need to have a {{yield}} block inside it, and thus will always have to be used in block form, to allow the user to enter the content that we need to iterate over.
We begin by simply generating the boiler plate code of the component via Ember CLI.
$ ember generate component n-times
Now we proceed with the js code of the component. The only thing we need to ensure here is that no extra html tags are introduced because of our component, else it might break the flow of tags or disrupt the styling. Hence we make use of the tagName property to achieve the same.
The final code looks something like this:
import Ember from 'ember'; const { Component } = Ember; export default Component.extend({ tagName: '' });
We just needed to make the tagName none as we don’t want an extra div. And this is the template code for the same component
For the template part we simply enclose the {{yield}} block inside each loop, and the value of times is expected to be passed at the time of calling the component.
{{#each (range 0 times) as |number|}} {{yield number}} {{/each}}
An important thing to note, we cannot have made this as a helper because the block form of helpers has been deprecated since Ember has updated hence component was the obvious choice.
This may now be simply used as
{{#n-times times=5}} {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Create')}} {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Read')}} {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Update')}} {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Delete')}} {{/n-times}}
*Featured image is captured by the author of this post, it is under public domain without any restrictions.
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