Creating Dynamic Forms Using Custom-Form API in Open Event Front-end
In Open Event Front-end allows the the event creators to customise the sessions & speakers forms which are implemented on the Orga server using custom-form API. While event creation the organiser can select the forms fields which will be placed in the speaker & session forms.
In this blog we will see how we created custom forms for sessions & speakers using the custom-form API. Lets see how we did it.
Retrieving all the form fields
Each event has custom form fields which can be enabled on the sessions-speakers page, where the organiser can include/exclude the fields for speakers & session forms which are used by the organiser and speakers.
return this.modelFor('events.view').query('customForms', {});
We pass return the result of the query to the new session route where we will create a form using the forms included in the event.
Creating form using custom form API
The model returns an array of all the fields related to the event, however we need to group them according to the type of the field i.e session & speaker. We use lodash groupBy.
allFields: computed('fields', function() { return groupBy(this.get('fields').toArray(), field => field.get('form')); })
For session form we run a loop allFields.session which is an array of all the fields related to session form. We check if the field is included and render the field.
{{#each allFields.session as |field|}} {{#if field.isIncluded}} <div class="field"> <label class="{{if field.isRequired 'required'}}" for="name">{{}}</label> {{#if (or (eq field.type 'text') (eq field.type 'email'))}} {{#if field.isLongText}} {{widgets/forms/rich-text-editor textareaId=(if field.isRequired (concat 'session_' field.fieldIdentifier '_required'))}} {{else}} {{input type=field.type id=(if field.isRequired (concat 'session_' field.fieldIdentifier '_required'))}} {{/if}} {{/if}} </div> {{/if}} {{/each}}
We also use a unique id for all the fields for form validation. If the field is required we create a unique id as `session_fieldName_required` for which we add a validation in the session-speaker-form component. We also use different components for different types of fields eg. for a long text field we make use of the rich-text-editor component.
Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.
- Official Ember Data documentation
- Official Lodash documentation
- Blog on simple forms in ember by Gregg Bolinger