API to List All Users on SUSI.AI
In this blog, I discuss how the SUSI server helps in listing out all the users registered on it. The only role Susi server plays is, Whenever it receives a request at
The server evaluate the parameters in the request, validates them and notify the user accordingly. API needs 2 parameters, out of which access-token is a necessary. 2nd parameter has to be one from the given list :
Parameter Data type
- getPageCount boolean
- GetUserCount boolean
- Page integer
On the basis of this 2nd parameter, server gets to know what does the client with given access-token is requesting. Server evaluates the access-token and validates that if the access token belongs to a user with user role atleast ADMIN, then the request is valid and proceed further with fetching the data in next step. Otherwise, server responds with error code “401” and error message “Base user role not sufficient”. It is advisable for clients that before redirecting users to admin panel or any other service, Please hit
And check that whether the user logged in is allowed to access the admin panel or not. The servlet /showAdminService.json is quite easy to understand for even those new to programming.
Coming back to our topic, by now, server knows that this client is authorized to access the user list. But what all information does server needs to provide? In response to this request, server encodes following attributes in the JSON Array {which is part of JSON object} and sends it to user :
Attribute Description
- Name Email-Id of the user
- Anonymous Is this user anonymous or not
- User Role User Role of the user
- Confirmed User has verified account or not
- Last Login IP Last IP from which login was requested
- Last Login Time Time when last login request was made
- Signup Time When did the user signed up
First things first, check if enough parameters are provided or not. If not, respond with error stating “Bad Request. No parameter present”. Otherwise, server does a general iteration which has to be done irrespective of the 2nd parameter.
First of all, get a list of all the authorized users using getAuthorizedClients method of Data Access Object class. This method picks up all the keys from authorized file {which are nothing but identification of clients from which requests are received}. Though it, skips those key which are host addresses (which can not be used to identify a user), it does includes all the email ids {which are obvious identification of users}.
public static Collection<ClientIdentity> getAuthorizedClients() { ArrayList<ClientIdentity> i = new ArrayList<>(); for (String id: authorization.keys()) { if(id.contains("host")) continue; i.add(new ClientIdentity(id)); } return i; }
In next steps, the collection is converted to suitable data types over which iterations are easy and can be converted to JSON objects and Arrays easily. After this, server evaluates which parameter is requested in the request. Let us pick each case one by one for simplicity.
- Client has requested number of pages in the request.
Server finds the size of keysArray {one of the object containing list of all the users}. Basic Mathematics to find out how many pages would be formed if size of each page is 50 elements and total elements are given.
if (call.get("getPageCount", false) == true) { int pageCount = keysArray.length % 50 == 0 ? (keysArray.length / 50) : (keysArray.length / 50) + 1; result.put("pageCount", pageCount); result.put("accepted", true); result.put("message", "Success: Fetched count of pages"); return new ServiceResponse(result); }
- User count is requested
Simply return sizeof list which has list of all the users. List to be used can be anyone from authorized, keysArray or any other derivative of authorized collection. Code is quite easy.
- List of users on any page is requested.
Get the page number and after applying unitary maths, you will figure out the elementary of this.
for (Client client : authorized) { JSONObject json = client.toJSON(); ClientIdentity identity = new ClientIdentity(ClientIdentity.Type.email, client.getName()); Authorization authorization = DAO.getAuthorization(identity); UserRole userRole = authorization.getUserRole(); json.put("userRole", userRole.toString().toLowerCase()); userList.add(json); }
If any other attribute that is required, it’s encoding will be done here. For example, to get user role of a user, generate a client identity followed by retrieval of user role from it. Encode it and send back to user.
Other details like last login IP, last login time and signup time are also fetched from respective files.
- Post by Tutorials Point on How to get size of a collection.
- Post by Wikipedia : What is DAO?