Resource Injection Using ButterKnife in Loklak Wok Android

Loklak Wok Android being a sophisticated Android app uses a lot of views, and of those most are manipulated at runtime. In Android to play with a View or ViewGroup defined in XML at runtime requires developers to add the following line:

(TypeOfView) parentView.findViewById(;


This leads to lengthy code. And very often, more than one Views respond to a particular event. For example, hiding Views if a network request fails and showing a message to the user to “Try Again!”. Let’s say you have to hide 4 Views, are you going to do the following:

textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // has "Try Again!" message.

// more 5 lines of code when hiding textView and displaying 4 other Views


Surely not! And the old fashioned way to get a string value defined as a resource in string.xml

String appName = getActivity().getResources().getString(;


Surely, all this works good, but being a developer while working on a sophisticated app you would like to focus on the logic of the app, rather than scratching your head to debug whether you properly did a findViewById or not, did you typecast it to the proper View, or where did you miss to change the visibility of a view in response to an event.

Well, all of this can be easily handled by using a library which provides you the dependency, here resources. All you need to do is just declare your resources, and that’s it, the library provides the resources to you, yes you don’t need to initialize it using findViewById. So let’s dive in and see how ButterKnife is used in Loklak Wok Android to handle these issues.

Adding ButterKnife to Android Project

In the app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.6.0'
    annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.6.0'

Dealing with Views in Fragments

When views are declared, BindView annotation is used with its parameter as the ID of the view, for example, views in TweetHarvestingFragment :

Toolbar toolbar;
TextView harvestedTweetsCountTextView;
RecyclerView recyclerView;
TextView networkErrorTextView;

NOTE: Views declared can’t be private.

Once Views are declared, then it needs to be injected, it is done using ButterKnife.bind(Object target, View Source). Here in TweetHarvestingFragment the target will be the fragment itself and source i.e. the parent view will be rootView (obtained by inflating the layout file of fragment). All this needs to be done in onCreateView method

View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_tweet_harvesting, container, false);
ButterKnife.bind(this, rootView);

That’s it, we are done!

The same paradigm can be used to bind views to a ViewHolder of a RecyclerView, as implemented in HarvestTweetViewHolder:

TextView userFullname;
TextView username;
TextView tweetDate;
TextView harvestedTweetTextView;

public HarvestedTweetViewHolder(View itemView) {
   ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);


Injecting resources like strings, dimensions, colors, drawables etc. is even easier, only the related annotation and ID needs to be provided. Example the string app_name is used in TweetHarvestingFragment to display the app name i.e. “Loklak Wok” in toolbar

String appName;

// directly used inside onCreateView to set the title in toolbar


Using ButterKnife onClickListeners can be implemented in separate method, a clean way to define click events rather than polluting onCreate(in Activity) or onCreateView(in Fragment), as implemented in SuggestFragment

public void onClickedClearImageButton(View view) {


Multiple Views responding to a single Event

Using @BindViews annotation a list of multiple views can be created, and then a common ButterKnife.Action can be defined to act on the list of views. In TweetHarvestingFragment visibility of some views are changed if a network request fails or succeeds using this feature of ButterKnife:

// declaring List of Views
List<View> networkViews;

// defining action for views
private final ButterKnife.Action<View> VISIBLE = (view, index) -> view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
private final ButterKnife.Action<View> GONE = (view, index) -> view.setVisibility(View.GONE);

// applying action on the views
ButterKnife.apply(networkViews, VISIBLE);
ButterKnife.apply(networkViews, GONE);


Continue ReadingResource Injection Using ButterKnife in Loklak Wok Android

Working with ButterKnife in Android


The following tutorial will help you understand Butter Knife implementation in Android

Why to use Butter Knife for Android?

Butter Knife in short is used in case for method binding of Android Views. Butter Knife is mainly used to make coding clean and simple especially in cases where where you deal with complex layout. Usually if you aren’t using Butter Knife you’ll have to eventually use findViewById() method for each view that you create in your layout, in cases where your application deals with many TextView’s, EditText’s, Button’s , ImageView’s the lines of code you write extends. In such cases Butter Knife comes in handy, using which you can reduce many lines of code and simply avoid methods such as findViewById().

Does Butter Knife make your App to slow down ?

No. Butter Knife doesn’t slow down your App, it gives the same result as when you declare your views using findViewById. The reason behind it is ButterKnife automatically generates findViewById calls at compile time itself thus, making use of “Annotation Processing”.

Butter Knife in Action :

Usage in xml :


android:hint="First Name"

Usage in Java class.
LinearLayout linearLayout;
EditText edittext;
//Just use the below code for setting a OnclickListener. That’s it. you don’t need to use findViewById multiple times
void OnLayoutClicked(View view) {
//Do Your Stuff here

Learn more about butterknife at :

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