Generating Badges for Manual Data for Pre-Selected Badges

BadgeYay is a Badge Generator developed by FOSSASIA. In recent time there was a BUG that caused the badge generator to throw errors and malfunction while generating the badges.

This error was first reported by me, @gabru-md. And later when everyone seemed to have this bug it was resolved after a complete 48 hour of reverse engineering the code.

What was the Bug?

The bug with the generator was that the server side API did not function well and was not generating badges in cases of Manual Input and Pre-Selected Images.The issue was first made sure and then created on github as Issue number 314 .

Resolving the Bug

Resolving the bug this time was a hard task as the code was not properly maintained due to many PRs being merged and due to this it took me 48 hours to figure out what was wrong with the code.

After like 1 day of reading between the lines it was found out that the bug was caused due to improper “if…else” conditions. There were several  small bugs that arouse when this main bug was being dealt with.

How was it resolved?

Many changes were done to the code to resolve the bug. It was definitely the most time consuming and important fix that I had ever applied to any project.

The only changes were done to the main server file “”.

  • Adding a missing line to the file.
text_on_image = request.form[“text_on_image”]


  • Removing unnecessary code for cleaning up the file.
if file.filename == ‘’  and csv ==  ‘’:

    flash(‘Please select a CSV field to upload’)

    return redirect(url_for(‘index’))




    if file.find(“png.csv”) != -1:

        if img == ‘’:

            flash(‘{Please upload an image in ...’)   

            return redirect(url_for(‘index’))


        flash(‘Please upload ...’)


  • Adding the relevant code to fix the bug.


if img == ‘’:

    img = request.filed[‘image’].filename

    filename = request.files[‘image’].filename + “.csv”

elif csv != ‘’:

Changing filename to “img + .csv” resolved the filename error that caused the badge generator not to recognize the files.

Saving the files to the correct places for the script to recognize them[‘UPLOAD_FOLDER’],image.filename))


Changing the rest of the code to comply with the changes and make Badgeyay BUG free.

elif eventyay_url != ‘’:

    filename = ‘speaker.png.csv’


if filename.find(‘png.csv’) != -1:

    if img == ‘’:

        flash(“Please Upload …”)

        return redirect(url_for(‘index’))


    flash(‘Please Upload a CSV …’)

    return redirect(url_for(‘index’))


The last change was to change an “if” condition to a relevant one.

if csv == ‘’ and filename == img + ‘.csv’ and eventyay_url == ‘’:


All these changes helped resolve one of the major bugs in Badgeyay. With the merging of the associated PR the bug was immediately fixed and Badgeyay was up again.


  • Lack of time since service was down for a long time
  • Improper code


But I took them as challenges and was able to fix it for once and for all.

Further Improvements

Further Improvements will be leading to a more fast and stable Badgeyay with more user friendly options and an improved UI and stronger UX.



Continue ReadingGenerating Badges for Manual Data for Pre-Selected Badges

Resolving Internal Error on Badgeyay

Badgeyay is in development stage and is frequently seen to encounter bugs. One such bug is the Internal Server Error in Badgeyay.

What was the bug?

The bug was with the badge generator’s backend code. The generator was trying to server the zip file that was not present. After going through the log I noticed that it was because a folder was missing from Badgeyay’s directory.


I immediately filed an issue #58 which stated the bug and how could it be resolved. After being assigned to the issue I did my work and created a Pull Request that was merged soon.

The Pull Request can be found here.

Resolving the bug

With the help of extensive error management and proper code and log analysis I was able to figure out a fix for this bug. It was in-fact due to a missing folder that was deleted by a subsequent code during zipfile/pdf generation. It was supposed to be recreated every time it was deleted. I quickly designed a function that solved this error for future usage of Badgeyay.


How was it resolved?

First I started by checking if the “BADGES_FOLDER” was not present. And if it was not present then the folder was created using the commands below


if not os.path.exists(BADGES_FOLDER):



Then, I added docstring to the remaining part of the code. It was used to empty all the files and folder inside the “BADGES_FOLDER”. We could have to delete two things, a folder or a file.

So proper instructions are added to handle file deletion and folder deletion.


for file in os.listdir(BADGES_FOLDER):

    file_path = os.path.join(BADGES_FOLDER, file)


        if os.path.isfile(file_path):


        elif os.path.isdir(file_path):


    except Exception:



Here “os.unlink” is a function that is used to delete a file. And “shutil.rmtree” is a function that deletes the whole folder at once. It is similar to “sudo rm -rf /directory”. Proper error handling is done as well to ensure stability of program as well.


There were many problems that I had to face during this bug.

  • It was my first time solving a bug, so I was nervous.
  • I had no knowledge about “shutil” library.
  • I was a new-comer.

But I took these problems as challenges and was able to fix this bug that caused the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : 500 .




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