Reducing Initial Load Time Of Susper

Susper used to take long time to load the initial page. So, there was a discussion on how to decrease the initial loading time of Susper.

Later on going through issues raised in official Angular repository regarding the time takento load angular applications, we found some of the solutions. Those include:

  • Migrating from development to production during build:
    • This shrinks vendor.js and main.js by minimising them and also removing all packages that are not required on production.
    • Enables inline html and extracting CSS.
    • Disables source maps.
  • Enable Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation.
  • Enable service workers.

After these changes we found the following changes in Susper:

File Name Before (content-length) After
vendor.js 709752 216764
main.js 56412 138361



Vendor file:



Vendor file:


Also we could see that all files are now initiated by service worker:

More about Service Workers could be read at Mozilla and Service Workers in Angular.


While deploying our application, we have added –prod and –aot as extra attributes to ng build .This enables angular to use production mode and ahead of time compilation.

For service workers we have to install @angular/service-worker module. One can install it by using:

npm install @angular/service-worker --save
ng set apps.0.serviceWorker=true

The whole implementation of this is available at this pull:




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Hiding Intelligence of Susper When a Query is Empty or Erased with Angular

Recently, we have implemented intelligence feature in Susper using SUSI chat API to provide users answer a question without going deeper in search results. When a user types “height of Trump”, it shows answer like this:

Problem which we faced after implementing the feature:

When a user was erasing a query or query field was empty, Susper was still showing the answer of the intelligence component like this:

The answer should not be displayed when a query is empty because the user is not asking any question. The answer was still displayed because it had received a response from SUSI API.

How did we solve the problem?

The problem was solved in two ways.

  1. By using if/else condition: We checked if the statement shown inside the component is similar to the if-and-else condition. If the condition is true, it should hide the component.
  2. Using [hidden] attribute method: The Angular 4 supports [hidden] attribute which acts as { display:none; } . [hidden] attribute generally works as ngShow and ngHide which was earlier supported by Angular 2.

We preferred both the methods to solve the problem. The intelligence component is being loaded inside results component using <app-intelligence> element. Further, we added [hidden] attribute to this element like this :

<appintelligence [hidden]=“hideIntelligence”></app-intelligence>
We created hideIntelligence as variable and assign it as boolean. To check if a query is empty, searchdata variable was used.
searchdata: any = {
  query: ‘ ‘,
  rows: 10,
  start: 0
And then checked if a query is empty using if-else condition :
// checks if query is empty or erased
if (this.searchdata.query === ‘ ‘) {// display: none; is true
  this.hideIntelligence = true;

} else {
// display: none; is false
  this.hideIntelligence = false;


Applying this solution, we succeeded in hiding the intelligence component. We would also had used *ngIf statement but we preferred using [hidden]. [hidden] modifies the display property.  *ngIf is a structural directive which creates or destroys content inside DOM.

The source code for the implementation can be found here:



Continue ReadingHiding Intelligence of Susper When a Query is Empty or Erased with Angular

Implementing Intelligence Feature in Susper

Susper gives answers to your questions using SUSI AI. We want to give users best experience while they are searching for solutions to their questions. To achieve this, we have incorporated with features like infobox and intelligence using SUSI.

Google has this feature where users can ask questions like ‘Who is president of USA?’ and get answers directly without encouraging the users to deep-dive into the search results to know the answer.

Similarly Susper gives answer to the user:

It also gives answer to question which is related to real time data like temperature.


How we have implemented this feature?

We used the API Endpoint of SUSI at

Using SUSI API is as simple as sending query as a URL parameter in GET request

You can also get various action types in the response. Eg: An anwser type response for is:

actions: [
    type: "answer",
    expression: "Hi, I'm Susi"


Documentation regarding SUSI is available at here.

Implementation in Susper:

We have created an Intelligence component to display answer related to a question. You can check it here:

It takes care about rendering the information and styling of the rendered data received from SUSI API.

The intelligence.component.ts makes a call to Intelligence Service with the required query and the intelligence service makes a GETrequest to the SUSI API and retrieves the results.


this.intelligence.getintelligentresponse(data.query).subscribe(res => {
  if (res && res.answers && res.answers[0].actions) {
     this.actions = res.answers[0].actions;
       for (let action of this.actions) {
         if (action.type === 'answer' && action.mood !== 'sabta') {
           this.answer = action.expression;
         } else {
             this.answer = '';
   } else {
       this.answer = '';



export class IntelligenceService {
 server = '';
 searchURL = 'http://' + this.server + '/susi/chat.json';
 constructor(private http: Http, private jsonp: Jsonp, private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
 getintelligentresponse(searchquery) {
   let params = new URLSearchParams();
   params.set('q', searchquery);
   params.set('callback', 'JSONP_CALLBACK');
   return this.jsonp
     .get('', {search: params}).map(res =>


Whenever the getintelligenceresponse of intelligenceService is called, it creates a URLSearchParams() object and set required parameters in it and send them in jsonp.get request. We also set callback to ‘JSONP_CALLBACK’ to inform the API to send us data in JSONP.

Thereby, the intelligence component retrieves the answer and displays it with search resultson Susper.

Source code for this implementation could be found in this pull:


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