Use of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

While we were developing the SUSI Web Chat we got a requirement to build a dark theme. And to build a way that user can switch between dark and light theme.

SUSI Web Chat application is made according to the Flux architecture, So we had to build sub components according to that architecture.

What is flux:

Flux is not a framework. It is an Architecture/pattern that we can use to build applications using react and some other frameworks. Below figure shows the way how that architecture works and how it communicate.

How flux works:

Flux has four types of components. Those are views, actions, dispatcher and stores. We use JSX to build and integrate views into our JavaScript code.

When someone triggers an event from view, it triggers an action and that action sends particular action details  such as Actiontype, action name  and data to dispatcher. Dispatcher broadcasts those details to every store which are registered with the particular dispatcher. That means every store gets all the action details and data which are broadcasting from dispatchers which they are registered.

Let’s say we have triggered an action from view that is going to change the value of the store. Those action details are coming to dispatcher. Then dispatcher broadcasts those data to every store that registered with it. Matching action will trigger and update its value. If there is any change happened in store, view automatically updates corresponding view.

How themes are changing:

We have a store called “SettingStore.js”. This “SettingStore” contains theme values like current theme. We store other settings of the application such as: Mic input settings, Custom server details, Speech Output details, Default Language, is responsible to provide these details to corresponding view.

let CHANGE_EVENT = 'change';
class SettingStore extends EventEmitter {
   constructor() {
       this.theme = true; 

We use “this.theme = true” in constructor to switch light theme as the default theme.

getTheme() { //provides current value of theme
       return this.theme;

This method returns the value of the current theme when it triggers.

   changeTheme(themeChanges) {
       this.theme = !this.theme;

We use “changeTheme” method to change the selected theme.

   handleActions(action) {
       switch (action.type) {
           case ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED: {
           default: {
               // do nothing

This switch case is the place that store gets actions distributed from the dispatcher and executes relevant method.

const settingStore = new SettingStore();
export default settingStore;

Here we registered our store(SettingStore) to “ChatAppDispatcher” .

This is how Store works.
Now we need to get the default light theme to the view. For that we have to call ”getTheme()” function. We can use the value it returns to update the state of the application.
Now we are going to change the theme. To do that we have to trigger “changeTheme” method of “Settingstrore” from view ( MessageSection.react.js ).
We trigger below method on click of the “Change Theme” button. It triggers the action called “themeChanged”.

 themeChanger(event) {

Previous method executes “themeChanged()” function of the actions.js file.

export function themeChanged(theme) {
   type: ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED,
   theme //data came from parameter

In above function we collect data from the view and send those data, method details to dispatcher.
Dispatcher sends those details to each and every registered store. In our case we have “SettingStore” and update the state to new dark theme.
This is how themes are changing in SUSI AI Web Chat application. Check this link to see the preview.


  • Read About Flux:
  • GitHub repository:
  • Live Web Chat:
Continue ReadingUse of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

Save Chat Messages using Realm in SUSI iOS

Fetching data from the server each time causes a network load which makes the app depend on the server and the network in order to display data. We use an offline database to store chat messages so that we can show messages to the user even if network is not present which makes the user experience better. Realm is used as a data storage solution due to its ease of usability and also, since it’s faster and more efficient to use. So in order to save messages received from the server locally in a database in SUSI iOS, we are using Realm and the reasons for using the same are mentioned below.

The major upsides of Realm are:

  • It’s absolutely free of charge,
  • Fast, and easy to use.
  • Unlimited use.
  • Work on its own persistence engine for speed and performance

Below are the steps to install and use Realm in the iOS Client:


  • Install Cocoapods
  • Run `pod repo update` in the root folder
  • In your Podfile, add use_frameworks! and pod ‘RealmSwift’ to your main and test targets.
  • From the command line run `pod install`
  • Use the `.xcworkspace` file generated by Cocoapods in the project folder alongside `.xcodeproj` file

After installation we start by importing `Realm` in the `AppDelegate` file and start configuring Realm as below:

func initializeRealm() {
        var config = Realm.Configuration(schemaVersion: 1,
            migrationBlock: { _, oldSchemaVersion in
                if (oldSchemaVersion < 0) {
                    // Nothing to do!
        config.fileURL = config.fileURL?.deletingLastPathComponent().appendingPathComponent("susi.realm")
        Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config

Next, let’s head over to creating a few models which will be used to save the data to the DB as well as help retrieving that data so that it can be easily used. Since Susi server has a number of action types, we will cover some of the action types, their model and how they are used to store and retrieve data. Below are the currently available data types, that the server supports.

enum ActionType: String {
  case answer
  case websearch
  case rss
  case table
  case map 
  case anchor

Let’s start with the creation of the base model called `Message`. To make it a RealmObject, we import `RealmSwift` and inherit from `Object`

class Message: Object {
  dynamic var queryDate = NSDate()
  dynamic var answerDate = NSDate()
  dynamic var message: String = ""
  dynamic var fromUser = true
  dynamic var actionType = ActionType.answer.rawValue
  dynamic var answerData: AnswerAction?
  dynamic var mapData: MapAction?
  dynamic var anchorData: AnchorAction?

Let’s study these properties of the message one by one.

  • `queryDate`: saves the date-time the query was made
  • `answerDate`: saves the date-time the query response was received
  • `message`: stores the query/message that was sent to the server
  • `fromUser`: a boolean which keeps track who created the message
  • `actionType`: stores the action type
  • `answerData`, `rssData`, `mapData`, `anchorData` are the data objects that actually store the respective action’s data

To initialize this object, we need to create a method that takes input the data received from the server.

// saves query and answer date
if let queryDate = data[Client.ChatKeys.QueryDate] as? String,
let answerDate = data[Client.ChatKeys.AnswerDate] as? String {
  message.queryDate = queryDate)! as NSDate
  message.answerDate = answerDate)! as NSDate}if let type = action[Client.ChatKeys.ResponseType] as? String,
  let data = answers[0][Client.ChatKeys.Data] as? [[String : AnyObject]] {
  if type == ActionType.answer.rawValue {
     message.message = action[Client.ChatKeys.Expression] as! String
     message.actionType = ActionType.answer.rawValue
    message.answerData = AnswerAction(action: action)
  } else if type == {
    message.actionType =
    message.mapData = MapAction(action: action)
  } else if type == ActionType.anchor.rawValue {
    message.actionType = ActionType.anchor.rawValue
    message.anchorData = AnchorAction(action: action)
    message.message = message.anchorData!.text

Since, the response from the server for a particular query might contain numerous action types, we create loop inside a method to capture all those action types and save each one of them. Since, there are multiple action types thus we need a list containing all the messages created for the action types. For each action in the loop, corresponding data is saved into their specific objects.

Let’s discuss the individual action objects now.

  • AnswerAction
class AnswerAction: Object {
  dynamic var expression: String = ""
  convenience init(action: [String : AnyObject]) {
    if let expression = action[Client.ChatKeys.Expression] as? String {
      self.expression = expression

 This is the simplest action type implementation. It contains a single property `expression` which is a string type. For initializing it, we take the action object and extract the expression key-value and save it.

if type == ActionType.answer.rawValue {
  message.message = action[Client.ChatKeys.Expression] as! String
  message.actionType = ActionType.answer.rawValue
  // pass action object and save data in `answerData`
  message.answerData = AnswerAction(action: action)

Above is the way an answer action is checked and data saved inside the `answerData` variable.

2)   MapAction

class MapAction: Object {
  dynamic var latitude: Double = 0.0
  dynamic var longitude: Double = 0.0
  dynamic var zoom: Int = 13

  convenience init(action: [String : AnyObject]) {
    if let latitude = action[Client.ChatKeys.Latitude] as? String,
    let longitude = action[Client.ChatKeys.Longitude] as? String,
    let zoom = action[Client.ChatKeys.Zoom] as? String {
      self.longitude = Double(longitude)!
      self.latitude = Double(latitude)!
      self.zoom = Int(zoom)!

This action implementation contains three properties, `latitude` `longitude` `zoom`. Since the server responds the values inside a string, each of them need to be converted to their respective type using force-casting. Default values are provided for each property in case some illegal value comes from the server.

3)   AnchorAction

class AnchorAction: Object {
  dynamic var link: String = ""
  dynamic var text: String = ""

  convenience init(action: [String : AnyObject]) {
    self.init()if let link = action[Client.ChatKeys.Link] as? String,
    let text = action[Client.ChatKeys.Text] as? String { = link
      self.text = text

Here, the link to the openstreetmap website is saved in order to retrieve the image for displaying.

Finally, we need to call the API and create the message object and use the `write` clock of a realm instance to save it into the DB.

if success {
    for message in messages! {
    // real write block
      try! self.realm.write {
        let indexPath = IndexPath(item: self.messages.count - 1, section: 0)
        self.collectionView?.insertItems(at: [indexPath])
}, completion: { (_) in

list of message items and inserted into the collection view.Below is the output of the Realm Browser which is a UI for viewing the database.


Continue ReadingSave Chat Messages using Realm in SUSI iOS

How RSS Action Type is Implemented in SUSI Android

Important skills of SUSI.AI are to display web search queries, a map of any location and provide a list of relevant information of a topic. RSS action type is similar to websearch action type but when the web search is to be performed on the client side, it is denoted by websearch action type and when the web search is performed by the server itself, it is denoted by rss action type. In this blog, I will show you how rss action type is implemented in SUSI Android.

In case of RSS action type server searches the internet and using RSS feeds, returns an array of objects containing :

  • Title
  • Description
  • Link
  “title”: “dog-doh: Definitions Index”,
  “description”: “dog-doh: Definitions Index. dog dog and pony show dog biscuit dog collar dog days …”,
  “link”: “”,

title: Title related to user query

description: Description of user query.

link: If user want to know more information then user can use link to find more information.

How rss action type is parsed in SUSI Android

SUSI  reply in json format. It should be parsed properly to show it in android app. We used retrofit library developed by square to parse json data. Retrofit library parse data according to model class. We code model class according to expected json reply. For example, each susi response contains answer jsonarray. There are two jsonarray data and action inside answer jsonarray. We made a different model class for each jsonarray.

First model class is SusiResponse. We used this model class to parse ‘answers’ jsonarray.

private List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<>();

Here we used List<>  because ‘answers’ jsonarray contain a list of jsonarray and jsonobject. Answer is second model class. We used it to parse two important jsonarray ‘data’ and ‘action’. The ‘action’ attribute has information about action type.

public class Answer {
   private RealmList<Datum> data = new RealmList<>();

Here also we used the list because data jsonarray also contains a list of jsonobject but instead of simple list we used RealmList<> because after parsing we save data using realm. ‘data’ jsonarray contain multiple jsonobject and each jsonobject contain three important information ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’.

Datum class is the main model class which is used to save and retrieve ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’. setTitle, setLink and setDescription method of Datum class are used to save ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’ and getTitle, getDescription and getLink method are use to retrieve ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’.

How rss action type data is retrieved and saved

As already mentioned we used retrofit to retrieve data and realm to save data. susiResponse is response we received from SUSI server. We used susiResponse to retrieve a list of Datum class type data.

List<Datum> datumList = susiResponse.getAnswers().get(0).getData();

We then loop through datumList and from each element we extract ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’ using getTitle(), getDescription() and getLink() method respectively. Datum class is model class for both retrofit and realm. realmDatum is instance of Datum class and datumRealmList is an instance of RealmList of Datum class type. After extracting data we save data using setTitle(), setDescription() and setLink().

for (Datum datum : datumList) {
          Datum realmDatum = bgRealm.createObject(Datum.class);

Layout design to show rss action type reply

There are three textview with id ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’ to show ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘link’ retrieved from SUSI’s reply. We used recyclerview to show list of results.

Datum datum = datumList.get(position);





Continue ReadingHow RSS Action Type is Implemented in SUSI Android

Implementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

In the SUSI Web Chat application we wanted to make few static pages such as: Overview, Terms, Support, Docs, Blog, Team, Settings and About. The idea was to show them in app bar. Requirements were  to have the capability to collapse on small viewports and to use Material UI components. In this blog post I’m going to elaborate how we built the responsive app bar Using Material UI components.

First we added usual Material UI app bar component  like this.

             <header className="nav-down" id="headerSection">
title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}
               iconElementRight={<TopMenu />}

We added SUSI logo instead of the text title using below code snippet and linked it to the home page like this.

title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}

We have defined “this.state.baseUrl” in constructor and it gets the base url of the web application.

this.state = {
       openDrawer: false, 
baseUrl: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/'

We need to open the right drawer when we click on the button on top left corner. So we have to define two methods to open and close drawer as below.

   handleDrawer = () => this.setState({openDrawer: !this.state.openDrawer});
   handleDrawerClose = () => this.setState({openDrawer: false});

Now we have to add components that we need to show on the right side of the app bar. We connect those elements to the app bar like this. “iconElementRight={}”

We defined “TopMenu” Items like this.

   const TopMenu = (props) => (
     <div className="top-menu">
     <FlatButton label="Overview"  href="/overview" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>
     <FlatButton label="Team"  href="/team" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>

We added FlatButtons to place links to other static pages. After all we needed a FlatButton that gives IconMenu to show login and signup options.

     <IconMenu {...props} iconButtonElement={
         <IconButton iconStyle={{color:'#fff'}} ><MoreVertIcon /></IconButton>
     <MenuItem primaryText="Chat" containerElement={<Link to="/logout" />}

After adding all these correctly you will see this kind of an app bar in your application.

Now our app bar is ready. But it does not collapse on small viewports.
So we planned to hide flat buttons on small sized screens and show the menu button. For that we used media queries.

@media only screen and (max-width: 800px){
   .topMenu-item{ display: none !important;  }
   .topAppBar button{ display: block  !important; }

This is how we built the responsive app bar using Material UI components. You can check the preview from this url. If you are willing to contribute to SUSI Web Chat here is the GitHub repository.


  • Material UI Components:
  • Learn More about media queries:
Continue ReadingImplementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

Getting Response Feedback In SUSI.AI Web Chat

The SUSI.AI Web Chat provides responses for various queries, but the quality of responses it not always the best possible. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms will help us to solve this step by step. In order to implement machine learning, we need feedback mechanisms. The first step in this direction is to provide users with a way to give feedback to responses with a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”. In this blog, I explain how we fetch the feedback of responses from the server.

On asking a query like tell me a quote, Susi responses with following message:

Now the user can rate the response by pressing thumbs up or thumbs down button. We store this response on the server. For getting this count of feedback we use the following endpoint:



  • BASE_URL: Base URL of our server:
  • model: Model of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “general”.
  • group: The group of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “entertainment”.
  • skill: name of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “quotes”.

We make an ajax call to the server to fetch the data:

          url: getFeedbackEndPoint,
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          crossDomain: true,
          timeout: 3000,
          async: false,
          success: function (data) {
            if(data.accepted) {
              let positiveCount = data.skill_rating.positive;
              let negativeCount = data.skill_rating.negative;
              receivedMessage.positiveFeedback = positiveCount;
              receivedMessage.negativeFeedback = negativeCount;


In the success function, we receive the data, which is in jsonp format. We parse this to get the desired result and store it in variable positiveCount and negativeCount. An example of data response is :

In the client, we can get value corresponding to positive and negative key as follows :

let positiveCount = data.skill_rating.positive;
let negativeCount = data.skill_rating.negative;

This way we can fetch the positive and negative counts corresponding to a particular response. This data can be used in many ways, for example:

  • It can be used to display the number of positive and negative count next to the thumbs:

  • It can be used in machine learning algorithms to improve the response that SUSI.AI provides.


Testing Link:

Continue ReadingGetting Response Feedback In SUSI.AI Web Chat

Implementing Toolbar(ActionBar) in SUSI Android

SUSI is an artificial intelligence for interactive chat bots. The SUSI Android app ( has a toolbar, that allows different user preferences right up in the menu option. These include functionalities such as search, login, logout and rating the app. The material design toolbar provides a clean and efficient way to do these functions. We will see how we implemented this in the SUSI Android app.

To implement ActionBar in the Android app we will start with adding the dependency below to the gradle file.

compile `` 

For more information regarding setting up ActionBar in your own project please refer to this link.

Now we will add the Toolbar in our XML file as shown below.

< xmlns:app=""












      app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_susi_white" />


On Adding the above code we can see the preview of the Toolbar which appears like this.


Now we will see how to implement the menu options. In the menu_main.xml we can add options to be shown in the toolbar.

<menu xmlns:android=""










      app:showAsAction="always" />




      android:title="Search Down"






      android:title="Search Up"







      app:showAsAction="never" />





      app:showAsAction="never" />





      app:showAsAction="never" />

We can define different items in the ActionBar as shown above. Also, we have the option by which we can set the visibility of the items. If the visibility of the item is false, then it will be shown in the overflow menu like this.

Now we will see how we can add functionalities to the options present in the menu ActionBar. To add the listeners to the options we have to override the function onCreateOptionsMenu and there we can add the logic for different options as shown below.


  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { = menu;

      getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

      if(PrefManager.getBoolean(Constant.ANONYMOUS_LOGGED_IN, false)) {



      } else if(!(PrefManager.getBoolean(Constant.ANONYMOUS_LOGGED_IN, false))) {




      searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(menu.findItem(;

      final EditText editText = (EditText)searchView.findViewById(;

      searchView.setOnSearchClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


          public void onClick(View view) {





              isEnabled = false;




For diving more into the code, we can refer to the GitHub repo of Susi Android (


Continue ReadingImplementing Toolbar(ActionBar) in SUSI Android

Implementing Hiding App Bar of SUSI Web Chat Application

In the SUSI Web Chat application we got a requirement to build a responsive app bar for static pages and there was another requirement to  show and hide the app bar when user scrolls. Basically this is how it should work: The app bar should be hidden after user scrolls down to a certain extent. When user scrolls up, It should appear again.

First we tried readymade node packages to do this task. But these packages are hard to customize. So we planned to make this feature from the sketch. We used Jquery for this. This is how we built this.

First we installed jQuery package using this command.

npm install jquery

Next we imported it on top of the application like this.

import $ from 'jquery'

We have discussed about this app bar and how we made it in previous blog post. Our app bar is like this.

             <header className="nav-down" id="headerSection">
               title={<img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"
               iconElementRight={<TopMenu />}

We have to use these HTML elements to write jQuery code. But we can’t refer HTML elements before it renders. So we have to define it soon after the render method executes. We can do it using “React LifeCycle” method. We have to add our code into the “componentDidMount()” method.
This is how we used jQuery inside the “componentDidMount()” lifeCycle method. Here we assigned the height of the App Bar using “$(‘header’).outerHeight();”

     var didScroll;
     var lastScrollTop = 0;
     var delta = 5;
     var navbarHeight = $('header').outerHeight();

Here we assigned the height of the app bar to “navbarHeight” variable.

         didScroll = true;

In this part we checked whether the user has scrolled or not. If user scrolled we set the value of “didScroll” to “true”.
Now we have to define what to do if user has scrolled.

     function hasScrolled() {
         var st = $(window).scrollTop();
         if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta){


Here we get the absolute scrolled height. If the height is less than the delta value we defined, it does not do anything. It just returns.

         if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){
         } else if(st + $(window).height() < $(document).height()) {
         lastScrollTop = st;

Here we hide the app bar after user scrolled down more than the height of the app bar. If we need to change the height which app bar should disappear, we just need to add a value to the condition like this.

if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight + 200){

If the user scrolled down more than that value we change the class name of the element “nav-down” to “nav-up”.
And we change the className “nav-up” to “nav-down” when user is scrolling up.
We defined CSS classes in the stylesheet to do these things and the animations of action.

header {
   background: #f5b335;
   height: 40px;
   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   transition: top 0.5s ease-in-out;
   width: 100%;

.nav-up {
   top: -100px;

We have defined the things which we need to do when user scrolls.
Now we have to call this function if user has scrolled

     setInterval(function() {
         if (didScroll) {
             didScroll = false;
     }, 2500);

If the “didcroll” is “true” we execute the “hasScrolled()” function. And set 2500 millisecond time interval. Because of that app bar does not hide right after user scrolls. It triggers the function after 2.5 seconds later.
This is how we built the scroll bar hiding feature using react JS and jQuery.


  • Learn more about React LifeCycle Methods
  • Use jQuery in React component:
Continue ReadingImplementing Hiding App Bar of SUSI Web Chat Application

Implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

In this blog post, we’ll be learning about how to implement Text to speech. Now you may be wondering that what is so difficult in implementing text to speech. One can easily find many tutorials on that and can easily look at the official documentation of TTS but there’s a catch here. In this blog post I’ll be telling about how to implement Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection.

Let me give you a rough idea about how hotword detection works in SUSI Android App. For more details, read my other blog here on Hotword Detection. So, there is a constantly running background recording thread which detects when hotword is detected. Now, you may be thinking why do we need to stop that thread for text to speech. Well there are 2 reasons to do that:

  1. Recording while playing causing problems with mic and may crash the app.
  2. Suppose we even implement that but what will happen if the answer contains word “susi” in it. Now, the hotword will be detected because the speech output contained word “susi” in it (which is our hotword).

So, to avoid these problems we had to come up a way to stop hotword detection only for that particular time when SUSI is giving speech output and resume it back immediately when speech output is finished.

Let’s see how we did that.


Check out this video to see how this work in the app

Initiating the TTS engine

The first task is to initiate the Text to speech engine. This process takes some time. So, it is done in the starting of app in a new handler.

new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
       textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
           public void onInit(int status) {
               if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {
                   Locale locale = textToSpeech.getLanguage();

Check Audio Focus

The next step is to check whether audio focus is granted. Suppose there is some music playing in the background, in that case we won’t be able to give voice output. So, we check audio focus using below code.

final AudioManager audiofocus = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
 int result = audiofocus.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {

Using OnAudioFocusChangeListener, we keep a track of when we have access to give speech output and when we don’t.

private AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener =
       new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
           public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
               if (focusChange == AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) {
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
                   // Resume playback
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {

Converting the given text to speech

Now we have audio focus, we just have to convert given text to speech. Use method textToSpeech.speak().

private void voiceReply(final String reply) {
       Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
           public void run() {
                   textToSpeech.speak(spokenReply, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, ttsParams);                  

Abandon Audio Focus

Now we are done with speech output, it’s time we abandon audio focus.


TTS alongside Hotword Detection

Okay so now the major part. How do we check when to stop hotword detection thread and when to resume it? How do we check if Speech output is finished?

Answer to these questions is textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener. The UtteranceProgressListener overrides 3 methods:

  1. onStart: Indicates starting of text to speech conversion. Which means it’s time to stop hotword detection thread.
  2. onDone: Called when every word of the provided text is converted to speech. So, simply resume hotword detection
  3. onError: Called when there is an error and text is not converted to speech. Anyway, we need to resume hotword detection here too.
textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceProgressListener() {
                       public void onStart(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
                               isDetectionOn = false;

                       public void onDone(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                       public void onError(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                   HashMap<String,String> ttsParams = new HashMap<String, String>();


So, the main thing required for implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword detection is a way to control stopping and resuming hotword detection when Text to speech is in process. For that we used UtteranceProgressListener of TextToSpeech class which makes it so easier to do the task we required. You may follow this same approach as well or if you have a better approach, open an issue here.


  1. Official Documentation of TextToSpeech
  2. Documentation of UtteranceProgressListener
  3. Blog link to Hotword Detection
Continue ReadingImplementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

Custom UI Implementation for Web Search and RSS actions in SUSI iOS Using Kingfisher for Image Caching

The SUSI Server is an AI powered server which is capable of responding to intelligent answers based on user’s queries. The queries to the susi server are obtained either as a websearch using the application or as an RSS feed. Two of the actions are websearch and RSS. These actions as the name suggests respond to queries based on search results from the web which are rendered in the clients. In order to use use these action types and display them in the SUSI iOS client, we need to first parse the actions looking for these action types and then creating a custom UI for them to display them.

To start with, we need to make send the query to the server to receive an intelligent response from the server. This response is parsed into different action types supported by the server and saved into relevant objects. Here, we check the action types by looping through the answers array containing the actions and based on that, we save the data for that action.

if type == ActionType.rss.rawValue {
   message.actionType = ActionType.rss.rawValue
   message.rssData = RSSAction(data: data, actionObject: action)
} else if type == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
   message.actionType = ActionType.websearch.rawValue
   message.message = action[Client.ChatKeys.Query] as? String ?? ""

Here, we parsed the data response from the server and looked for the rss and websearch action type followed by which we saved the data we received from the server for each of the action types in their own objects.

Next, when a message object is created, we insert it into the dataSource item by appending it and use the `insertItems(at: [IndexPath])` method of collection view to insert them into the views at a particular index. Before adding them, we need to create a Custom UI for them. This UI will consist of a Collection View which is scrollable in the horizontal direction inside a CollectionView Cell. To start with this, we create a new class called `WebsearchCollectionView` which will be a `UIView` consisting of a `UICollectionView`.

We start by adding a collection view into the UIView inside the `init` method by overriding it. Declare a collection view using flow layout and scroll direction set to `horizontal`. Also, hide the scroll indicators and assign the delegate and datasource to `self`.

Now to populate this collection view, we need to specify the number of items that will show up. For this, we make use of the `message` variable declared. We use the `websearchData` in case of websearch action and `rssData` otherwise.

Now to specify the number of cells, we use the below method which returns the number of rss or websearch action objects and defaults to 0 such cells.

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    if let rssData = message?.rssData {
        return rssData.count
    } else if let webData = message?.websearchData {
        return webData.count
    return 0

We display the title, description and image for each object for which we need to create a UI for the cells. Let’s start by creating a Custom Collection View cell with the imageview and 2 labels for title and description.

The imageview is given a contentMode of `aspectFit` and assigned a placeholder image in case the image doesn’t exist. The title and description labels are assigned the same font size, the title being bolder and both are center aligned.

class WebsearchCell: BaseCell {

   var imageView: UIImageView = {
       let iv = UIImageView()
       iv.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
       iv.image = UIImage(named: "placeholder")
       return iv

   let titleLabel: UILabel = {
       let label = UILabel()
       label.textColor = .black
       label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
       label.textAlignment = .center
       label.numberOfLines = 2
       label.backgroundColor = Color.grey.lighten3
       return label

   let descriptionLabel: UILabel = {
       let label = UILabel()
       label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
       label.textAlignment = .center
       return label


Next, we add constraints for each such view adding a title and description label adding a small margin on both sides of the cell for a cleaner UI.

descriptionLabel.numberOfLines = 5
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:|-4-[v0(\(frame.width * 0.4))]-4-[v1]-4-|", views: imageView, titleLabel)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "|-\(frame.width * 0.4 + 8)-[v0]-4-|", views: descriptionLabel)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:|-4-[v0]-4-|", views: imageView)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:|-4-[v0(44)]-4-[v1]-4-|", views: titleLabel, descriptionLabel)

Now to use this custom cell, we first need to register it with the collection view and then we can use it easily in the `cellForItemAt` method. Since we are using Kingfisher for image caching, we use the `.kf.setImage` method to download the image from a URL and cache it as soon as it is downloaded.

collectionView.register(WebsearchCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cellId)
 func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
       if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: cellId, for: indexPath) as? WebsearchCell {
           cell.backgroundColor = .white

           if message?.actionType == ActionType.rss.rawValue {
               let feed = message?.rssData?.rssFeed[indexPath.item]
               cell.titleLabel.text = feed?.title
               cell.descriptionLabel.text = feed?.desc                cell.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: feed?.rssData?.image))
           } else if message?.actionType == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
               let webData = message?.websearchData[indexPath.item]
               cell.titleLabel.text = webData?.title
               cell.descriptionLabel.text = webData?.desc.html2String                cell.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: feed?.webData?.image))
           return cell
       } else {
           return UICollectionViewCell()

We check the action type and assign data based on that. Also, for the images, if they don’t exist a placeholder is added.

Since we are done with the Custom UI of the cell, we need to add it to the chat cell. For that, we add this `UIView` as a subview. For reasons of reusability, the cell was extracted into a separate one and call the `prepareForReuse()` method for reusability. This is followed by adding a subview and setting constraints for each cell and assigning the message object.

class RSSCell: ChatMessageCell {

   var message: Message? {
       didSet {

   lazy var websearchView: WebsearchCollectionView = {
       let view = WebsearchCollectionView()
       return view

   override func setupViews() {

   func addWebsearchView() {
       self.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:|[v0]|", views: websearchView)
       self.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:[v0(135)]", views: websearchView)
       websearchView.message = message

if message.actionType == ActionType.rss.rawValue || message.actionType == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
   if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.rssCell, for: indexPath) as? RSSCell {
       cell.message = message
       return cell
   } else {
       return UICollectionViewCell()

This is all we need to add a custom UI to a chat cell in SUSI iOS, very simple and clean.

Check the screenshot below, the app in action.


Continue ReadingCustom UI Implementation for Web Search and RSS actions in SUSI iOS Using Kingfisher for Image Caching

Hotword Recognition in SUSI iOS

Hot word recognition is a feature by which a specific action can be performed each time a specific word is spoken. There is a service called Snowboy which helps us achieve this for various clients (for ex: iOS, Android, Raspberry pi, etc.). It is basically a DNN based hotword recognition toolkit.

In this blog, we will learn how to integrate the snowboy hotword detection wrapper in the SUSI iOS client. This service can be used in any open source project but for using it commercially, a commercial license needs to be obtained.

Following are the files that need to be added to the project which are provided by the service itself: snowboy-detect.h libsnowboy-detect.a and a trained model file which can be created using their online service: For the sake of this blog, we will be using the hotword “Susi”, the model file can be found here.

The way how snowboy works is that speech is recorded for a few seconds and this data is detected with an already trained model by a specific hotword, now if snowboy returns a 1 means word has been successfully detected else wasn’t.

We start with creation of a wrapper class in Objective-C which can be found wrapper and the bridging header in case this needs to be added to a Swift project. The wrapper contains methods for setting sensitivity, audio gain and running the detection using the buffer. It is a wrapper class built on top of the snowboy-detect.h header file.

Let’s initialize the service and run it. Below are the steps followed to enable hotword recognition and print out whether it successfully detected the hotword or not:

  • Create a ViewController class with extensions
    • AVAudioRecorderDelegate
    • AVAudioPlayerDelegate

since we will be recording speech.

  • Import AVFoundation
  • Create a basic layout containing a label which detects whether hotword detected or not and create corresponding `IBOutlet` in the ViewController and a button to trigger the start and stop of recognition.
  • Create the following variables:
    • let WAKE_WORD = “Susi” // hotword used
    • let RESOURCE = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “common”, ofType: “res”)
    • let MODEL = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “susi”, ofType: “umdl”) //path where the model file is stored
    • var wrapper: SnowboyWrapper! = nil // wrapper instance for running detection
    • var audioRecorder: AVAudioRecorder! // audio recorder instance
    • var audioPlayer: AVAudioPlayer!
    • var soundFileURL: URL! //stores the URL of the temp reording file
    • var timer: Timer! //timer to fire a function after an interval
    • var isStarted = false // variable to check if audio recorder already started
  • In `viewDidLoad` initialize the wrapper and set sensitivity and audio gain. Recognition best happens when sensitivity is set to `0.5` and audio gain is set to `1.0` according to the docs.
override func viewDidLoad() {
    wrapper = SnowboyWrapper(resources: RESOURCE, modelStr: MODEL)
  • Create an `IBAction` for the button to start recognition. This action will be used to start or stop the recording in which the action toggles based on the `isStarted` variable. When true, recording is stopped and the timer invalidated else a timer is started which calls the `startRecording` method with an interval of 4 seconds.
@IBAction func onClickBtn(_ sender: Any) {
  if (isStarted) {
    btn.setTitle("Start", for: .normal)
    isStarted = false
  } else {
    timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 4, target: self, 
    selector: #selector(startRecording), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
    btn.setTitle("Stop", for: .normal)
    isStarted = true
  • Next, we add the start and stop recording methods.
    • First, a temp file is created which stores the recorded audio output
    • After which, necessary record configurations are made such as setting the sampling rate.
    • The recording is then started and the output stored in the temp file.
func startRecording() {
  do {
    let fileMgr = FileManager.default
    let dirPaths = fileMgr.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
    soundFileURL = dirPaths[0].appendingPathComponent("temp.wav")
    let recordSettings = [AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: 
    AVEncoderBitRateKey: 128000,
    AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 1,
    AVSampleRateKey: 16000.0] as [String : Any]
    let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
    try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
    try audioRecorder = AVAudioRecorder(url: soundFileURL,
settings: recordSettings as [String : AnyObject])
    audioRecorder.delegate = self
    audioRecorder.record(forDuration: 2.0)
    instructionLabel.text = "Speak wake word: \(WAKE_WORD)"print("Started recording...")
  } catch let error {
    print("Audio session error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
  • The stop recording method, stops the audioRecorder instance and updates the instruction label to show the same.
func stopRecording() {
  if (audioRecorder != nil && audioRecorder.isRecording) {
  instructionLabel.text = "Stop"
  print("Stopped recording...")

The final recognition is done in the `audioRecorderDidFinishRecording` delegate method which runs the snowboy detection function which processes the audio recording in the temp file by creating a buffer and storing the audio in it and giving the wrapper this buffer as input which processes the buffer and returning a `1` is hotword was successfully detected.

func runSnowboy() {
  let file = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: soundFileURL)
  let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, 
  sampleRate: 16000.0, channels: 1, interleaved: false)
  let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(file.length))
  try! buffer)
  let array = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: 
  buffer.floatChannelData![0], count:Int(buffer.frameLength)))
  // print output
  let result = wrapper.runDetection(array, length: Int32(buffer.frameLength))
  print("Result: \(result)")

To test this out, click the start button and speak different words and you will notice that once the Hot Word is spoken, log with `result: 1` is printed out.

The snowboy hotword recognition also offers to train the personalized model with the help of Rest Apis for which the docs can be found here. The complete project implementation can be found here.


Continue ReadingHotword Recognition in SUSI iOS