Sending Email using Sendgrid API


One of the important features while creating server side code for some website/ web application is sending emails. But how do we send emails. There are different ways and packages using which you can setup SMTP ports and send emails. So why specifically sendgrid? Because along with SMTP relay, sendgrid also allows you to send emails using its Web API which makes work much easier. Here, we will discuss about using Web API.

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Promises, REST API’s & Angular JS


Before breaking it down, to all those who don’t know what REST API’s are :

“REST is acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. It is architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems ans was first presented by Roy Fielding in 2000 in his famous dissertation.”

Source : “”

So what is a Promise ?

Generally promises are representation of a value that which might not be available to us as of now but at some point eventually it will be available. Observe the below image to understand how promises work.


So how is this better than callbacks ?

Generally if you are using callbacks in your codebase then at some point of time either for i/o’s or file buffers or something might come in your way and makes you write nested callbacks. Writing nested callbacks is difficult and an alternative to that is promise.


REST API’s, promises what are you about to explain ?

Angular has this beautiful service called $q which is helpful for creating promises and using them in your angular applications. Generally many people have concerns over $q but $q is tightly integrated with the scope life cycle. So be it any task it contains all the necessary features needed by most of the heavy duty asynchronous tasks.

Now to start off angular can be really powerfull with the $http Service provided the fact that it has immense potential in allowing us to create heavy duty REST ful API’s, CRUD operation based web applications etc. So let us understand the $http service first before using promises for creating a REST ful API.

|_____ .success()
For a success(), callback is called asynchronously when the request completes and the response arrives from the server
|_____ .error()
For an error(), the error callback is fired

Callbacks which are accpeted by above methods are :

  • data: It is a response obtained from server.
  • status: HTTP status codes 100x, 200x, 300x, 400x, etc which returned from server.
  • config: Object used for generating the request.
  • headers: Headers sent by the server.
  • statusText: HTTP status text of the status code.

Promise Chaining

Chaining is one of the most important aspects of promises. Here the basic idea is that promises can be composed through chaining. This means you can trigger a specified task only after previous promise has been resolved.

Handling errors by designing a promise that always rejects

No API is complete without writing a handler or a middleware that takes care of all the requests which are generally errored. Designing this will be useful if we want to tell a user about the occurrence of an error in terms of a promise rather than a simple value.


NOTE : Generally while using $http Service there are somethings which one should have knowledge of, If we happen to send a JS object as POST data in a POST/PUT request, it’s serialized to JSON before getting sent. Similarly, if the server responds with a JSON string it’s parsed into a JavaScript object and passed to the success callback attached to the promise.

Thats it folks,
Happy Hacking !!

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Join the FOSSASIA Community Network

The project is an initiative to bring the Asian Free and Open Source Software and OpenTech community together and foster cooperation. We make it easy to find communities and projects on a map with links to the websites, social media channels, and automatically updated info from community blogs.

Communities store their information decentrally anywhere on the web – on their server, a blog, or git service. collects information through a stardardized API file on the web. You can generate the API file with the FOSSASIA API generator on our website. Then you add your community to the FOSSASIA network website. Simply add the link of your API file to our list of communities on github.


How does it work?
You need to provide a file for our API and add the file to our communities repository. Then fill in the link to your API on our directory on github. That is it!

Where can I store my file?
We prefer that you store your file in our github repository of communities: It is also possible to store it anywhere on the web, where it is publicly available, e.g. in a blog or CMS page as an attachment. However the github repo is the preferred method currently.

How about updating my file?
If you need to update your links, just upload a new file in the same location.

How do I start?
To make it easier, we created a FOSSASIA API Generator, where you can simply fill in your data here: When you are finished copy the info from the form on the top right into an empty file or use the download button.

How do I find Geolocation data of my community?
You can find this data from OpenStreetmap. OpenStreetmap shows maps using a URL of the form:[Zoom Level]/[Latitude]/[Longitude] So go to and zoom to the area of your community. For example, if you are zoom into Mumbai, you will get the URL Then 19.0715 will be the latitude and 72.9499 the longitude.

What is an API?
In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API expresses a software component in terms of its operations, inputs, outputs, and underlying types. An API defines functionalities that are independent of their respective implementations (e.g. It does not matter what CMS is used), which allows definitions and implementations to vary without compromising each other. Compare:


* Website

* Map

* FOSSASIA Community Network Tweets

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