Adding Manual ISO Controls in Phimpme Android

The Phimpme Android application comes with a well-featured camera to take high resolution photographs. It features an auto mode in the camera as well as a manual mode for users who likes to customise the camera experience according to their own liking. It provides the users to select from the range of ISO values supported by their devices with a manual mode to enhance the images in case the auto mode fails on certain circumstances such as low lighting conditions.

In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we achieved this in Phimpme Android with some code snippets and screenshots.

To provide the users with an option to select from the range of ISO values, the first thing we need to do is scan the phone for all the supported values of ISO and store it in an arraylist to be used to display later on. This can be done by the snippet provided below:

String iso_values = parameters.get("iso-values");
if( iso_values == null ) {
 iso_values = parameters.get("iso-mode-values"); // Galaxy Nexus
 if( iso_values == null ) {
    iso_values = parameters.get("iso-speed-values"); // Micromax A101
    if( iso_values == null )
       iso_values = parameters.get("nv-picture-iso-values"); // LG dual P990

Every device supports a different set of keyword to provide the list of ISO values. Hence, we have tried to add every possible keywords to extract the values. Some of the keywords used above covers almost 90% of the android devices and gets the set of ISO values successfully.

For the devices which supports the ISO values but doesn’t provide the keyword to extract the ISO values, we can provide the standard list of ISO values manually using the code snippet provided below:


After extracting the set of ISO values, we need to create a list to display to the user and upon selection of the particular ISO value as depicted in the Phimpme camera screenshot below

Now to set the selected ISO value, we first need to get the ISO key to set the ISO values as depicted in the code snippet provided below:

if( parameters.get(iso_key) == null ) {
 iso_key = "iso-speed"; // Micromax A101
 if( parameters.get(iso_key) == null ) {
    iso_key = "nv-picture-iso"; // LG dual P990
    if( parameters.get(iso_key) == null ) {
       if ( Build.MODEL.contains("Z00") )
          iso_key = "iso"; // Asus Zenfone 2 Z00A and Z008

Getting the key to set the ISO values is similar to getting the key to extract the ISO values from the device. The above listed ISO keys to set the values covers most of the devices.

Now after we have got the ISO key, we need to change the camera parameter to reflect the selected change.

parameters.set(iso_key, supported_values.selected_value);

To get the full source code on how to set the ISO values manually, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Stackoverflow – Keywords to extract ISO values from the device:
  2. Open camera Android source code:
  3. Blog – Learn more about ISO values in photography:
Continue ReadingAdding Manual ISO Controls in Phimpme Android

Handling High Resolution Images in Phimpme Android

In Android, loading heavy and high resolution images is a difficult task. For instance, if we try to load a photo clicked at a resolution four times that of the screen and try to load it in an imageview, it may result in an app’s crash due to the OutOFMemory exception. It happens because at the run time of our application some limited memory is allocated to our application and if we exceed that by loading a high quality images. To make a perfect gallery application, one must take care of all the possible causes for application crashes. In Phimpme Android, we have done this with the help of Glide library with some other tweaks to help catch all possible causes for the OutOfMemory exceptions. In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we have displayed heavy images with the help of Glide library and other tweaks to avoid the above mentioned exception.

Step 1:

To avoid the OutOFMemory exception, first we have to add the below line of code in the AndroidManifest.xml file.


What this piece of code does is that it increases the amount of heap memory that is allocated at the time of run time of the application. Hence, more heap memory, less chance of running out of memory.

Step 2:

To load the images into the image view we can make use of the Glide library as it is the most recommended way to do it according to the Google’s  Android developer page to cache bitmaps. The below code helps us to load the image in the imageView using a pager adapter.

          .signature(useCache ? img.getSignature(): new StringSignature(new Date().getTime()+""))
          .transform(new RotateTransformation(getContext(), img.getOrientation(), false))
          .into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>() {
              public void onResourceReady(Bitmap bitmap, GlideAnimation<? super Bitmap> glideAnimation) {

This is the way we have done it in the Phimpme Android application using the Glide library. We are loading the image as a bitmap and by preferring the bitmap RGB565 as it consumes 50% less memory than the RGB8888 model which may be the type of the original image. Of course the image quality will seem bit less but it is not noticeable until we zoom in to full extent.

The next thing we are doing is caching the image in the memory using the below line of code using Glide library.


As caching images offers faster access to the images. It also helps in avoiding the OutOfMemory crashes when we are using a large list of images. Link to cache images without using the Glide library is mentioned in the resources section below. After this, we are loading the image in the PhotoView which is a module we are using in the Phimpme Android application, which extends to the imageView and comes with many zooming images functionalities.

This is how we have implemented the loading of images in the gallery view in Phimpme Android application so that it can handle resolution of any sizes without running out of memory. To get the full source code on how to load high resolution images, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Introduction to glide image loader:
  2. Google developer guide to cache bitmaps without using glide library :
  3. Google developer guide to OutOfMemory Exceptions:
  4. LeafPic GitHub repository:
Continue ReadingHandling High Resolution Images in Phimpme Android

Adding JSONAPI Support in Open Event Android App

The Open Event API Server exposes a well documented JSONAPI compliant REST API that can be used in The Open Even App Generator and Frontend to access and manipulate data. So it is also needed to add support of JSONAPI in external services like The Open Even App Generator and Frontend. In this post I explain how to add JSONAPI support in Android.

There are many client libraries to implement JSONAPI support in Android or Java like moshi-jsonapi, morpheus etc. You can find the list here. The main problem is most of the libraries require to inherit attributes from Resource model but in the Open Event Android App we already inherit from a RealmObject class and in Java we can’t inherit from more than one model or class. So we will be using the jsonapi-converter library which uses annotation processing to add JSONAPI support.

1. Add dependency

In order to use jsonapi-converter in your app add following dependencies in your app module’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.jasminb:jsonapi-converter:0.7'

2.  Write model class

Models will be used to represent requests and responses. To support JSONAPI we need to take care of followings when writing the models.

  • Each model class must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Type annotation
  • Each class must contain a String attribute annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Id annotation
  • All relationships must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Relationship annotation

In the Open Event Android we have so many models like event, session, track, microlocation, speaker etc. Here I am only defining track model because of its simplicity and less complexity.

public class Track extends RealmObject {

        	private int id;
        	private String name;
        	private String description;
        	private String color;
        	private String fontColor;
        	private RealmList<Session> sessions;

        	//getters and setters

Jsonapi-converter uses Jackson for data parsing. To know how to use Jackson for parsing follow my previous blog.

Type annotation is used to instruct the serialization/deserialization library on how to process given model class. Each resource must have the id attribute. Id annotation is used to flag an attribute of a class as an id attribute. In above class the id attribute is int so we need to specify IntegerIdHandler class which is ResourceHandler in the annotation. Relationship annotation is used to designate other resource types as a relationship. The value in the Relationship annotation should be as per JSONAPI specification of the server. In the Open Event Project each track has the sessions so we need to add a Relationship annotation for it.

3.  Setup API service and retrofit

After defining models, define API service interface as you would usually do with standard JSON APIs.

public interface OpenEventAPI {
    Call<List<Track>> getTracks();

Now create an ObjectMapper & a retrofit object and initialize them.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = OpenEventApp.getObjectMapper();
Class[] classes = {Track.class, Session.class};

OpenEventAPI openEventAPI = new Retrofit.Builder()
                    .addConverterFactory(new JSONAPIConverterFactory(objectMapper, classes))


The classes array instance contains a list of all the model classes which will be supported by this retrofit builder and API service. Here the main task is to add a JSONAPIConverterFactory which will be used to serialize and deserialize data according to JSONAPI specification. The JSONAPIConverterFactory constructor takes two parameters ObjectMapper and list of classes.

4.  Use API service  

Now after setting up all the things according to above steps, you can use the openEventAPI instance to fetch data from the server.



JSON API is designed to minimize both the number of requests and the amount of data transmitted between clients and servers

Continue ReadingAdding JSONAPI Support in Open Event Android App

Shifting from Java to Kotlin in SUSI Android

SUSI Android ( is written in Java. After the announcement of Google to officially support Kotlin as a first class language for Android development we decided to shift to Kotlin as it is more robust and code friendly than Java.

Advantages of Kotlin over Java

  1. Kotlin is a null safe language. It changes all the instances used in the code to non nullable type thus it ensures that the developer don’t get any nullPointerException.
  2. Kotlin provides the way to declare Extensive function similar to that of C#. We can use this function in the same way as we use the member functions of our class.
  3. Kotlin also provides support for Lambda function and other high order functions.

For more details refer to this link.

After seeing the above points it is now clear that Kotlin is much more effective than Java and there is harm in switching the code from Java to Kotlin. Lets now see the implementation in Susi Android.

Implementation in Susi Android

In the Susi Android App we are implementing the MVP design with Kotlin. We are converting the code by one activity each time from java to Kotlin. The advantage here with Kotlin is that it is totally compatible with java at any time. Thus allowing the developer to change the code bit by bit instead of all at once.Let’s now look at SignUp Activity implementation in Susi Android.

The SignUpView interface contains all the function related to the view.

interface ISignUpView {

  fun alertSuccess()

  fun alertFailure()

  fun alertError(message: String)

  fun setErrorEmail()

  fun setErrorPass()

  fun setErrorConpass(msg: String)

  fun setErrorUrl()

  fun enableSignUp(bool: Boolean)

  fun clearField()

  fun showProgress()

  fun hideProgress()

  fun passwordInvalid()

  fun emptyEmailError()

  fun emptyPasswordError()

  fun emptyConPassError()


The SignUpActivity implements the view interface in the following way. The view is responsible for all the interaction of user with the UI elements of the app. It does not contain any business logic related to the app.

class SignUpActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ISignUpView {

  var signUpPresenter: ISignUpPresenter? = null

  var progressDialog: ProgressDialog? = null

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {





      progressDialog = ProgressDialog(this@SignUpActivity)



      signUpPresenter = SignUpPresenter()



  fun addListeners() {





  override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {

      if (item.itemId == {


          return true


      return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)


Now we will see the implementation of models in Susi Android in Kotlin and compare it with Java.

Lets First see the implementation in Java

public class WebSearchModel extends RealmObject {

  private String url;

  private String headline;

  private String body;

  private String imageURL;

  public WebSearchModel() {


  public WebSearchModel(String url, String headline, String body, String imageUrl) {

      this.url = url;

      this.headline = headline;

      this.body = body;

      this.imageURL = imageUrl;


  public void setUrl(String url) {

      this.url = url;


  public void setHeadline(String headline) {

      this.headline = headline;


  public void setBody(String body) {

      this.body = body;


  public void setImageURL(String imageURL) {

      this.imageURL = imageURL;


  public String getUrl() {

      return url;


  public String getHeadline() {

      return headline;


  public String getBody() {

      return body;


  public String getImageURL() {

      return imageURL;


open class WebSearchModel : RealmObject {

  var url: String? = null

  var headline: String? = null

  var body: String? = null

  var imageURL: String? = null

  constructor() {}

  constructor(url: String, headline: String, body: String, imageUrl: String) {

      this.url = url

      this.headline = headline

      this.body = body

      this.imageURL = imageUrl



You can yourself see the difference and how easily with the help of Kotlin we can reduce the code drastically.

For diving more into the code, we can refer to the GitHub repo of Susi Android (


Continue ReadingShifting from Java to Kotlin in SUSI Android

Implementing Toolbar(ActionBar) in SUSI Android

SUSI is an artificial intelligence for interactive chat bots. The SUSI Android app ( has a toolbar, that allows different user preferences right up in the menu option. These include functionalities such as search, login, logout and rating the app. The material design toolbar provides a clean and efficient way to do these functions. We will see how we implemented this in the SUSI Android app.

To implement ActionBar in the Android app we will start with adding the dependency below to the gradle file.

compile `` 

For more information regarding setting up ActionBar in your own project please refer to this link.

Now we will add the Toolbar in our XML file as shown below.

< xmlns:app=""












      app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_susi_white" />


On Adding the above code we can see the preview of the Toolbar which appears like this.


Now we will see how to implement the menu options. In the menu_main.xml we can add options to be shown in the toolbar.

<menu xmlns:android=""










      app:showAsAction="always" />




      android:title="Search Down"






      android:title="Search Up"







      app:showAsAction="never" />





      app:showAsAction="never" />





      app:showAsAction="never" />

We can define different items in the ActionBar as shown above. Also, we have the option by which we can set the visibility of the items. If the visibility of the item is false, then it will be shown in the overflow menu like this.

Now we will see how we can add functionalities to the options present in the menu ActionBar. To add the listeners to the options we have to override the function onCreateOptionsMenu and there we can add the logic for different options as shown below.


  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { = menu;

      getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

      if(PrefManager.getBoolean(Constant.ANONYMOUS_LOGGED_IN, false)) {



      } else if(!(PrefManager.getBoolean(Constant.ANONYMOUS_LOGGED_IN, false))) {




      searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(menu.findItem(;

      final EditText editText = (EditText)searchView.findViewById(;

      searchView.setOnSearchClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


          public void onClick(View view) {





              isEnabled = false;




For diving more into the code, we can refer to the GitHub repo of Susi Android (


Continue ReadingImplementing Toolbar(ActionBar) in SUSI Android

Implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

In this blog post, we’ll be learning about how to implement Text to speech. Now you may be wondering that what is so difficult in implementing text to speech. One can easily find many tutorials on that and can easily look at the official documentation of TTS but there’s a catch here. In this blog post I’ll be telling about how to implement Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection.

Let me give you a rough idea about how hotword detection works in SUSI Android App. For more details, read my other blog here on Hotword Detection. So, there is a constantly running background recording thread which detects when hotword is detected. Now, you may be thinking why do we need to stop that thread for text to speech. Well there are 2 reasons to do that:

  1. Recording while playing causing problems with mic and may crash the app.
  2. Suppose we even implement that but what will happen if the answer contains word “susi” in it. Now, the hotword will be detected because the speech output contained word “susi” in it (which is our hotword).

So, to avoid these problems we had to come up a way to stop hotword detection only for that particular time when SUSI is giving speech output and resume it back immediately when speech output is finished.

Let’s see how we did that.


Check out this video to see how this work in the app

Initiating the TTS engine

The first task is to initiate the Text to speech engine. This process takes some time. So, it is done in the starting of app in a new handler.

new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
       textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
           public void onInit(int status) {
               if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {
                   Locale locale = textToSpeech.getLanguage();

Check Audio Focus

The next step is to check whether audio focus is granted. Suppose there is some music playing in the background, in that case we won’t be able to give voice output. So, we check audio focus using below code.

final AudioManager audiofocus = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
 int result = audiofocus.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {

Using OnAudioFocusChangeListener, we keep a track of when we have access to give speech output and when we don’t.

private AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener =
       new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
           public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
               if (focusChange == AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) {
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
                   // Resume playback
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {

Converting the given text to speech

Now we have audio focus, we just have to convert given text to speech. Use method textToSpeech.speak().

private void voiceReply(final String reply) {
       Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
           public void run() {
                   textToSpeech.speak(spokenReply, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, ttsParams);                  

Abandon Audio Focus

Now we are done with speech output, it’s time we abandon audio focus.


TTS alongside Hotword Detection

Okay so now the major part. How do we check when to stop hotword detection thread and when to resume it? How do we check if Speech output is finished?

Answer to these questions is textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener. The UtteranceProgressListener overrides 3 methods:

  1. onStart: Indicates starting of text to speech conversion. Which means it’s time to stop hotword detection thread.
  2. onDone: Called when every word of the provided text is converted to speech. So, simply resume hotword detection
  3. onError: Called when there is an error and text is not converted to speech. Anyway, we need to resume hotword detection here too.
textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceProgressListener() {
                       public void onStart(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
                               isDetectionOn = false;

                       public void onDone(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                       public void onError(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                   HashMap<String,String> ttsParams = new HashMap<String, String>();


So, the main thing required for implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword detection is a way to control stopping and resuming hotword detection when Text to speech is in process. For that we used UtteranceProgressListener of TextToSpeech class which makes it so easier to do the task we required. You may follow this same approach as well or if you have a better approach, open an issue here.


  1. Official Documentation of TextToSpeech
  2. Documentation of UtteranceProgressListener
  3. Blog link to Hotword Detection
Continue ReadingImplementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

Using Picasso to Show Images in SUSI Android

Important skills of SUSI.AI are to display web search queries, maps of any location and provide a list of relevant information of a topic. This blog post will cover why Glide is replaced by Picasso to show images related to these action types and how it is implemented in SUSI AndroidPicasso is a powerful image downloading and caching open source library developed by Square.

Why Glide is replaced by Picasso to show images in SUSI Android?

Previously we used Glide library to show preview in SUSI Android but we replace it because it was creating an error continuously.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You cannot start a load for a destroyed activity at com.bumptech.glide.manager.RequestManagerRetriever  at Com.bumptech.glide.manager.RequestManagerRetriever.get( at com.bumptech.glide.manager.RequestManagerRetriever.get( com.bumptech.glide.Glide.with(

Reason for this error is when activity destroyed and again recreated the context used by glide is old one and  that activity already destroyed .


One solution of this error is to use context.getApplicationContext()  but it is a bad idea. Another solution is to replace glide by picasso and later one is good because picasso is also a very good image downloading and caching library.

To use Picasso in your project you have to add dependency in build.gradle(Module) file.

dependencies {
  compile “com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.4.0”

How Picasso is used in different actiontype


“actions”: [
       “type”: “map”,
       “latitude”: “1.2896698812440377”,
       “longitude”: “103.85006683126556”,
       “zoom”: “13”

Link we used to retrieve image url is,longitude& zoom=zoom&size=lengthXbreadth

Picasso will load image from this url and show image in the imageview. Here mapImage is the imageview in which map image is shown.

                       .into(mapImage, new  com.squareup.picasso.Callback() {    
                           public void onSuccess() {
                           public void onError() {
                               Log.d(“Error”, “map image can’t loaded”);


When we query like “Search for fog” we get ‘query’ in reply from server

“query”: “fog”

Now we use this query to retrieve image url which we used in Picasso to show images.Picasso load this image into previewImageView imageview. Image url is retrieved using  DuckDuckGo api. We are using url

It gives a json response which contains image url

      .into(holder.previewImageView, new  com.squareup.picasso.Callback() {
                   public void onSuccess() {
                         Log.d(“Sucess”,“image loaded successfully”);
                   public void onError() {

Here also com.squareup.picasso.Callback is use to find that image is loaded successfully or not.


When we query any like “dhoni” we get ‘link’ in reply from server

“title”: “Dhoni”,

“description”: “”,
“link”: “”

We use this link in android-link-preview library to retrieve relevant image url and then Picasso use this url to load image into imageview previewImageView.



Continue ReadingUsing Picasso to Show Images in SUSI Android

Search Functionalities in SUSI Android App Using Android SearchView Widget

Searching is a common feature that is required in most applications. But the problem in implementing searching functionality is that there is no common way to do that. People fight over whose way is best to implement search functionality. In this blog post we’ll be looking at how search functionality works in SUSI Android App and how is it implemented. We have used Android’s SearchView widget to do that. There are many other ways to do so but this one is best suited for our requirements. Let’s see how it works.

UI Components used for Searching

1. Search icon (magnifying glass icon)

In the action bar, you can see a small icon. Clicking on the icon initiates search.

2. Edit text

An Obvious requirement is an edit test to enter search query.

3. Up and Down arrow keys

Required to search through the whole app. Simply use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through the app and find out each occurrence of the word you want to search.








4. Cross Button

Last but not the least, a close or cross button to close the search action.


We have used Android’s inbuilt Widget SearchView. According to official android documentation

A widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider. Shows a list of query suggestions or results, if available, and allows the user to pick a suggestion or result to launch into.

This widget makes searching a lot easier. It provides all methods and listeners which are actually required for searching. Let’s cover them one by one.

  1. Starting the search: searchView.setOnSearchClickListener Listener simply activates when a user clicks on search icon in the toolbar. Do all your work which needs to be done at the starting of the search like, hiding some other UI elements of doing an animation inside the listener
  1. Stop the Search: searchView.setOnCloseListener Listener gets activated when a user clicks on the cross icon to close the search. Add all the code snippet you want which is needed to be executed when the search is closed inside this like maybe notify the adapter about data set changes or closing the database etc.
  1.  Searching a query:  searchView.setOnQueryTextListener Listener overrides 2 methods:

3.1 onQueryTextSubmit: As the name suggests, this method is called when the query to be searched is submitted.

3.2 onQueryTextChange: This method is called when query you are writing changes.

We, basically wanted same thing to happen if user has submitted the query or if he is still typing and that is to take the query at that particular moment, find it in database and highlight it. So, chatPresenter.onSearchQuerySearched(query) this method is called in both onQueryTextSubmit and onQueryTextSubmit  to do that.

 searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
      override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String): Boolean {
           //Handle Search Query
           recyclerAdapter.query = query
           return false

       override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String): Boolean {
           if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) {
               recyclerAdapter.highlightMessagePosition = -1
               if (!editText.isFocused) {
           } else {
               recyclerAdapter.query = newText
           return false
   return true
  1. Finding query in database: Now we have a query to be searched, we can just use a database operation to do that. The below code snippet finds all the messages which has the query present in it and work on it. If the query is not found, it simply displays a toast saying “Not found”
override fun onSearchQuerySearched(query: String) {
   results = databaseRepository.getSearchResults(query)
   offset = 1
   if (results.size > 0) {
       chatView?.searchMovement(results[results.size - offset].id.toInt())
   } else {

This is the database operation.

override fun getSearchResults(query: String): RealmResults<ChatMessage> {
   return realm.where(,
           query, Case.INSENSITIVE).findAll()

  1. Highlighting the part of message: Now, we know which message has the query, we just want to highlight it with a bright color to display the result. For that, we used SpannableString to highlight a part of complete string.
String text = chatTextView.getText().toString();
SpannableString modify = new SpannableString(text);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(query, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(modify);
while (matcher.find()) {
   int startIndex = matcher.start();
   int endIndex = matcher.end();
   modify.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor("#ffff00")), startIndex, endIndex, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


The whole point of this blog post was to educate about SearchView widget of android and how it makes it easy to search queries. All the methods you need are already implemented. You just need to call them and add database operation.


  1. The link to official android documentation explaining about different methods in SearchView Class
  2. Another tutorial about SearchView
Continue ReadingSearch Functionalities in SUSI Android App Using Android SearchView Widget

Sorting Photos in Phimpme Android

The Phimpme Android application features a fully fledged gallery interface with an option to switch to all photos mode, albums mode and to sort photos according to various sort actions. Sorting photos via various options helps the user to get to the desired photo immediately without having to scroll down till the end in case it is the last photo in the list generated automatically by scanning the phone for images using the Android’s mediaStore class. In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we achieved the sorting option in the Phimpme application with the help of some code snippets.

To sort the all photos list, first of all we need a list of all the photos by scanning the phone using the media scanner class via the code snippet provided below:

uri = android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
      String[] projection = {MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA};
      cursor = activity.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);

In the above code we are using a cursor to point to each photos and then we are extracting the path of the images and storing it in a list using a while loop. After we generate the list of path of all the images, we have to convert the into a list of media using the file path using the code below:

for (String path : listOfAllImages) {
          list.add(new Media(new File(path)));
      return list;

After generating the list of all images we can sort the photos using the Android’s collection class. In Phimpme Android we provide the option to sort photos in different categories namely:

  1. Name Sort action
  2. Date Sort action
  3. Size Sort action
  4. Numeric Sort action

As sorting is somewhat heavy task so doing this in the main thread will result in freezing UI of the application so we have to put this into an AsyncTask with a progress dialog to sort the photos. After putting the above four options in the menu options. We can define an Asynctask to load the images and in the onPreExecute method of the AsyncTask, we are displaying the progress dialog to the user to depict that the sorting process is going on as depicted in the code snippet below

AlertDialog.Builder progressDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(LFMainActivity.this, getDialogStyle());
dialog = AlertDialogsHelper.getProgressDialog(LFMainActivity.this, progressDialog,
      getString(R.string.loading_numeric), all_photos ? getString(R.string.loading_numeric_all) : getAlbum().getName());;

In the doInBackgroundMethod of the AsyncTask, we are sorting the list of all photos using the Android’s collection class and using the static sort method defined in that class which takes the list of all the media files as a parameter and the MediaComparator which takes the sorting mode as the first parameter and the sorting order as the second. The sorting order decides whether to arrange the list in ascending or in descending order.

getAlbum().setDefaultSortingMode(getApplicationContext(), NUMERIC);
Collections.sort(listAll, MediaComparators.getComparator(getAlbum().settings.getSortingMode(), getAlbum().settings.getSortingOrder()));

After sorting, we have to update the data set to reflect the changes of the list in the UI. This we are doing in the onPostExecute method of the AsyncTask after dismissing the progress Dialog to avoid the window leaks in the application. You can read more about the window leaks in Android due to progressdialog here.


To get the full source code, you can refer the Phimpme Android repository listed in the resources below.


  1. Android developer guide to mediastore class:
  2. GitHub LeafPic repository:
  3. Stackoverflow – Preventing window leaks in Android:
  4. Blog – Sorting lists in Android:
Continue ReadingSorting Photos in Phimpme Android

Integrating Stock Sensors with PSLab Android App

A sensor is a digital device (almost all the time an integrated circuit) which can receive data from outer environment and produce an electric signal proportional to that. This signal will be then processed by a microcontroller or a processor to provide useful functionalities. A mobile device running Android operating system usually has a few sensors built into it. The main purpose of these sensors is to provide user with better experience such as rotating the screen as he moves the device or turn off the screen when he is making a call to prevent unwanted screen touch events. PSLab Android application is capable of processing inputs received by different sensors plugged into it using the PSLab device and produce useful results. Developers are currently planning on integrating the stock sensors with the PSLab device so that the application can be used without the PSLab device.

This blog is about how to initiate a stock sensor available in the Android device and get readings from it. Sensor API provided by Google developers is really helpful in achieving this task. The process is consist of several steps. It is also important to note the fact that there are devices that support only a few sensors while some devices will support a lot of sensors. There are few basic sensors that are available in every device such as

  • “Accelerometer” – Measures acceleration along X, Y and Z axis
  • “Gyroscope” – Measures device rotation along X, Y and Z axis
  • “Light Sensor” – Measures illumination in Lux
  • “Proximity Sensor” – Measures distance to an obstacle from sensor

The implementing steps are as follows;

  1. Check availability of sensors

First step is to invoke the SensorManager from Android system services. This class has a method to list all the available sensors in the device.

SensorManager sensorManager;
sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
List<Sensor> sensors = sensorManager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL);

Once the list is populated, we can iterate through this to find out if the required sensors are available and obstruct displaying activities related to sensors that are not supported by the device.

for (Sensor sensor : sensors) {
   switch (sensor.getType()) {
       case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER:
       case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE:

  1. Read data from sensors

To read data sent from the sensor, one should implement the SensorEventListener interface. Under this interface, there are two method needs to be overridden.

public class StockSensors extends AppCompatActivity implements SensorEventListener {

    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {


    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int i) {


Out of these two methods, onSensorChanged() method should be addressed. This method provides a parameter SensorEvent which supports a method call getType() which returns an integer value representing the type of sensor produced the event.

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {
   switch (sensorEvent.sensor.getType()) {
       case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER:
       case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE:

Each available sensor should be registered under the SensorEventListener to make them available in onSensorChanged() method. The following code block illustrates how to modify the previous code to register each sensor easily with the listener.

for (Sensor sensor : sensors) {
   switch (sensor.getType()) {
       case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER:
           sensorManager.registerListener(this, sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);
       case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE:
           sensorManager.registerListener(this, sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);

Depending on the readings we can provide user with numerical data or graphical data using graphs plotted using MPAndroidChart in PSLab Android application.

The following images illustrate how a similar implementation is available in Science Journal application developed by Google.


Continue ReadingIntegrating Stock Sensors with PSLab Android App