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Open Event Server: Forming jsonapi Compatible Error Responses In flask-rest-jsonapi Decorators

From the jsonapi documentation:

Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON API document.

To return jsonapi compatible error objects in flask-rest-jsonapi, one must raise an exception and an appropriate error message will be shown depending on the type of exception specified.

Following is an example of how to raise a jsonapi compatible error

           except NoResultFound:
               raise ObjectNotFound({'parameter': 'id'}, "Person: {} not found".format(view_kwargs['id']))


But the above method of raising an exception fails when working with decorators in flask-rest-jsonapi. Taking inspiration from the JsonApiException class of flask-rest-jsonapi itself, we’ll be building a custom class which can formulate jsonapi compatible error message and we can just simply return them by using make_response from flask.

In our basic class definition, we’ll define a default title and status code in case none of them is provided by the user. The default status code will be 500. Following is the code for the same:

class ErrorResponse:
   Parent ErrorResponse class for handling json-api compliant errors.
   Inspired by the JsonApiException class of `flask-rest-jsonapi` itself
   title = 'Unknown error'
   status = 500
   headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json'}

We will be accepting the following four parameters for the initialization of an object of the said class:

  • source: the source of the error in the request document
  • detail: Any details about the error
  • title: Title for the error
  • Status: HTTP status for the error

Following is the initialisation function for the same:

def __init__(self, source, detail, title=None, status=None):
       """Initialize a jsonapi ErrorResponse Object

       :param dict source: the source of the error
       :param str detail: the detail of the error
       self.source = source
       self.detail = detail
       if title is not None:
           self.title = title
       if status is not None:
           self.status = status


We’ll be using the jsonapi_errors module to format all of these parameters into jsonapi error objects:

  def respond(self):
       :return: a jsonapi compliant response object
       dict_ = self.to_dict()
       return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([dict_])), self.status, self.headers)


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Full Stack Developer at Fossasia | Interested in software design and architecture | An Avid Potterhead <3

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