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Modifying Tickets API in Open Event Server to Return Hidden Tickets Only for Organizers and Admins

This blog article will illustrate how we can modify the permissions settings for an API to enable different kind of responses to users with different level of permissions. In this article we will discuss these changes with respect to Tickets API.

Initially we had a query where we were returning only those tickets who were set to be visible by the admin. Query for this was:

class TicketList(ResourceList):
   List Tickets based on different params
   def before_get(self, args, view_kwargs):
       before get method to get the resource id for assigning schema
       :param args:
       :param view_kwargs:
       if view_kwargs.get('ticket_tag_id') or view_kwargs.get('access_code_id') or         view_kwargs.get('order_identifier'):
           self.schema = TicketSchemaPublic

   def query(self, view_kwargs):
       query method for resource list
       :param view_kwargs:

       query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)


Problem with this query was that this returned same response irrespective of who is logged in. Hence even the organizers were not able to modify hidden tickets because they were not returned by server.

Solution to this problem was to provide hidden tickets only to those who are organizer or are admin/super admins. For this we used the JWT token that was being sent from frontend in request headers for each authenticated request that was being made from frontend.

We modified the code to something like this:

class TicketList(ResourceList):
   List Tickets based on different params
   def before_get(self, args, view_kwargs):
       before get method to get the resource id for assigning schema
       :param args:
       :param view_kwargs:
       if view_kwargs.get('ticket_tag_id') or view_kwargs.get('access_code_id') or view_kwargs.get('order_identifier'):
           self.schema = TicketSchemaPublic

   def query(self, view_kwargs):
       query method for resource list
       :param view_kwargs:

       if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
           if current_user.is_super_admin or current_user.is_admin:
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket)
           elif view_kwargs.get('event_id') and has_access('is_organizer', event_id=view_kwargs['event_id']):
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket)
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)
           query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)


Here we added some conditions which were used to check permission level of logged in user. After picking JWT token from request headers we check if the user was admin or super_admin, then we return all the tickets without any condition. Then we also check if the logged in user was organizer of event then also we send all the tickets without any conditions.

However if request comes from unauthenticated users (without valid token) or users with normal privileges, then we returned tickets whose isHidden property was set to False. The functions such as is_organizer and is_super_admin acted as helpers as they were imported from other helper files where they were defined.


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