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Implementing Undo Operation in Phimpme Android application

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the images available including renaming an image, sharing images, deleting images from the storage etc. However, there might occur a scenario where the user accidentally or in a rush performs some action and would want to undo it the very next second, so in such cases the undo action feature comes in pretty handy. So in this blog post, I will be discussing the undo operation option implemented for the delete image feature in Phimpme Android app.

Step 1

Firstly, we need to add an “Undo” action button in the Snackbar that displays the success operation message. With this addition, the user would have time to undo an operation until the snackbar message is being displayed on the screen. The undo action button can be added to the Snackbar by the use of the setAction method of the Snackbar class. The code snippets used to implement the button is provided below

Snackbar snackbar = SnackBarHandler.showWithBottomMargin2(mDrawerLayout, String.valueOf(no) + ” “ + getString(R.string
              (), Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT);
snackbar.setAction(“UNDO”, new View.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View view) {
      getAlbum().moveAllMedia(getApplicationContext(), getAlbum().getPath(), media1);

Step 2

When the user performs the delete operation, first the photos are moved to the trashbin and the user have the option to delete them from there. Now, if the user opts for undo operation, on clicking the undo button the function moveallMedia will be invoked passing-in context, the path of the current album and an ArrayList<Media> containing the deleted media on which the undo operation is to be performed upon, as parameters. Here the ArrayList<Media> passed as a parameter contains the trashbin paths of the images deleted by the previous action. A method storeDeletedFilesTemporarily has been used that returns the list containing the deleted images trashbin paths. The implementation of the method storeDeletedFilesTemporarily has been provided below.

private ArrayList<Media> storeDeletedFilesTemporarily(){
ArrayList<Media> deletedImages = new ArrayList<>();
if(!all_photos && !fav_photos && editMode){
for(Media m: getAlbum().getSelectedMedia()){
String name = m.getPath().substring(m.getPath().lastIndexOf(“/”) + 1);
deletedImages.add(new Media(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + “/” + “.nomedia” + “/” + name));
} else if(all_photos && !fav_photos && editMode){
for(Media m: selectedMedias){
String name = m.getPath().substring(m.getPath().lastIndexOf(“/”) + 1);
deletedImages.add(new Media(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + “/” + “.nomedia” + “/” + name));
return deletedImages;

Step 3

Now in the final step, I’d discuss the implementation of the moveAllMedia method that actually completes the undo operation. As I mentioned earlier that on performing the delete operation the images are moved to the bin folder(which is hidden from the other applications), so the moveAllMedia method here will again move the images from the trashbin folder to the current folder. With this operation deleted images would be stored back to their original folder and their trashbin record would be simultaneously deleted from the Realm database. The code implementation of the moveAllMedia method is provided below.

public int moveAllMedia(Context context, String targetDir, ArrayList<Media> albummedia){
 int n = 0;
    int index=-1;
    for(int i =0;i<albummedia.size(); i++)
       String s = albummedia.get(i).getPath();
       int indexOfLastSlash = s.lastIndexOf(“/”);
       String fileName = s.substring(indexOfLastSlash + 1);


       n = –1;
       for (int i = 0; i < albummedia.size(); i++) {

          if (moveMedia(context, albummedia.get(i).getPath(), targetDir)) {
             String from = albummedia.get(i).getPath();
             scanFile(context, new String[]{ from, StringUtils.getPhotoPathMoved(albummedia.get(i).getPath(),
                   targetDir) },
                   new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
                      public void onScanCompleted(String s, Uri uri) {
                         Log.d(“scanFile”, “onScanCompleted: “ + s);
 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 return n;


This is how we have implemented the functionality to perform Undo operation in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository.


  1. Android Developer documentation –
  2. MediaScanner Tutorial –


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