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How to Show Preview of Any Link in SUSI Android App

Sometimes in a chat app like Whatsapp, messenger we find that scrolling over a link, shows a preview of the link. Android-Link-Preview is an open source library which can be used to show the preview of a link. This library is developed by Leonardo Cardoso. This library makes preview from an url using all the information such as title, relevant texts and images. TextCrawler is the main class of this library. As the name suggests this class is used to crawl given link and grab relevant information. In this blog, I will show you how I used this library in SUSI Android to show the preview of the link.

How to include this library in your project

To use android-link-preview in our project we must add the dependency of the library in build.gradle(project) file

repositories {
  maven { url’   }

and build.gradle(module) file.

dependencies {
   compile org.jsoup:jsoup:1.8.3 // required
   compile com.leocardz:link-preview:1.2.1@aar

Now import these packages in class where you want to use link preview.




As the name suggests LinkpreviewCallback is a callback which has two important methods onPre() and onPos(). onPre() method called when library starts crawling the web to find relevant information and onPos() method called when crawling finished. This library uses SourceContent class to save and retrieve data.

LinkPreviewCallback linkPreviewCallback = new LinkPreviewCallback() {


public void onPre() { }


public void onPos(final SourceContent sourceContent, boolean b) {}


TextCrawler class is the main class which use makePreview() method to start web crawling.

makePreview() method needs two parameters

  • linkPreviewCallback : Instance of LinkPreviewCallback class.
  • Link : Link of web page to crawl.
TextCrawler textCrawler = new TextCrawler();

textCrawler.makePreview(linkPreviewCallback, link);

So when we call makePreview method, this library starts crawling the web. But before that, it checks if given link is URL of any image or not. If given link is URL of any image, then there is no need of crawling the web because we can’t find any other information from that link, but if it is not url of any image then it starts crawling the web. All websites are written in HTML. It uses jsoup library to parse HTML documents and extract useful data from that web page. After that it store different information separately i.e it store ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘image url’ separately using setTitle(), setDescription() and setImage() methods of SourceContent class respectively.


When it finishes all these tasks, it call onPos() method of LinkPreview class to inform that it has done its task and now we can use stored data using getTitle(), getDescription() and getImage() methods inside onPos() method.


Example :

We are using Android-link-preview in our SUSI Android app


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