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Conversion of CSS styles into React styles in SUSI Web Chat App

Earlier this week we had an issue where the text in our search box of the SUSI web app was not white even after having all the required styles. After careful inspection it was found that there is a attribute named -webkit-text-fill-color which was set to black.

Now I faced this issue as adding such attribute to our reactJs code will cause lint errors. So after careful searching stackoverflow, i found a way to add css attribute to our react code by using different case. I decided to write a blog on this for future reference and it might come handy to other developers as well.

If you want to write css in javascript, you have to turn dashed-key-words into camelCaseKeys

For example:

background-color => backgroundColor
border-radius => borderRadius
but vendor prefix starts with capital letter (except ms)
-webkit-box-shadow => WebkitBoxShadow (capital W)
-ms-transition => msTransition ('ms' is the only lowercase vendor prefix)

const containerStyle = {
  WebkitBoxShadow: '0 0 0 1000px white inset'

So in our case:-

-webkit-text-fill-color became WebkitTextFillColor

The final code of styles looked like: –

const searchstyle = {
      WebkitTextFillColor: 'white',
      color: 'white'

Now, because inline styles gets attached on tags directly instead of using selectors, we have to put this style on the <input> tag itself, not the container.

See the react doc #inline-styles section for more details.

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