Implementing the Feedback Functionality in SUSI Web Chat

SUSI AI now has a feedback feature where it collects user’s feedback for every response to learn and improve itself. The first step towards guided learning is building a dataset through a feedback mechanism which can be used to learn from and improvise the skill selection mechanism responsible for answering the user queries.

The flow behind the feedback mechanism is :

  1. For every SUSI response show thumbs up and thumbs down buttons.
  2. For the older messages, the feedback thumbs are disabled and only display the feedback already given. The user cannot change the feedback already given.
  3. For the latest SUSI response the user can change his feedback by clicking on thumbs up if he likes the response, else on thumbs down, until he gives a new query.
  4. When the new query is given by the user, the feedback recorded for the previous response is sent to the server.

Let’s visit SUSI Web Chat and try this out.

We can find the feedback thumbs for the response messages. The user cannot change the feedback he has already given for previous messages. For the latest message the user can toggle feedback until he sends the next query.

How is this implemented?

We first design the UI for feedback thumbs using Material UI SVG Icons. We need a separate component for the feedback UI because we need to store the state of feedback as positive or negative because we are allowing the user to change his feedback for the latest response until a new query is sent. And whenever the user clicks on a thumb, we update the state of the component as positive or negative accordingly.

import ThumbUp from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/thumb-up';
import ThumbDown from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/thumb-down';

feedbackButtons = (
  <span className='feedback' style={feedbackStyle}>

The next step is to store the response in Message Store using saveFeedback Action. This will help us later to send the feedback to the server by querying it from the Message Store. The Action calls the Dispatcher with FEEDBACK_RECEIVED ActionType which is collected in the MessageStore and the feedback is updated in the Message Store.

let feedback = this.state.skill;

if(!(Object.keys(feedback).length === 0 &&    
feedback.constructor === Object)){
  feedback.rating = rating; = rating;

case ActionTypes.FEEDBACK_RECEIVED: {
  _feedback =;

The final step is to send the feedback to the server. The server endpoint to store feedback for a skill requires other parameters apart from feedback to identify the skill. The server response contains an attribute `skills` which gives the path of the skill used to answer that query. From that path we need to parse :

  • Model : Highest level of abstraction for categorising skills
  • Group : Different groups under a model
  • Language : Language of the skill
  • Skill : Name of the skill

For example, for the query `what is the capital of germany` , the skills object is

"skills": ["/susi_skill_data/models/general/smalltalk/en/English-Standalone-aiml2susi.txt"]

So, for this skill,

    • Model : general
    • Group : smalltalk
    • Language : en
    • Skill : English-Standalone-aiml2susi

The server endpoint to store feedback for a particular skill is :


Where Model, Group, Language and Skill are parsed from the skill attribute of server response as discussed above and the Rating is either positive or negative and is collected from the user when he clicks on feedback thumbs.

When a new query is sent, the sendFeedback Action is triggered with the required attributes to make the server call to store feedback on server. The client then makes an Ajax call to the rateSkill endpoint to send the feedback to the server.

let url = BASE_URL+'/cms/rateSkill.json?'+

  url: url,
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  crossDomain: true,
  timeout: 3000,
  async: false,
  success: function (response) {
  error: function(errorThrown){

This is how the feedback feedback mechanism works in SUSI Web Chat. The entire code can be found at SUSI Web Chat Repository.



Continue ReadingImplementing the Feedback Functionality in SUSI Web Chat

Uploading Images to SUSI Server

SUSI Skill CMS is a web app to create and modify SUSI Skills. It needs API Endpoints to function and SUSI Server makes it possible. In this blogpost, we will see how to add a servlet to SUSI Server to upload images and files.

The file is the servlet which handles the process of creating new Skills. It requires different user roles to be implemented and hence it extends the AbstractAPIHandler.

Image upload is only possible via a POST request so we will first override the doPost method in this servlet.

  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
  resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // enable CORS

resp.setHeader enables the CORS for the servlet. This is required as POST requests must have CORS enables from the server. This is an important security feature that is provided by the browser.

        Part file = req.getPart("image");
        if (file == null) {
            json.put("accepted", false);
            json.put("message", "Image not given");

Image upload to servers is usually a Multipart Request. So we get the part which is named as “image” in the form data.

When we receive the image file, then we check if the image with the same name exists on the server or not.

Path p = Paths.get(language + File.separator + “images/” + image_name);

        if (image_name == null || Files.exists(p)) {
                json.put("accepted", false);
                json.put("message", "The Image name not given or Image with same name is already present ");

If the same file is present on the server then we return an error to the user requesting to give a unique filename to upload.

Image image =;
BufferedImage bi = this.createResizedCopy(image, 512, 512, true);
if(!Files.exists(Paths.get(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images"))){
   new File(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images").mkdirs();
ImageIO.write(bi, "jpg", new File(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images/" + image_name));

Then we read the content for the image in an Image object. Then we check if images directory exists or not. If there is no image directory in the skill path specified then create a folder named “images”.

We usually prefer square images at the Skill CMS. So we create a resized copy of the image of 512×512 dimensions and save that copy to the directory we created above.

BufferedImage createResizedCopy(Image originalImage, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, boolean preserveAlpha) {
        int imageType = preserveAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        BufferedImage scaledBI = new BufferedImage(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, imageType);
        Graphics2D g = scaledBI.createGraphics();
        if (preserveAlpha) {
        g.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, null);
        return scaledBI;

The function above is used to create a  resized copy of the image of specified dimensions. If the image was a PNG then it also preserves the transparency of the image while creating a copy.

Since the SUSI server follows an API centric approach, all servlets respond in JSON.


At last, we set the character encoding and the character set of the output. This helps the clients to parse the data easily.

To see this endpoint in live send a POST request at


Apache Docs:

Multipart POST Request Tutorial:

Java File Upload tutorial:

Jetty Project:

Continue ReadingUploading Images to SUSI Server

Adding Face Recognition based Authentication to SUSI MagicMirror Module

SUSI MagicMirror Module is a module designed for MagicMirror that helps you get SUSI Intelligence right on your Mirror. You may then ask it questions in the way the Queen in the tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” asked. One key feature that was missing in it was that the user could be recognized and queries he asked are answered in a personalized manner. This could be achieved if SUSI uses the account dedicated to that person to answer his/her queries. Thus, we need an authentication support.

The authentication on MagicMirror is not as trivial as on Web, Android and iOS client apps for SUSI. Key difference here is that user, while using the MagicMirror, does not have access to a keyboard and mouse. Therefore, we cannot simply ask him to input email and password. Furthermore, a MagicMirror installed in your home may be used by several members of your family. Thus, we need a mechanism to tell each user apart.

This was done with the help of MMM-Facial-Recognition module which brings face recognition support to MagicMirror.

MMM-Facial-Recognition module provides support for recognizing multiple faces and setting the modules on the mirror screen based on the user facing the mirror using OpenCV. Other modules can also take advantage of knowing about the person with the help of module notifications sent by MMM-Facial-Recognition Module.

To add Face based Authentication support to SUSI with MMM-Facial-Recognition, we first need to add the latter to MagicMirror. It can be added easily by first cloning the repository to modules directory of MagicMirror.

$ git clone

Go inside the directory and install dependencies

$ npm run install

Now, we need to train a model for the users who are going to use the MagicMirror. This can be done by the MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools. This tool captures photos from the camera and trains a model for Face Recognition. The guide to use the tool is very well written on the Github page so I am not including it here. After training for faces of the users, you will get a training.xml file. This file contains the information about the facial features of every person so that it can tell users apart. You need to copy this file to the Module directory for MMM-Facial-Recognition module i.e. MagicMirror/module/MMM-Facial-Recognition.

After this we can add the module to MagicMirror, by modifying the config file. Add the following lines in the config file (config.js). Copy and paster username array from the training script in the asked position.

    module: 'MMM-Facial-Recognition',
    config: {
        // 1=LBPH | 2=Fisher | 3=Eigen
        recognitionAlgorithm: 1,
        lbphThreshold: 50,
        fisherThreshold: 250,
        eigenThreshold: 3000,
        useUSBCam: true,
        trainingFile: 'modules/MMM-Facial-Recognition/training.xml',
        interval: 2,
        logoutDelay: 15,
        // Array with usernames (copy and paste from training script)
        users: [],
        defaultClass: "default",
        everyoneClass: "everyone",
        welcomeMessage: true

You may configure the show and hide behavior of modules based on the person. Find more information about it in the official guide on the repository. After setting up it recognizes and shows welcome message to each user like this.


Now, we need to integrate this module to SUSI for Authentication. To do this first of all we make config for SUSI MagicMirror Module to add user authentication along with their name registered on Facial Recognition Module. It can be done by adding SUSI MagicMirror module config file (config.js) like below.

       module: "MMM-SUSI-AI",
       position: "top_center",
       config: {
            hotword: "Susi",
            users: [{
                face_recognition_username: "Pranjal Paliwal",
                email: "",
                password: "PASSWORD_HERE"
            }, {
                face_recognition_username: "Chashmeet Singh",
                email: "",
                password: "PASSWORD_HERE"
        classes: 'default everyone'

Now, we need to know that which user is facing the mirror at that time. MMM-Facial-Recognition sends a module notification when a user is detected. The format of the notification is

sender : MMM-Facial-Recognition
payload: Name of the User / None 

If the user is recognized we get the name of the User as payload. If no face could be identified, we get None as payload.

We need to find out user based on the user’s name registered in the module. We already have that parameter in the user object in users array in config for SUSI MagicMirror Module (MMM-SUSI-AI). We can iterate over users array to find out the user facing the mirror on receiving the notification. In SUSI Chat API, users are identified with the help of an access token. On identifying a user, we perform login with the help of SignInService to obtain token for him. The implementation of the above task can be understood via the following snippet.

public receivedNotification(type: NotificationType, payload: any): void {
   if (type === "CURRENT_USER") {
       console.log("Current User", payload);
       if (payload === "None") {
           this.configService.Config.accessToken = null;
       } else {
           for (const user of this.config.users) {
               if (user.face_recognition_username === payload) {
                   if (isUndefined(this.signInService)) {
                       this.signInService = new SignInService(user);
                   this.signInService.updateUser(user).then((token) => {
                       console.log("updating token for " + user);
                       this.configService.Config.accessToken = token;
           this.configService.Config.accessToken = null;

Explanation: In the receivedNotification method of the Main Component of SUSI MagicMirror module, we check if notification is of type CURRENT_USER. If the payload is None, we set access-token to null. If a user is identified, we check if it is contained in the users array. If present, we perform Sign In to SUSI Server for that user and store the access token obtained in the Config.

Now, every time a recognized my Facial Recognition module, the access token is updated in the config. We use the accessToken field in Config to send the message to SUSI Chat API. The implementation of it can be referred below.

public async askSusi(query: string): Promise<any> {

   const accessToken = this.configService.Config.accessToken;

   const requestString: string = (!isUndefined(accessToken) && accessToken != null) ?
       `${query}&access_token=${accessToken}` :

   const response = await WebRequest.get(requestString);
   return JSON.parse(response.content);

By using the above approach, the request sent to SUSI Server are identified according to the person facing the mirror. SUSI can, therefore, answer according to the user. In this way, authentication with Face Recognition is performed in the SUSI Magic Mirror Module.



Continue ReadingAdding Face Recognition based Authentication to SUSI MagicMirror Module

Storing SUSI Settings for Anonymous Users

SUSI Web Chat is equipped with a number of settings by which it can be configured. For a user who is logged in and using the chat, he can change his settings and save them by sending it to the server. But for an anonymous user, this feature is not available while opening the chat every time, unless one stores the settings. Thus to overcome this problem we store the settings in the browser’s cookies which we do by following the steps.

The current User Settings available are :-

  1. Theme – One can change the theme to either ‘dark’ or ‘light’.
  2. To have the option to send a message on enter.
  3. Enable mic to give voice input.
  4. Enable speech output only for speech input.
  5. To have speech output always ON.
  6. To select the default language.
  7. To adjust the speech output rate.
  8. To adjust the speech output pitch.

The first step is to have a default state for all the settings which act as default settings for all users when opening the chat for the first time. We get these settings from the User preferences store available at the file UserPreferencesStore.js

let _defaults = {
                Theme: 'light',
                Server: '',
                StandardServer: '',
                EnterAsSend: true,
                MicInput: true,
                SpeechOutput: true,
               SpeechOutputAlways: false,
               SpeechRate: 1,
               SpeechPitch: 1,

We assign these default settings as the default constructor state of our component so that we populate them beforehand.

2. On changing the values of the various settings we update the state through various function handlers which are as follows-

handleSelectChange – handles all the theme changes, handleEnterAsSendhandleMicInput – handles Mic Input as true, handleSpeechOutput – handles whether Speech Output should be enabled or not, handleSpeechOutputAlways – handles if user wants to listen to speech after every input, handleLanguage – handles the language settings related to speech, handleTextToSpeech – handles the Text to Speech Settings including Speech Rate, Pitch.        

  1. Once the values are changed we make use of the universal-cookie package and save the settings in the User’s browser. This is done in a function handleSubmit in the Settings.react.js file.


 import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
     const cookies = new Cookies(); // Create cookie object.
     // set all values
     let vals = {
            theme: newTheme,
            server: newDefaultServer,
            enterAsSend: newEnterAsSend,
            micInput: newMicInput,
            speechOutput: newSpeechOutput,
            speechOutputAlways: newSpeechOutputAlways,
            rate: newSpeechRate,
            pitch: newSpeechPitch,

    let settings = Object.assign({}, vals);
    settings.LocalStorage = true;
    // Store in cookies for anonymous user
  1. Once the values are set in the browser we load the new settings every time the user opens the SUSI Web Chat by having the following checks in the file API.actions.js. We get the values from the cookies using the get function if the person is not logged in and initialise the new settings for that user.
    // check if not logged in and get the value from the set cookie
    let settings = cookies.get('settings');
      // Check if the settings are set in the cookie
// call the AJAX for getting Settings for loggedIn users


Continue ReadingStoring SUSI Settings for Anonymous Users

Handling Offline Message Responses in SUSI Web Chat

Previously, the SUSI Web Chat stopped working when there was no Internet connectivity. The application’s overall state was disturbed as one would see the loading message gif and the users were left to wonder on how to proceed. To handle this situation, we required notifying the User in the offline mode, with a message, that there is no Internet Connectivity.

This following image demonstrates the previous state where the application hung.

This image shows how this state was handled currently. One can test this out on by disconnecting and sending a message to SUSI and then connecting back to the Internet.

To achieve this, one needed to handle the offline and online events of the browser. The following steps can be followed to achieve this.

  1. We make use of the following eventListener functions to know whether the user is connected to the Internet.
// handles the Offlines event
window.addEventListener('offline', handleOffline.bind(this));  

// handles the Online event
window.addEventListener('online', handleOnline.bind(this));
  1. We then set a global offline message which is modified on the connections switching from online to an offline state. They are handled by the following functions.
let offlineMessage = null;

function handleOffline() {
  offlineMessage = 'Sorry, cannot answer that now. I have no net connectivity';
function handleOnline() {
  offlineMessage = null;
  1. We then handle the action createSUSIMessage() in API.actions.js and send the  AJAX request which we are making according to the offline/online state. This enables us to send the correct message response to the User even in the offline state and not letting the Application state crash.
// So if the offlineMessage variable is not null we call the AJAX 
        // handle AJAX
else {
    // we create a message saying there is no Internet connectivity.
  1. The messages on refreshing back restore back to the original state as these are not being stored in the server. Hence the User is able to see the correct History, i.e., only those messages which were sent to the server and successfully responded to by SUSI.


Continue ReadingHandling Offline Message Responses in SUSI Web Chat

Introduction To Kotlin in SUSI Android App

Lately, we wrote some of the code of SUSI Android App in Kotlin. Kotlin is a very similar language to Java but with much more advantages than Java. It is easy to adapt and learn. There is no doubt that Kotlin is better than Java but with the announcement of Kotlin Support in Google IO’17 for Android development, Kotlin seems a decent way to write code for an Android App.

Advantages of Kotlin over Java

    1. Reduce Boilerplate Code: It helps making development of app faster as it reduces more than 20 percent of boilerplate code. Writing long statements again and again is a headache for developers. Kotlin comes to rescue in that situation.
    2. Removes Null Pointer Exception: Once a large company faced millions of dollars of loss due to null pointer exception. It causes crashes of apps more often than anything else. Thus Kotlin helps in Null checks and makes app free from Null pointer Exceptions.
    3. Interoperable with Java: Kotlin code and Java code are interoperable. Which means you can write half your code in kotlin and half in Java and it will work like a charm. You can call java methods from Kotlin code and vice versa. So, you can simply move your existing Java based app to Kotlin slowly making your app always running.
    4. Lambda and Inline functions: Yes, Kotlin also has functionalities from functional programming languages. Mainly and most widely used feature of those languages is Lambda functions.
    5. Direct Reference of Views by Id: You do not need to write findViewById( or use any other library like Butterknife for view binding. You can simply use the view by its id.
    6. No semicolon:  Last but not the least, you do not need to add a semicolon after each statement. In fact, you do not need to add semicolon at all.

Setting up Android Studio to work with Kotlin

If you have latest Android Studio Canary Version, there is already a build support for Kotlin in it. You need not do anything in that case. But if you don’t have the Canary version, you can add Kotlin Plugin in your Android Studio. Follow the below steps to do that.

  1. Install the Kotlin Plugin:

Android Studio → Preferences… →Plugins → Browse Repository → type “Kotlin” in search box → install

  1. Restart your Android Studio and Rebuild the project. Everything else is already set up in SUSI Android App but if you want to do it for your other apps, follow this link.

Implementation in SUSI Android App

So, I am not going to give unnecessary code but will point out specific things where Kotlin helped a lot to reduce unnecessary code and made the code compact.

1. Listeners:

Earlier with Java

Button signup = (Button) findViewById(;

signup.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
               startActivity(new Intent(LoginActivity.this, SignUpActivity.class));

Now, with Kotlin

fun signUp() {
   sign_up.setOnClickListener { startActivity(Intent(this@LoginActivity, }

2. Models

With Java

public class MapData {

    private double latitude;
    private double longitude;
    private double zoom;

    public MapData(double latitude, double longitude, double zoom) {
        this.latitude = latitude;
        this.longitude = longitude;
        this.zoom = zoom;

    public double getLatitude() {
        return latitude;

    public void setLatitude(double latitude) {
        this.latitude = latitude;

    public double getLongitude() {
        return longitude;

    public void setLongitude(double longitude) {
        this.longitude = longitude;

    public double getZoom() {
        return zoom;

    public void setZoom(double zoom) {
        this.zoom = zoom;

With Kotlin

class MapData (var latitude: Double, var longitude: Double, var zoom: Double) 

3. Constructor

With Java

public class LoginPresenter {
    private LoginActivity loginActivity;
    public LoginPresenter(loginActivity: LoginActivity){
        this.loginActivity = loginActivity;

With Kotlin

class LoginPresenter(loginActivity: LoginActivity) {


So, this blog was to give you an idea about Kotlin programming language, it’s advantages over java and information how you can set it up on your Android Studio so as to help you a little in understanding the codebase of SUSI Android App a little more.


  1. Official Kotlin Guide for Syntax Reference and further learning
  2. Blog by Elye on Setting up Kotlin on Android Studio
  3. Youtube Video tutorial by Derek Banas on Kotlin
Continue ReadingIntroduction To Kotlin in SUSI Android App

How to Implement Feedback System in SUSI iOS

The SUSI iOS app provides responses for various queries but the response is always not accurate. To improve the response, we make use of the feedback system, which is the first step towards implementing Machine Learning on the SUSI Server. The way this works is that for every query, we present the user with an option to upvote or downvote the response and based on that a positive or negative feedback is saved on the server. In this blog, I will explain how this feedback system was implemented in the SUSI iOS app.

Steps to implement:

We start by adding the UI which is two buttons, one with a thumbs up and the other with a thumbs down image.

textBubbleView.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:[v0]-4-[v1(14)]-2-[v2(14)]-8-|", views: timeLabel, thumbUpIcon, thumbDownIcon)
textBubbleView.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:[v0(14)]-2-|", views: thumbUpIcon)
textBubbleView.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:[v0(14)]-2-|", views: thumbDownIcon)
thumbUpIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
thumbDownIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

Here, we add the subviews and assign constraints so that these buttons align to the bottom right next to each other. Also, we enable the user interaction for these buttons.

We know that the user can rate the response by pressing either of the buttons added above. To do that we make an API call to the endpoint below:


Here, the BASE_URL is the url of the server, the other three params model, group, language and skill are retrieved by parsing the skill location parameter we get with the response. The rating is positive or negative based on which button was pressed by the user. The skill param in the response looks like this:


Let’s write the method that makes the API call and responds to the UI that it was successful.

if let accepted = response[ControllerConstants.accepted] as? Bool {
  if accepted {
    completion(true, nil)
  completion(false, ResponseMessages.ServerError)

Here after receiving a response from the server, we check if the `accepted` variable is true or not. Based on that, we pass `true` or `false` to the completion handler. Below the response we actually receive by making the request.

session: {
identity: {
type: "host",
name: "",
anonymous: true
accepted: true,
message: "Skill ratings updated"

Finally, let’s update the UI after the request has been successful.

if sender == thumbUpIcon {
thumbDownIcon.tintColor = UIColor(white: 0.1, alpha: 0.7)
thumbUpIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
thumbDownIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
feedback = "positive"
} else {
thumbUpIcon.tintColor = UIColor(white: 0.1, alpha: 0.7)
thumbDownIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
thumbUpIcon.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
feedback = "negative"
sender.tintColor = UIColor.hexStringToUIColor(hex: "#2196F3")

Here, we check the sender (the thumbs up or down button) and based on that pass the rating (positive or negative) and update the color of the button.

Below is the app in action with the feedback system.


Continue ReadingHow to Implement Feedback System in SUSI iOS

Adding a Scroll To Bottom button in SUSI WebChat

SUSI Web Chat now has a scroll-to-bottom button which helps the users to scroll the app automatically to the bottom of the scroll area on button click. When the chat history is lengthy and the user has to scroll down manually it results in a bad UX. So the basic requirements of this scroll-to-bottom button are:

  1. The button must only be displayed when the user has scrolled up the message section
  2. On clicking the scroll-to-bottom button, the scroll area must be automatically scrolled to bottom.

Let’s visit SUSI Web Chat and try this out.

The button is not visible until there are enough messages to enable scrolling and the user has scrolled up. On clicking the button, the app automatically scrolls to the bottom pointing to the most recent message.

How was this implemented?

We first design our scroll-to-bottom button using Material UI  Floating Action Button and SVG Icons.

import FloatingActionButton from 'material-ui/FloatingActionButton';
import NavigateDown from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/expand-more';

The button needs to be styled to be displayed at a fixed position on the bottom right corner of the message section. Positioning it on top of MessageSection above the MessageComposer, the button is also aligned with respect to the edges.

const scrollBottomStyle = {
  button : {
    float: 'right',
    marginRight: '5px',
    marginBottom: '10px',
  backgroundColor: '#fcfcfc',
  icon : {
    fill: UserPreferencesStore.getTheme()==='light' ? '#90a4ae' : '#7eaaaf'

The button must only be displayed when the user has scrolled up. To implement this we need a state variable showScrollBottom which must be set to true or false accordingly based on the scroll offset.

{this.state.showScrollBottom &&
  <div className='scrollBottom'>
    <FloatingActionButton mini={true}
      <NavigateDown />

Now we have to set our state variable showScrollBottom corresponding to the scroll offset. It must be set to true is the user has scrolled up and false if the scrollbar is already at the bottom. To implement this we need to listen to the scrolling events. We used react-custom-scrollbars for the scroll area wrapping the message section. We can listen to the scrolling events using the onScroll props. We also need to tag the scroll area using refs to access the scroll area instead of using findDOMNode as it is being deprecated.

import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars';

  ref={(ref) => { this.scrollarea = ref; }}

Now, whenever a scroll action is performed, the onScroll() function is triggered. We now have to know if the scroll bar is at the bottom or not. We make use of the scroll area’s props to get the scroll offsets. The getValues() function returns an object containing different scroll offsets and scroll area dimensions. We are interested in which tells about the scroll-top’s progress from 0 to 1 i.e when the scroll bar is at the top most point is 0 and when its on the bottom most point, is 1. So whenever is 1, showScrollBottom is false else true.

onScroll = () => {
  let scrollarea = this.scrollarea;
    let scrollValues = scrollarea.getValues();
    if( === 1){
        showScrollBottom: false,
    else if(!this.state.showScrollBottom){
        showScrollBottom: true,

Finally, we need to scroll the chat app to the bottom on button click. Whenever showScrollBottom is updated, the state is changed, so componentDidUpdate is triggered which calls the _scrollToBottom() function. But we should change this to avoid scrolling to bottom on showScrollBottom update and the user is intending to scroll here. We use the function forcedScrollToBottom to be triggered on clicking the scroll-to-bottom button, which resets the scrollTop value to the height of the scroll area, thus pointing the scrollbar to the bottom.

forcedScrollToBottom = () => {
  let ul = this.scrollarea;
  if (ul) {

We don’t have to worry about resetting showScrollBottom on forced scroll to bottom as the scrolling will trigger the onScroll function where the showScrollBottom state is handled accordingly.

This is how the scroll to bottom button has been implemented in SUSI Web Chat. The entire code can be found at SUSI Web Chat Repository.



Continue ReadingAdding a Scroll To Bottom button in SUSI WebChat

How SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

We had a feature in SUSI Web Chat to make custom themes but those themes were not storing on the server. We needed to store those theme data on server. In this post I discuss how we implemented that feature. This is the PR that I sent to solve this issue.

Previously we had two theme options. According to the user’s choice it changes theme colors. Since we needed to store custom themes and use them without any conflicts with existing “light” and “dark” themes we made another theme option called “custom”. After user clicks on the custom theme it automatically changes to “custom” mode.

This is how we did it in “onClick” of the custom theme .

     let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
     let settingsChanged = {};
     if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
       settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Then after we collected all the chosen color values to a variable. While we store our color values on a variable we avoid the “#” letter which is at very first of the color value. Because we can’t send that value to the server with “#” character.


After selecting color values user have to press the save button to push those selected values to server. We execute below method on click of the save button.

 saveThemeSettings = () => {
    let customData='';
    Object.keys(this.customTheme).forEach((key) => {
    let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
    let settingsChanged = {};
    if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
      settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Using this method we derived those data that we added into the variable and made a single string array. Then after we executed the action that we needed to execute to store data on the server.
It is “Actions.customThemeChanged(customData);”.
This action is defined in “Settings.actions.js” file.

export function customThemeChanged(customTheme) {
    type: ActionTypes.CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME,

We used this Action name constant “CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME” in “ChatConstant.js” file

We defined this “pushCustomThemeToServer”  function on “API.actions.js” file. here

export function pushCustomThemeToServer(customTheme){
    cookies.get('loggedIn')===undefined) {
       url = BASE_URL+'/aaa/changeUserSettings.json?'

Here we check whether user is logged in or not. If user is logged in we get the access token from cookies and attach it to the request URL and execute the “makeServerCall” function that we defined previously.

Now our data are saved on server. Use this url to check what settings you have in your user account.
Now we can use stored values. First we need to update state. For that we got theme values from server like this

  var themeValue=[];


Here we got data from server and put it to the array.

Then after we set it to state. While adding custom theme settings to state we set the “#” character before each colour value.  Here is the code

    header: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[0]:'#4285f4',
    pane: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[1]:'#f5f4f6',
    body: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[2]:'#fff',
    composer: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[3]:'#f5f4f6',
    textarea:  themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[4]:'#fff',


Now we have to use these data with our JSX elements. This is how we did this.

We checked the current theme mode. If it is “custom” we used the values we got from server. Otherwise we used corresponding colors for other “light” and “dark” theme. Here is the full code.


var bodyColor;
    var TopBarColor;
    var composerColor;
    var messagePane;
    var textArea;
  case 'custom':{
    bodyColor = this.state.body;
    TopBarColor = this.state.header;
    composerColor = this.state.composer;
    messagePane = this.state.pane;
    textArea = this.state.textarea;

You can use these variables wherever you need to show colors. As an example this is how we passed header color to top bar.

 <TopBar  header={TopBarColor} >

This is how we stored and fetched custom theme data from store.


  • How to store and receive data from SUSI server using HTTP requests.
  • How Flux Architecture works:
Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

Encoding and Decoding Images as Data in UserDefaults in SUSI iOS

In this blog post, I will be explaining how to encode and decode images and save them in UserDefaults so that the image persists even if it is removed from the Photos app. It happens a number of times that images are removed from the gallery by the users which results in the app loosing the image. So, to avoid this, we save the image by encoding it in a data object and save it inside UserDefaults. In SUSI iOS app we simply select an image from the image picker, encode it and save it in UserDefaults. To set the image, we simply fetch the image data from the UserDefaults and decode it to an image.

There are two ways we can do the encoding and decoding process:

  • Using Data object
  • Using Base64 string

For the scope of this tutorial, we will use the Data object.

Implementation Steps

  1. To use the image picker, we need to add permissions to `Info.plist` file.
<string>Susi is requesting to get your current location</string>
<string>Susi needs to request your gallery access to select wallpaper</string>
  1. Select image from gallery

First, we present an alert which gives an option to select the image from the gallery.

// Show wallpaper options to set wallpaper or clear wallpaper
func showWallpaperOptions() {
  let imageDialog = UIAlertController(title: ControllerConstants.wallpaperOptionsTitle, message: nil, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
  imageDialog.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: ControllerConstants.wallpaperOptionsPickAction, style: .default, handler: { (_: UIAlertAction!) in
  imageDialog.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  imageDialog.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: ControllerConstants.wallpaperOptionsNoWallpaperAction, style: .default, handler: { (_: UIAlertAction!) in
    imageDialog.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  imageDialog.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: ControllerConstants.dialogCancelAction, style: .cancel, handler: { (_: UIAlertAction!) in
    imageDialog.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  self.present(imageDialog, animated: true, completion: nil)

Here, we create and UIAlertController with three options to select, one which presents the image picker controller, the second one removes the background wallpaper and the third dismisses the alert.

  1. Set the image as background view
// Callback when image is selected from gallery
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
  dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  let chosenImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage
  if let image = chosenImage {
    setBackgroundImage(image: image)

We use the `didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo` delegate method to set the image as background. First we get the image using the the `info` dictionary using the `UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage` key.

  1. Save the image in UserDefaults (encoding)
// Save image selected by user to user defaults
func saveWallpaperInUserDefaults(image: UIImage!) {
  let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image!, 1.0)
  let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
  defaults.set(imageData, forKey: userDefaultsWallpaperKey)

We first convert the image to a data object using the `UIImageJPEGRepresentation` method followed by saving the data object in UserDefaults with the key `wallpaper`.

  1. Decode the data object back to UIImage 

Now whenever we need to decode the image, we simply get the data object from the UserDefaults and use it to display the image.

// Check if user defaults have an image data saved else return nil/Any
func getWallpaperFromUserDefaults() -> Any? {
  let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
  return defaults.object(forKey: userDefaultsWallpaperKey)

Below is the output when an image is selected and displayed as a background.


Continue ReadingEncoding and Decoding Images as Data in UserDefaults in SUSI iOS