Integrating Twitter Authenticating using Twitter4j in Phimpme Android Application

We have used Twitter4j API to authenticate Twitter in Phimpme application. Below are the following steps in setting up the Twitter4j API in Phimpme and Login to Twitter from Phimpme android application.

Setting up the environment

Download the Twitter4j package from For sharing images we will only need twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar and twitter4j-media-support-3.0.5.jar files. Copy these files and save it in the libs folder of the application.

Go to build.gradle and add the following codes in dependencies:

dependencies {
compile files('libs/twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar')
compile files('libs/twitter4j-media-support-3.0.5.jar')

Adding Phimpme application in Twitter development page

Go to>My apps-> Create new apps. Create an application window opens where we have to fill all the necessary details about the application. It is mandatory to fill all the fields. In website field, if you are making an android application then anything can be filled in website field for example But it is necessary to fill this field also.

After filling all the details click on “Create your Twitter application” button.

Adding Twitter Consumer Key and Secret Key

This generates twitter consumer key and twitter secret key. We need to add this in our string.xml folder.

<string name="twitter_consumer_key">ry1PDPXM6rwFVC1KhQ585bJPy</string>
<string name="twitter_consumer_secret">O3qUqqBLinr8qrRvx3GXHWBB1AN10Ax26vXZdNlYlEBF3vzPFt</string> 

Twitter Authentication

Make a new JAVA class say LoginActivity. Where we have to first fetch the twitter consumer key and Twitter secret key.

private static Twitter twitter;
    private static RequestToken requestToken;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        twitterConsumerKey = getResources().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_key);
        twitterConsumerSecret = getResources().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_secret);  

We are using a web view to interact with the Twitter login page.

twitterLoginWebView = (WebView)findViewById(;
        twitterLoginWebView.setWebViewClient( new WebViewClient(){
            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){

                if( url.contains(AppConstant.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL)){
                    Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
                    return true;
                return false;

If the access Token is already saved then the user is already signed in or else it sends the Twitter consumer key and the Twitter secret key to gain access Token. ConfigurationBuilder function is used to set the consumer key and consumer secret key.

ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        configurationBuilder.setOAuthConsumerKey(twitterConsumerKey);     configurationBuilder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(twitterConsumerSecret);
        Configuration configuration =;
        twitter = new TwitterFactory(configuration).getInstance();

It is followed by the following Runnable thread to check if the request token is received or not. If authentication fails, an error Toast message pops.

new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(AppConstant.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    final String errorString = e.toString();
                    LoginActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, errorString, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                LoginActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {


It offers seamless integration of Twitter in any application. Without leaving actual application, easier to authenticate. Further, it is used to upload the photo to Twitter directly from Phimpme Android application, fetch profile picture and username.




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Controlling Camera Actions Using Voice Interaction in Phimpme Android

In this blog, I will explain how I implemented Google voice actions to control camera features on the Phimpme Android project. I will cover the following features I have implemented on the Phimpme project:

  • Opening the application using Google Voice command.
  • Switching between the cameras.
  • Clicking a Picture and saving it through voice command.

Opening application when the user gives a command to Google Now.                       When the user gives command “Take a selfie” or “Click a picture” to Google Now it directly opens Phimpme camera activity.

 First                                                                                                                                        We need to add an intent filter to the manifest file so that Google Now can  detect Phimpme camera activity

       <action android:name=""/>

       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.VOICE"/>

category android:name=”android.intent.category.VOICE” is added to the IMAGE_CAPTURE intent filter for the Google Now to detect the camera activity. For the Google Now assistance to accept the command in the camera activity we need to add the following in the STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA intent filter in the camera activity.

   <action android:name=""/>

   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.VOICE"/>

So, now when the user says “OK Google” and “Take a Picture” the camera activity on Phimpme opens.

Integrating Google Voice assistance in Camera Activity

Second,                                                                                                                               After opening the camera application the Google Assistance should ask a question.

The cameraActivity in Phimpme can be opened in two ways, such as:

  • When opened from a different application.
  • When given the command to Goole Now assistance.

We need to check whether the camera activity is prompted from Google assistance or not to activate voice command. We will check it in onResume function.

public void onResume() {
if (CameraActivity.this.isVoiceInteraction()) {

If is.VoiceInteraction gives “true” then voice Assistance prompts.             Assistance to ask which camera to use

Third,                                                                                                                                 After the camera activity opens the Google assistance should ask which camera to use either front or back.

To take any voice input from the user, we to store the expected commands in VoiceInteractor.PickoptionRequest. This function listens to the command by the user. We need to add synonyms for the same command.

To choose the rear camera

VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option rear = new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option(getResources().getString(R.string.camera_rear), 0);

I added synonyms like the rear, normal and back.

To choose front camera

VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option front = new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option(getResources().getString(R.string.camera_front), 1);

I added synonyms like the front, selfie camera and forward. 

For assistance to ask any question such as “Which camera to use we” I have used getVoiceinteractor and inflating VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.option[] array with options front and rear.

     .submitRequest(new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest(
           new VoiceInteractor.Prompt(getResources().getString(“Which camera would you like to use?”),
           new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[]{front, rear},
           null) {

The google assistance waits for a response from the user for only a few seconds and it goes inactive. If the user gives any unexpected command the assistance will ask the question one more time.

Check if the user gives an expected command or not.

We will override OnOptionResult(boolean finished, Options[] selection, Bundle result) function.if  (finished && selections.length == 1) if the speech length matches with any of the options provided it checks which option was used.

Check the command given by the user to switch between the cameras.

Two array objects are passed 0 and 1.  If the command given was “rear” then selection[0].getindex() = 0 and camera activity switches to the rear camera and if the the command given by the user is rear then selection[0].getIndex = 1 and camera activity switches to front camera.

public void onPickOptionResult(boolean finished, Option[] selections, Bundle result) {
  if (finished && selections.length == 1) {
     Message message = Message.obtain();
     message.obj = result;
     if (selections[0].getIndex() == 0)
     {  rearCamera();
     if (selections[0].getIndex() == 1)


Click Picture when the user says “Cheese

After switching the camera the assistant prompts the message”Say cheese”. We need to add voiceInteractor.prompt(“Say cheese”).

We need to store the synonyms in VoiceInteractor.PickOption.Options options. I have added synonyms like ready, go, take it, OK, and Cheese to click a picture. If the user gives an unexpected output the assistance checks selection.length ==1 or not and prompts the message “Say cheese” again.

private void asktakePicture() {
  VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option option = new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option(getResources().getString(R.string.cheese), 2);
        .submitRequest(new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest(
              new VoiceInteractor.Prompt(getResources().getString(R.string.say_cheese)),
              new VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option[]{option},
              null) {
           public void onPickOptionResult(boolean finished, Option[] selections, Bundle result) {
              if (finished && selections.length == 1) {
                 Message message = Message.obtain();
                 message.obj = result;
              } else {
           public void onCancel() {


Now, Users can start camera activity on Phimpme through voice command “Take a Selfie”. They can switch between the cameras through voice command “Selfie camera” or “back camera”, “back” or “front” and finally click a picture by giving voice command “Cheese”, “Click it” and related synonyms.



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Share Images on Pinterest from Phimpme Android Application

After successfully establishing Pinterest authentication in Phimpme our next goal was to share the image on the Pinterest website directly from Phimpme, without using any native Android application.

Adding Pinterest Sharing option in Sharing Activity in Phimpme

To add various sharing options in Sharing Activity in the Phimpme project, I have applied a ScrollView for the list of the different sharing options which include: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Imgur, Flickr and Instagram. All the App icons with the name are arranged in a TableLayout in the activity_share.xml file. Table rows consist of two columns. In this way, it is easier to add more app icons for future development.


Adding Pinterest app icon on the icons_drawable array. This array is then used to inflate the icon on the list view.

private int[] icons_drawables = {R.drawable.ic_facebook_black, R.drawable.ic_twitter_black,R.drawable.ic_instagram_black, R.drawable.ic_wordpress_black, R.drawable.ic_pinterest_black);

Adding Pinterest text on the titles_text array. This array is then used to inflate the names of the various sharing activity.

private int[] titles_text = {R.string.facebook, R.string.twitter, R.string.instagram,
       R.string.wordpress, R.string.pinterest);

Prerequisites to share Image on Pinterest

To share an Image on Pinterest a user has to add a caption and Board ID. Our first milestone was to get the input of the Board ID  by the user. I have achieved this by taking the input in a Dialog Box. When the user clicks on the Pinterest option, a dialog box pops and then the user can add their Board ID.

private void openPinterestDialogBox() {
   AlertDialog.Builder captionDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(SharingActivity.this, getDialogStyle());
   final EditText captionEditText = getCaptionDialog(this, captionDialogBuilder);


   captionDialogBuilder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel).toUpperCase(), null);
   captionDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.post_action).toUpperCase(), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
       public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
           //This should be empty it will be overwrite later
           //to avoid dismiss of the dialog on the wrong password

   final AlertDialog passwordDialog = captionDialogBuilder.create();;

   passwordDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
       public void onClick(View v) {
           String captionText = captionEditText.getText().toString();
           boardID =captionText;

A user can fetch the Board ID by following the steps:

Board ID is necessary because it specifies where the image needs to be posted.

Creating custom post function for Phimpme

The image is posted using a function in PDKClient class. PDKClient is found in the PDK module which we get after importing Pinterest SDK. Every image is posted on Pinterest is called a Pin. So we will call createPin function. I have made my custom createPin function so that it also accepts Bitmaps as a parameter. In the Pinterest SDK it only accepts image URL to share, The image should already be on the internet to be shared. For this reason, we to add a custom create Pin function to accept Bitmaps as an option.

public void createPin(String note, String boardId, Bitmap image, String link, PDKCallback callback) {
   if (Utils.isEmpty(note) || Utils.isEmpty(boardId) || image == null) {
       if (callback != null) callback.onFailure(new PDKException("Board Id, note, Image cannot be empty"));

   HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("board", boardId);
   params.put("note", note);
   params.put("image_base64", Utils.base64String(image));
   if (!Utils.isEmpty(link)) params.put("link", link);
   postPath(PINS, params, callback);

Compressing Bitmaps

Since Pinterest SDK cannot accept Bitmap I have added a function to compress the Bitmap and encode it to strings.

public static String base64String(Bitmap bitmap) {
   ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
   String b64Str = Base64.encodeToString(baos.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
   return b64Str;

Calling createPin function from the sharingActivity

From the sharingActivity we will call createPin activity. We will pass caption of the image, Board ID, Image bitmap and link(which is optional) as parameters.

       .getInstance().createPin(caption, boardID, image, null, new PDKCallback() {

If the image is posted successfully then onSuccess function is called which pops a snackbar and shows the success message. Otherwise, onFailure function is called which displays failure message on a snackbar.

public void onSuccess(PDKResponse response) {
   Log.d(getClass().getName(), response.getData().toString());
   Snackbar.make(parent, R.string.pinterest_post, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();


public void onFailure(PDKException exception) {
   Log.e(getClass().getName(), exception.getDetailMessage());
   Snackbar.make(parent, R.string.Pinterest_fail, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
   //Toast.makeText(SharingActivity.this, boardID + caption, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



In Phimpme user can now send Image on Pinterest directly from the application. This is done without the use of the native Pinterest application.



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Integration of Flickr in Phimpme Android

Flickr is very widely used photo sharing website. So, we added a functionality in Phimpme Android to share the image to Flickr. Using this feature, the user can upload a picture to Flickr, without leaving the application with a single click. The way how we implemented this Flickr in our Phimpme Android application is shown below.

Setting up Flickr API

Flickr provides only an official web API. So we used the flickrj-android library built using the official Flickr API. First of all, we created an application in Flickr App Garden and requested API tokens from here. We noted down the resultant API key and secret key. These keys are necessary for authenticating Flickr in the application.

Steps for Authentication

Establishing the authentication with Flickr requires the following steps as per the official documentation.

  • Getting a request token
  • Getting User Authorization
  • Exchanging the Request Token for an Access Token
  • Use the Access Token with to upload pictures.

Authorizing the user of Flickr in Phimpme

As shown in the above picture, a request token has to be generated. Flickrj SDK provides it for us using Flickr object which further is created using the API key and Secret key. This request token is used for directing the user to a page for manually authorizing the Phimpme application to share the picture to his/her Flickr account. In Phimpme Android application, we created the Flickr object as shown below.

Flickr f = new Flickr(API_KEY, API_SEC, new REST());
OAuthToken oauthToken = f.getOAuthInterface().getRequestToken(
URL oauthUrl = f.getOAuthInterface().buildAuthenticationUrl(
     Permission.WRITE, oauthToken);

Getting Access Token

After the manual authorization of the application, Flickr returns the OAuth token and OAuth verifier. These have to used for making another request to Flickr for getting the “Access Token” which gives us the access to upload the picture to Flickr account. For implementing this, intent data is collected when the application reopens after manual authorization. This data contains the OAuth token and OAuth verifier. These are passed to get Access Token from functions present Flickrj library. In Phimpme Android, we implemented this in following way.

Uri uri = intent.getData();
String query = uri.getQuery();
String[] data = query.split("&");
if (data != null && data.length == 2) {
  String oauthToken = data[0].substring(data[0].indexOf("=") + 1);
  String oauthVerifier = data[1].substring(data[1].indexOf("=") + 1);
  OAuth oauth = getOAuthToken();
  if (oauth != null && oauth.getToken() != null && oauth.getToken().getOauthTokenSecret() != null) {
  Flickr f = new Flickr(API_KEY, API_SEC, new REST());
  OAuthInterface oauthApi = null;
  if (f != null) {
     oauthApi = f.getOAuthInterface();
     return oauthApi.getAccessToken(oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret,verifier);}

Uploading Image to Flickr

As we got the Access Token, we used that for creating new Flickr Object. The upload function present in the API requires three arguments – a file name, input stream and its metadata. The input stream is generated using the ContentResolver present in the Android. The code showing how we implemented uploading to Flickr is shown below.

Flickr f = new Flickr(API_KEY, API_SEC, new REST());
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getRequestContext();
OAuth auth = new OAuth();
auth.setToken(new OAuthToken(token, secret));
UploadMetaData uploadMetaData = new UploadMetaData();
uploadMetaData.setTitle(your file name);
InputStream is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.fromFile(your file object));
f.getUploader().upload(your file name, is, uploadMetaData);

The full implementation, using AsyncTasks and other well-optimized functions, is available in our Phimpme Android project repo on GitHub.


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Using OpenCV for Native Image Processing in Phimpme Android

OpenCV is very widely used open-source image processing library. After the integration of OpenCV Android SDK in the Phimpme Android application, the image processing functions can be written in Java part or native part. Taking runtime of the functions into consideration we used native functions for image processing in the Phimpme application.

We didn’t have the whole application written in native code, we just called the native functions on the Java OpenCV Mat object. Mat is short for the matrix in OpenCV. The image on which we perform image processing operations in the Phimpme Android application is stored as Mat object in OpenCV.

Creating a Java OpenCV Mat object

Mat object of OpenCV is same whether we use it in Java or C++. We have common OpenCV object in Phimpme for accessing from both Java part and native part of the application. We have a Java bitmap object on which we have to perform image processing operations using OpenCV. For doing that we need to create a Java Mat object and pass its address to native. Mat object of OpenCV can be created using the bitmap2Mat() function present in the OpenCV library. The implementation is shown below.

Mat inputMat = new Mat(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
Utils.bitmapToMat(bitmap, inputMat);

“bitmap” is the Java bitmap object which has the image to be processed. The third argument in the Mat function indicates that the Mat should be of type 8UC3 i.e. three color channels with 8-bit depth. With the second line above, the bitmap gets saved as the OpenCV Mat object.

Passing Mat Object to Native

We have the OpenCV Mat object in the memory. If we pass the whole object again to native, the same object gets copied from one memory location to another. In Phimpme application, instead of doing all that we can just get the memory location of the current OpenCV Mat object and pass it to native. As we have the address of the Mat, we can access it directly from native functions. Implementation of this is shown below.

Native Function Definition:

private static native void nativeApplyFilter(long inpAddr);

Native Function call:


Getting Native Mat Object to Java

We can follow the similar steps for getting the Mat from the native part after processing. In the Java part of Phimpme, we created an OpenCV Mat object before we pass the inputMat OpenCV Mat object to native for processing. So we have inputMat and outputMat in the memory before we send them to native. We get the memory locations of both the Mat objects and pass those addresses to native part. After the processing is done, the data gets written to the same memory location and can be accessed in Java. The above functions can be modified and rewritten for this purpose as shown below

Native Function Definition:

private static native void nativeApplyFilter(long inpAddr, long outAddr );

Native Function call:


if (outputMat !=null){
   Bitmap outbit = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(),bitmap.getHeight(),bitmap.getConfig());
   return outbit;

Native operations on Mat using OpenCV

The JNI function in the native part of Phimpme application receives the memory locations of both the OpenCV Mat objects. As we have the addresses, we can create Mat object pointing that memory location and can be passed to processing functions for performing native operations just like all OpenCV functions. This implementation is shown below.

#include <jni.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include "enhance.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

Java_org_fossasia_phimpme_editor_editimage_filter_PhotoProcessing_nativeApplyFilter(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong inpAddr,jlong outAddr) {
       Mat &src = *(Mat*)inpAddr;
       Mat &dst = *(Mat*)outAddr;
       applyFilter(src, dst);

applyFilter() function can have any image processing operation. The implementation of edge detection function using OpenCV in the Phimpme Android is shown below. We were able to do this in very few lines which otherwise would have needed an extremely large code.  

Mat grey,detected_edges;
cvtColor( src, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY );
blur( grey, detected_edges, Size(3,3) );
dst.create( grey.size(), grey.type() );
Canny( detected_edges, detected_edges, 70, 200, 3 );
dst = Scalar::all(0);
detected_edges.copyTo( dst, detected_edges);


The general structure of an OpenCV function which is necessary for implementing custom image processing operations can be understood by referring this below-mentioned brightness adjustment function.  

int x,y,bright;
dst = Mat::zeros( src.size(), src.type() );
for (y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
   for (x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {<Vec3b>(y, x)[0] =
                  saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[0]) + bright);<Vec3b>(y, x)[1] =
               saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[1]) + bright);<Vec3b>(y, x)[2] =
               saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[2]) + bright);



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Integrating OpenCV for Native Image Processing in Phimpme Android

OpenCV is an open source computer vision library written in C and C++. It has many pre-built image processing functions for all kinds of purposes. The filters and image enhancing functions which we implemented in Phimpme are not fully optimized. So we decided to integrate the Android SDK of OpenCV in the Phimpme Android application.

For integrating OpenCV in the application, the files inside the OpenCV Android SDK have to be properly placed inside the project. The build and make files of the project have to be configured correspondingly.

Here, in this post, I will mention how we fully integrated OpenCV Android SDK and configured the Phimpme project.

Setting Up

First, we downloaded the OpenCV-Android-SDK zip from the official release page here.

Now we extracted the file to navigated to SDK folder to see that there are three folders inside it. etc, Java and native.

All the build files are present inside the native directory and are necessarily copied to our project. The java directory inside the SDK folder is an external gradle module which has to imported and added as a dependency to our project.

So we copied all the files from jni directory of SDK folder inside OpenCV-Android-SDK to jni directory of the Phimpme project inside main. Similarly copied the 3rdparty directory into the main folder of the Phimpme project. Libs folder should also be copied into the main folder of the Phimpme but it has to be renamed to jniLibs. The project structure can be viewed in the below image.

Adding Module to Project

Now we headed to Android Studio and right clicked on the app in the project view, to add a new module. In that window select import Gradle project and browse to the java folder inside the SDK folder of OpenCV-Android-SDK as shown in figures.

Now we opened the build.gradle file of app level (not project level) and added the following line as a dependency.

  compile project(':openCVLibrary320')

Now open the build.gradle inside the openCVLibrary320 external module and change the platform tools version and  SDK versions.

Configuring Native Build Files

We removed all files related to cmake be we use ndk-build to compile native code. After removing the cmake files, added following lines in the file

APP_OPTIM := release
APP_ABI := all
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions
APP_PLATFORM := android-25

Now we further added the following lines to the top of file

include $(LOCAL_PATH)/

The third line here is a flag indicating that the library has to be static and there is no need for external OpenCVLoader application.

Finally, find this line


in file and replace it with


And finally, add the following lines to java part. So that the OpenCV is initialized and linked to application

static {
   if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
       Log.e( TAG + " - Error", "Unable to load OpenCV");
   } else {

With this, the integration of OpenCV and the configuration of the project is completed. Remove the build directories i.e. .build and .externalNativeBuild directories inside app folder for a fresh build so that you don’t face any wrong build error.


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Passing Java Bitmap Object to Native for Image Processing and Getting it back in Phimpme Android

To perform any image processing operations on an image, we must have an image object in native part like we have a Bitmap object in Java. We cannot just pass the image bitmap object directly as an argument to native function because ‘Bitmap’ is a java object and C/C++ cannot interpret it directly as an image. So, here I’ll discuss a method to send java Bitmap object to Native part for performing image processing operations on it, which we implemented in the image editor of Phimpme Android Image Application.

C/C++ cannot interpret java bitmap object. So, we have to find the pixels of the java bitmap object and send them to native part to create a native bitmap over there.

In Phimpme, we used a “struct” data structure in C to represent native bitmap. An image has three color channels red, green, blue. We consider alpha channel(transparency) for an argb8888 type image. But in Phimpme, we considered only three channels as it is enough to manipulate these channels to implement the edit functions, which we used in the Editor of Phimpme.

We defined a struct, type-defined as NativeBitmap with attributes corresponding to all the three channels. We defined this in the nativebitmap.h header file in the jni/ folder of Phimpme so that we can include this header file in c files in which we needed to use a NativeBitmap struct.

typedef struct {
  unsigned int width;
  unsigned int height;
  unsigned int redWidth;
  unsigned int redHeight;
  unsigned int greenWidth;
  unsigned int greenHeight;
  unsigned int blueWidth;
  unsigned int blueHeight;
  unsigned char* red;
  unsigned char* green;
  unsigned char* blue;
} NativeBitmap;

void deleteBitmap(NativeBitmap* bitmap);
int initBitmapMemory(NativeBitmap* bitmap, int width, int height);

As I explained in my previous post here on introduction to flow of native functions in Phimpme-Android, we defined the native functions with necessary arguments in Java part of Phimpme. We needed the image bitmap to be sent to the native part of the Phimpme application. So the argument in the function should have been java Bitmap object. But as mentioned earlier, the C code cannot interpret this java bitmap object directly as an image. So we created a function for getting pixels from a bitmap object in the Java class of Phimpme application. This function returns an array of unsigned integers which correspond to the pixels of a particular row of the image bitmap. The array of integers can be interpreted by C, so we can send this array of integers to native part and create a receiving native function to create NativeBitmap.

We performed image processing operations like enhancing and applying filters on this NativeBitmap and after the processing is done, we sent the array of integers corresponding to a row of the image bitmap and constructed the Java Bitmap Object using those received arrays in java.

The integers present in the array correspond to the color value of a particular pixel of the image bitmap. We used this color value to get red, green and blue values in native part of the Phimpme application.

Java Implementation for getting pixels from the bitmap, sending to and receiving from native is shown below.

private static void sendBitmapToNative(NativeBitmap bitmap) {
   int width = bitmap.getWidth();
   int height = bitmap.getHeight();
   nativeInitBitmap(width, height);
   int[] pixels = new int[width];
   for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
       bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, y, width, 1); 
                    //gets pixels of the y’th row
       nativeSetBitmapRow(y, pixels);
private static Bitmap getBitmapFromNative(NativeBitmap bitmap) {
   bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(srcBitmap.getWidth(), srcBitmap.getHeight(), srcBitmap.getConfig());
   int[] pixels = new int[width];
   for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
       nativeGetBitmapRow(y, pixels);
       bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, y, width, 1);
   return bitmap;

The native functions which are defined in Java part have to be linked to native functions. So they have to be created with proper function name in main.c (JNI) file of the Phimpme application. We included nativebitmap.h in main.c so that we can use NativeBitmap struct which is defined in nativebitmap.h.
The main functions which do the actual work related to converting integer array received from java part to NativeBitmap and converting back to an integer array of color values of pixels in rows of image bitmap are present in nativebitamp.c. The main.c file acts as Java Native Interface which helps in linking native functions and java functions in Phimpme Android.

After adding all the JNI functions, the main.c function looks as below.


static NativeBitmap bitmap;
int Java_org_fossasia_phimpme_PhotoProcessing_nativeInitBitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jint width, jint height) {
  return initBitmapMemory(&bitmap, width, height);  //function present
                                                    // in nativebitmap.c

void Java_org_fossasia_phimpme_PhotoProcessing_nativeSetBitmapRow(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jint y, jintArray pixels) {
  int cpixels[bitmap.width];
  (*env)->GetIntArrayRegion(env, pixels, 0, bitmap.width, cpixels);
  setBitmapRowFromIntegers(&bitmap, (int)y, &cpixels);

void Java_org_fossasia_phimpme_PhotoProcessing_nativeGetBitmapRow(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jint y, jintArray pixels) {
  int cpixels[bitmap.width];
  getBitmapRowAsIntegers(&bitmap, (int)y, &cpixels);
  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, pixels, 0, bitmap.width, cpixels);
                    //sending bitmap row as output

We now reached the main part of the implementation where we created the functions for storing integer array of color values of pixels in the NativeBitmap struct, which we created in nativebitmap.h of Phimpme Application. The definition of all the functions is present in nativebitmap.h, so we included that header file in the nativebitmap.c for using NativeBitmap struct in the functions. We implemented the functions defined in main.c i.e. initializing bitmap memory, setting bitmap row using integer array, getting bitmap row and a method for deleting native bitmap from memory after completion of processing the image in nativebitmap.c.

The implementation of nativebitmap.c after adding all functions is shown below. A proper explanation is added as comments wherever necessary.

void setBitmapRowFromIntegers(NativeBitmap* bitmap, int y, int* pixels) {
  //y is the number of the row (yth row)
  //pixels is the pointer to integer array which contains color value of a pixel
  unsigned int width = (*bitmap).width;
  register unsigned int i = (width*y) + width - 1;
                                //this represent the absolute                                 //index of the pixel in the image bitmap  
  register unsigned int x;      //this represent the index of the pixel 
                                //in the particular row of image bitmap
  for (x = width; x--; i--) {
          //functions defined above
     (*bitmap).red[i] = red(pixels[x]);
     (*bitmap).green[i] = green(pixels[x]);
     (*bitmap).blue[i] = blue(pixels[x]);

void getBitmapRowAsIntegers(NativeBitmap* bitmap, int y, int* pixels) {
  unsigned int width = (*bitmap).width;
  register unsigned int i = (width*y) + width - 1; 
  register unsigned int x;              
  for (x = width; x--; i--) {
          //function defined above
     pixels[x] = rgb((int)(*bitmap).red[i], (int)(*bitmap).green[i], (int)(*bitmap).blue[i]);

The native bitmap has to be initialized first before we set pixel values to it and has to be deleted from memory after completion of the processing. The functions for doing these tasks are given below. These functions should be added to nativebitmap.c file.

void deleteBitmap(NativeBitmap* bitmap) {
//free up memory
  freeUnsignedCharArray(&(*bitmap).red);//do same for green and blue

int initBitmapMemory(NativeBitmap* bitmap, int width, int height) {
             //if nativebitmap already has some value it gets removed
  (*bitmap).width = width;
  (*bitmap).height = height;
  int size = width*height;
  (*bitmap).redWidth = width;
  (*bitmap).redHeight = height;
            //assigning memory to the red,green and blue arrays and
            //checking if it succeeded for each step.
  int resultCode = newUnsignedCharArray(size, &(*bitmap).red);
  if (resultCode != MEMORY_OK) return resultCode;
            //repeat the code given above for green and blue colors

You can find the values of different color components of the RGB color value and RGB color values from the values of color components using the below functions. Add these functions to the top of the nativebitmap.c file.

int rgb(int red, int green, int blue) {
  return (0xFF << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
//Find the color value(int) from the red, green, blue values of a particular //pixel.

unsigned char red(int color) {
  return (unsigned char)((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
//Getting the red value form the color value of a particular pixel

//for green return this ((color >> 8) & 0xFF)
//for blue return this (color & 0xFF);

Do not forget to define native functions in Java part. As now everything got set up, we can use this in in the following manner to send Bitmap object to native.

Bitmap input = somebitmap;
if  (bitmap != null) {

////Do some native processing on native bitmap struct
////Discussed in the next post

Bitmap output = getBitmapFromNative(input);

Performing image processing operations on the NativeBitmap in the image editor of Phimpme like enhancing the image, applying filters are discussed in next posts.


Continue ReadingPassing Java Bitmap Object to Native for Image Processing and Getting it back in Phimpme Android

Selecting Best persistent storage for Phimpme Android and how to use it

As we are progressing in our Phimpme Android app. I added account manager part which deals with connecting all other accounts to phimpme. Showing a list of connected accounts.

We need a persistent storage to store all the details such as username, full name, profile image url, access token (to access API). I researched on various Object Relation mapping (ORMs) such as:

  1. DBFlow:
  2. GreenDAO:
  3. SugarORM:
  4. Requery:

and other NoSQL databases such as Realm Database :

After reading a lot from some blogs on the benchmarking of these ORMs and database, I came to know that Realm database is quite better in terms of Speed of writing data and ease of use.

Steps to integrate Realm Database:

  • Installation of Realm database in android

Following these steps quickly setup realm in android. Add

classpath "io.realm:realm-gradle-plugin:3.3.2"

in Project level build.gradle file and Add

apply plugin: 'realm-android' 

in app level build.gradle, That’s it for using Realm

  • Generating required Realm models

Firstly, make sure what you need to store in your database. In case of phimpme, I first go through the account section and noted down what needs to be there.  Profile image URL, username, full name, account indicator image name. Below image illustrate this better.

This is the Realm Model class I made in Kotlin to store name, username and access token for accessing API.

open class AccountDatabase(
       @PrimaryKey var name: String = "",
       var username: String = "",
       var token: String = ""
) : RealmObject()

  • Writing data in database

In Account manager, I create a add account option from where a dialog appear with a list of accounts. Currently, Twitter is working, when onSuccess function invoke in AccountPickerFragment I start a twitter session and store values in database. Writing data in database:

// Begin realm transaction

// Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,


Begin and commit block in necessary. There is one more way of doing this is using execute function in Realm

  • Use Separate Database Helper class for Database operations

It’s good to use a separate class for all the Database operations needed in the project. I created a DatabaseHelper Class and added a function to query the result needed. Query the database

public RealmResults<AccountDatabase> fetchAccountDetails(){
   return realm.where(AccountDatabase.class).findAll();

It give all of the results, stored in the database like below

  • Problems I faced with annotation processor while using Kotlin and Realm together

The Kotlin annotation processor not running due to the plugins wrong order. This issue helped me in solving that. I addded apply plugin: ‘kotlin-kapt’. In app gradle file and shift apply plugin: ‘realm-android’ In below the order.



Continue ReadingSelecting Best persistent storage for Phimpme Android and how to use it

Porting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

As we are going ahead in Phimpme Project we are now on verge to start our account manager which deals with sharing images to many platforms right from the app. The account manager will take care of logging In the user. Saving it’s important credentials such access token, username etc as required by the API.

Google IO ‘17 just passed, and we seen tons of new features, APIs and development tools. One of the them is official support for Kotlin in Android Studio.

As stated by the developers at the conference that one best way to work on Kotlin is add today in your project. Because it is compatible with Java, we can work together on both languages in the same project. It is not mandatory for you to shift your entire code to Kotlin to build a project. So starting with the account manager we decided to bring this to our code. It helps in reducing the boilerplate code for example in Phimpme, I created a model for Realm database.

open class AccountDatabase(

       @PrimaryKey var name: String = "",

       var username: String = "",

       var token: String = ""

) : RealmObject()

That’s all I need to create a model class, no need to create getter and setter property

This helps me to get details from getter methods and show on Account Manager Recycler View like below.

Step 1 : Upgrade to Android Studio Preview 3.0

Android Studio Preview 3.0 comes up with all new features and Kotlin support. We all upgraded to that. It has a great Android Profiler with advance features for debugging and logcat is now moved separately. This step is not mandatory, you can work on older version of Android Studio as well.

Step 2 : Configure Kotlin

It’s easy in Android Studio Preview 3.0 to configure Kotlin. Go to Tools → Kotlin → Configure Kotlin in project.

What in the configuration

  • It added a classpath dependency in project level build.gradle file
  • Added Kotlin plugin
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
  • Added kotlin std lib in app level build.gradle
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"

Step 3: How to add Kotlin files

Now your project is ready for Kotlin. In Android Studio Preview 3.0 you can create new Kotlin files from the file menu.

Also by using Activity template you can select the source language as Java or Kotlin as per your preference.

Step 4 : Work with Kotlin

There are a lot new features in Kotlin to explore. Some of them are

  • Null Safety : In Kotlin, the type system distinguishes between references that can hold null (nullable references) and those that can not (non-null references). For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null.
var a: String = "abc"
a = null // compilation error

To allow nulls, we can declare a variable as nullable string, written String?:

 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
  • Val and Var are two keywords in Kotlin to declare variables. Val gives you read only variable which is same as final modifier in Java, it is not changing. In other words it is immutable Data variables. Var is mutable data variable
  • Semicolons (;) are optional
  • No switch it’s when block in Kotlin. No need to write break and case: below is snippet from phimpme app
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
        when (item.itemId) {
   -> {
                val fragmentManager = fragmentManager
                val accountsPicker = AccountPickerFragment().newInstance("Accounts Picker")
      , "Accounts Picker")
            else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
        return true


Continue ReadingPorting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

Adding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android

After establishing Facebook and Twitter share in Phimpme, our next goal was to integrate more social networking sites. Pinterest is an ideal website for us as it is widely used among various photography enthusiasts. Our goal was to share the image on the Pinterest website without the use of any other native android application.

Note: First, we added Phimpme app in the developer section This step is crucial as it generates APP ID and it is necessary for authentication.

Adding Pinterest option in Accounts Activity in Phimpme

In accounts activity, we have added a list of accounts that we have integrated in a Recyclerview. Currently, we have integrated Facebook and Twitter. We need to add Pinterest App icon and Pinterest option in the Recyclerview.

To add Pinterest app icon I downloaded the icon from iconfinder in SVG format. Using SVG format allows icon to resize itself according to the screen sizes of the users. We saved the icon file name as ic_pinterest_black.xml

Pinterest icon SVG:

<vector android:height="24dp" android:viewportHeight="32.0"
   android:viewportWidth="32.0" android:width="24dp" xmlns:android="">
   <path android:fillColor="#231F20" android:pathData="M16,0.27C7.16,0.27 0,7.43 0,16.27c0,6.55 3.94,12.18 9.58,14.65c-0.05,-1.12 -0.01,-2.46 0.28,-3.67c0.31,-1.3 2.06,-8.72 2.06,-8.72s-0.51,-1.02 -0.51,-2.53c0,-2.37 1.37,-4.14 3.08,-4.14c1.46,0 2.16,1.09 2.16,2.4c0,1.46 -0.93,3.65 -1.41,5.68c-0.4,1.7 0.85,3.08 2.53,3.08c3.03,0 5.07,-3.89 5.07,-8.51c0,-3.51 -2.36,-6.13 -6.66,-6.13c-4.85,0 -7.88,3.62 -7.88,7.66c0,1.39 0.41,2.38 1.05,3.14c0.29,0.35 0.34,0.49 0.23,0.89C9.51,20.37 9.33,21.08 9.26,21.36c-0.11,0.4 -0.44,0.55 -0.8,0.4c-2.23,-0.91 -3.28,-3.36 -3.28,-6.11c0,-4.55 3.83,-9.99 11.44,-9.99c6.11,0 10.13,4.42 10.13,9.16c0,6.28 -3.49,10.97 -8.63,10.97c-1.73,0 -3.35,-0.93 -3.91,-1.99c0,0 -0.93,3.69 -1.13,4.4c-0.34,1.23 -1,2.46 -1.61,3.43C12.9,32.04 14.43,32.27 16,32.27c8.84,0 16,-7.16 16,-16S24.84,0.27 16,0.27z"/>

We made an array of all the accounts list in the Accounts Activity. I added Pinterest in the array list. This array list is inflated in the Accounts Activity.

public static String[] accountName = {"Facebook", "Twitter", "Drupal", "NextCloud", "Wordpress", "Pinterest"};

To add the icon the recyclerview, we have to get the resource id from the drawable folder and then set is in the recyclerview. We have done it dynamically so that we don’t have to fetch the id of every accounts icons.

Integer id = getContext().getResources().getIdentifier(context.getString(R.string.ic_) +
               (accountName[position].toLowerCase()) + "_black"
       , context.getString(R.string.drawable)
       , getContext().getPackageName());


Importing Pinterest SDK in Phimpme project

To import the Pinterest SDK in the project, please download the Pinterest SDK from the link: Go to File->import new module->Import Gradle Project. Build the project, if there is any error resolve the error and then build Gradle again.

compile project(‘:pdk’)

Add APP ID in the manifest file of the project

We need to add the APP ID that was generated while making the app the Pinterest in the manifest folder of the Phimpme Android. In the case of Phimpme, we have added the APP ID in the intent filter in the Accounts Activity. This is necessary for the interaction of the Phimpme with the Pinterest website.

       <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
       <data android:scheme="pdk4910600717739247160" />

Establishing Pinterest authentication in Accounts Activity

First, we need to import all the necessary class from the Pinterest SDK. These class includes callback functions, PDKClient which manages the interface between the Phimpme app and the Pinterest website. We need to pass the APP ID in the PDKClient function as an argument and also the view in the onConnect function in PDKClient.

pdkClient = PDKClient.configureInstance(this, getResources().getString(R.string.pinterest_app_id));

Before signing In we need to check if we are already signed in or not. This is how we have done in  Phimpme app. If the app is already signed In a Toast will pop up showing that it already signed In.

if (accountPresenter.checkAlreadyExist(accountName[5])) {
   Toast.makeText(this, R.string.already_signed_in,

Authentication happens in these following steps:

Adding permissions in the List                                                                                These include the following permissions:

  • Read permission
  • Write permission
  • Read relationship
  • Write relationship
List scopes = new ArrayList<String>();

Passing the view, scope array and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function

I have passed the view, scope array list and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function in PDKClient class. This will initiate the authentication process and the user will be redirected to the Pinterest web page after the user has filled up the credentials properly and logged in to the Pinterest the user will be redirected to the Phimpme accounts page. If the user has logged In successfully onSuccess function with being called where PDKResponse will pass an argument. This response object can be used to fetch the username of the logged In user or the Pin and the BoardID of the user.

public void onSuccess(PDKResponse response) {
   Log.d(getClass().getName(), response.getData().toString());

   // Begin realm transaction

   // Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
   account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

   // Writing values in Realm database

   // Finally committing the whole data

   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this, R.string.success, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

If the user fails to log in to the account onFailure function will be called and a Toast will pop up.

public void onFailure(PDKException exception) {
   Log.e(getClass().getName(), exception.getDetailMessage());
   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this,, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Inserting the credentials to the Realm Database

We have used the Realm database to store all the accounts credentials in one place. This is necessary for the maintenance and to check if the user is logged or not. AccountName array holds the list of the name which is added to the database.

// Begin realm transaction

// Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

// Writing values in Realm database

// Finally committing the whole data


Now, users can login into the Pinterest from the Accounts Activity. After authenticating the users, we can use the authentication to share the image from the app to the Pinterest website.



Continue ReadingAdding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android