Implementing Scheduled Sessions in Open Event Scheduler

Until recently, the Open Event Frontend version 2 didn’t have the functionality to display the already scheduled sessions of an event on the sessions scheduler. Displaying the already scheduled sessions is important so that the event organizer can always use the sessions scheduler as a draft and not worry about losing progress or data about scheduled sessions’ timings. Therefore, just like a list of unscheduled sessions was implemented for the scheduler, the provision for displaying scheduled sessions also had to be implemented.

The first step towards implementing this was to fetch the scheduled sessions’ details from Open Event Server. To perform this fetch, an appropriate filter was required. This filter should ideally ask the server to send only those sessions that are “scheduled”. Thus, scheduled sessions need to be defined as sessions which have a non-null value of its starts-at and ends-at fields. Also, few more details are required to be fetched for a clean display of scheduled sessions. First, the sessions’ speaker details should be included so that the speakers’ names can be displayed alongside the sessions. Also, the microlocations’ details need to be included so that each session is displayed according to its microlocation. For example, if a session is to be delivered in a place named ‘Lecture Hall A’, it should appear under the ‘Lecture Hall A’ microlocation column. Therefore, the filter goes as follows:

let scheduledFilterOptions = [
        and: [
            name : 'starts-at',
            op   : 'ne',
            val  : null
            name : 'ends-at',
            op   : 'ne',
            val  : null


After fetching the scheduled sessions’ details, they need to be delivered to the fulllcalendar code for displaying on the session scheduler. For that, the sessions need to be converted in a format which can be parsed by the fullcalendar add-on of emberJS. For example, fullcalendar calls microlocations as ‘resources’. Here is the format which fullcalendar understands:

        title      : `${session.title} | ${speakerNames.join(', ')}`,
        start      : session.startsAt.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS'),
        end        : session.endsAt.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS'),
        resourceId : session.microlocation.get('id'),
        color      : session.track.get('color'),
        serverId   : session.get('id') // id of the session on BE


Once the sessions are in the appropriate format, their data is sent to the fullcalendar template, which renders them on the screen:

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 8.20.27 PM.png

This completes the implementation of displaying the scheduled sessions of an event on the Open Event Scheduler.


Continue ReadingImplementing Scheduled Sessions in Open Event Scheduler

Implementing Unscheduled Sessions List for Event Scheduler

Until recently, Open Event Server didn’t allow the storage of unscheduled sessions. However, having the provision of unscheduled sessions was necessary so that event organizers can easily schedule the unscheduled sessions and keep track of them. Also, it allows them to remove scheduled sessions from the scheduler and place them in the unscheduled sessions list, so that they can be scheduled later. Also, since the unscheduled sessions list was also present in Eventyay version 1, it was decided to have the same in version 2.

The first step was to enable the storage of unscheduled sessions on the server. For this, the starts-at and ends-at fields of the session model were modified to be non-required (earlier they were mandatory). Once this change was done, the next step was to fetch the list of unscheduled sessions on the frontend, from the server. Unscheduled sessions were the ones which had the starts-at and ends-at fields as null. Also, the speakers’ details needed to be fetched so that their names can be mentioned along with sessions’ titles, in accordance with Eventyay version 1. Thus, the following were the filter options for the unscheduled sessions’ fetching:

let unscheduledFilterOptions = [
        and: [
            name : 'starts-at',
            op   : 'eq',
            val  : null
            name : 'ends-at',
            op   : 'eq',
            val  : null
let unscheduledSessions = await eventDetails.query('sessions', {
      include : 'speakers,track',
      filter  : unscheduledFilterOptions


This gave us the list of unscheduled sessions on the frontend appropriately. After this, the next step was to display this list to the event organizer. For this, the scheduler’s Handlebars template file was modified appropriately. The colors and sizes were chosen so that the list looks similar to the one in Eventyay version 1. Also, the Ember add-on named ember-drag-drop was used to make these unscheduled session components draggable, so that they can be ultimately scheduled on the scheduler. After installing this package and making the necessary changes to the project’s package.json file, the component file for unscheduled sessions was modified accordingly to adapt for the draggable components’ UI. This was the final step and completed the implementation of listing unscheduled sessions.



Continue ReadingImplementing Unscheduled Sessions List for Event Scheduler

Open Event Frontend – Events Explore Page

This blog illustrates how the events explore page is implemented in the Open Event Frontend web app. The user can land on the events explore page by clicking on Browse Events button in the top panel on the home page, shown by the mouse tip in the following picture.

Here, the user can use the various filter options provided to search for the events as per his requirements, He/she can filter according to categories, sub-categories for each category, event type, and date range. A unique feature here is that the user can pick from the start date range options such as today, tomorrow, this week, this weekend, next week and many more. If neither of these fits his needs he can use custom dates as well. The user can also filter events using event location which is autocompleted using Google Maps API. Thus, searching for events is fast, easy and fun.

Let us see how this has been implemented.


The explore routes has a method _loadEvents(params). Here, params is the various query parameters for filtering the events. This method forms the query, sends it to the server and returns the list of events returned by the server. The server uses Flask-REST-JSONAPI. It has a very flexible filtering system. It is completely related to the data layer used by the ResourceList manager. More information about this can be found here.

So, the filters are formed using syntax specified in the link mentioned above. We form an array filterOptions which stores the various filters. The default filter is that the event should be published:

let filterOptions = [
   name : 'state',
   op  : 'eq',
   val  : 'published'

Then we check for each filter option and check if it is present or not. If yes then we add it to filterOptions. An example as follows:

if (params.category) {
   name : 'event-topic',
   op  : 'has',
   val  : {
     name : 'name',
     op : 'eq',
     val : params.category

This is repeated for sub_category, event_type, location and start_date and end_date. An event is considered to fulfill the date filter if it satisfies any one of the given conditions:

  • If both start_date and end_date are mentioned:
    • Event start_date is after filter start date and before filter end date.
    • Or, event end date if after filter start date and before filter end date.
    • Or, event start date is before filter start date and event end date date is after filter end date.
  • If only start_date is mentioned, then if the event start date is after filter start date or event end date is after filter start date.

The code to this can be found here. For the date ranges mentioned above(today, tomorrow etc) the start dates and end dates are calculated using the moment.js library and then passed on as params.

The filteredEvents are passed in the route model.

async model(params) {
 return {
   eventTypes     : await'event-type'),
   eventTopics    : await'event-topic', { include: 'event-sub-topics' }),
   filteredEvents : await this._loadEvents(params)

The variable is set in the controller and any change to the query params is observed for. The method _loadEvents is called whenever the query params change.

setupController(controller, model) {
 controller.set('filteredEvents', model.filteredEvents);
 this.set('controller', controller);

actions: {
 async queryParamsDidChange(change, params) {
   if (this.get('controller')) {
     this.get('controller').set('filteredEvents', await this._loadEvents(params));

The template iterates over the filteredEvents and displays each one in a card.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Frontend – Events Explore Page

Adding New Arrivals in the Metrics of SUSI.AI

The SUSI Skill CMS homepage contains a lot of metics on the homepage. For example, the highest rated skills, latest skills, most used skills etc. Another important metric is the newly arrived skills in a given period of time, say in last week. This keeps the users updated with the system and allows them to know what work is going on the assistant. This also inspires the skill creators to create more skills.

Update skill listing API

To get the list of recently added skill, first of all, we need a mechanism to sort them in descending order of their creation time. Update the skill listing API ie, to sort skills by their creation time. The creation time is stored in “YYYY-MM-DD T M S” format, for ex “2018-08-12T03:11:32Z”. So it can be sorted easily using string comparison function.

Collections.sort(jsonValues, new Comparator<JSONObject>() {
    private static final String KEY_NAME = "creationTime";
    public int compare(JSONObject a, JSONObject b) {
        String valA = new String();
        String valB = new String();
        int result = 0;
         try {
            valA = a.get(KEY_NAME).toString();
            valB = b.get(KEY_NAME).toString();
            result = valB.compareToIgnoreCase(valA);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
        return result;

After sorting the skills in descending order of their creation date. We need to filter them based on the time period. For example, if the skills created in last days are required then we need a generalized filter for that. This can be achieved by creating a variable for the starting date of the required time period. Say, if the skill created in last 7 days are required, then the number of milliseconds equivalent to 7 days is subtracted from the current timestamp. All the skills created after this timestamp are added to the result while others are skipped.

if (dateFilter) {
	long durationInMillisec = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(duration);
	long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - durationInMillisec;
	String startDate = new Timestamp(timestamp).toString().substring(0, 10); //substring is used for getting timestamp upto date only
	String skillCreationDate = jsonValues.get(i).get("creationTime").toString().substring(0,10);
	if (skillCreationDate.compareToIgnoreCase(startDate) < 0)

This filtering works in the API only when the filter type is set to date and duration in days is passed in the endpoint.

Implement new arrivals on CMS

Create the MenuItems in the sidebar that shows the filter name and add onClick handler on them. The skill listing API with the duration filter is passed to the handler. 3 MenuItems are added:

  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 90 Days

<MenuItem  value="&applyFilter=true&filter_name=descending&filter_type=date&duration=7"  key="Last 7 Days"
  primaryText="Last 7 Days"
  onClick={event =>
      event, '&applyFilter=true&filter_name=descending&filter_type=date&duration=7',

Create a handler that listens to the onClick event of the above MenuItems. This handler accepts the API endpoint and calls the loadCards function with it.

handleArrivalTimeChange = (event, value) => {
 this.setState({ filter: value }, function() {
   // console.log(this.state);


Continue ReadingAdding New Arrivals in the Metrics of SUSI.AI

Open Event Server – Export Sessions as PDF File

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server is the REST API backend for the event management platform, Open Event. Here, the event organizers can create their events, add tickets for it and manage all aspects from the schedule to the speakers. Also, once he/she makes his event public, others can view it and buy tickets if interested.

The organizer can see all the sessions in a very detailed view in the event management dashboard. He can see the statuses of all the sessions. The possible statuses are pending, accepted, confirmed and rejected. He/she can take actions such as accepting/rejecting the sessions.

If the organizer wants to download the list of all the sessions as a PDF file, he or she can do it very easily by simply clicking on the Export As PDF button in the top right-hand corner.

Let us see how this is done on the server.

Server side – generating the Sessions PDF file

Here we will be using the pisa package which is used to convert from HTML to PDF. It is a html2pdf converter which uses ReportLab Toolkit, the HTML5lib and pyPdf. It supports HTML5 and CSS 2.1 (and some of CSS 3). It is completely written in pure Python so it is platform independent.

from xhtml2pdf import pisa

We have a utility method create_save_pdf which creates and saves PDFs from HTML. It takes the following arguments:

  • pdf_data – This contains the HTML template which has to be converted to PDF.
  • key – This contains the file name
  • dir_path – This contains the directory

It returns the newly formed PDF file. The code is as follows:

def create_save_pdf(pdf_data, key, dir_path='/static/uploads/pdf/temp/'):
   filedir = current_app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + dir_path

   if not os.path.isdir(filedir):

   filename = get_file_name() + '.pdf'
   dest = filedir + filename

   file = open(dest, "wb")
   pisa.CreatePDF(io.BytesIO(pdf_data.encode('utf-8')), file)

   uploaded_file = UploadedFile(dest, filename)
   upload_path = key.format(identifier=get_file_name())
   new_file = upload(uploaded_file, upload_path)
   # Removing old file created

   return new_file

The HTML file is formed using the render_template method of flask. This method takes the HTML template and its required variables as the arguments. In our case, we pass in ‘pdf/sessions_pdf.html’(template) and sessions. Here, sessions is the list of sessions to be included in the PDF file. In the template, we loop through each item of sessions and check if it is deleted or not. If it not deleted then we print its title, state, list of its speakers, track, created at and has an email been sent or not. All these fields form a row in the table. Hence, each session is a row in our PDF file.

The various columns are as follows:

       {{ ("Title") }}
       {{ ("State") }}
       {{ ("Speakers") }}
       {{ ("Track") }}
       {{ ("Created At") }}
       {{ ("Email Sent") }}

A snippet of the code which handles iterating over the sessions list and forming a row is as follows:

{% for session in sessions %}
   {% if not session.deleted_at %}
       <tr class="padded" style="text-align:center; margin-top: 5px">
               {% if session.title %}
                   {{ session.title }}
               {% else %}
                   {{ "-" }}
               {% endif %}
               {% if session.state %}
                   {{ session.state }}
               {% else %}
                   {{ "-" }}
               {% endif %}
               {% if session.speakers %}
                   {% for speaker in session.speakers %}
                       {{ }}<br>
                   {% endfor %}
               {% else %}
                   {{ "-" }}
               {% endif %}
          ….. And so on
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The full template can be found here.

Obtaining the Sessions PDF file:

Firstly, we have an API endpoint which starts the task on the server.

GET - /v1/events/{event_identifier}/export/sessions/pdf

Here, event_identifier is the unique ID of the event. This endpoint starts a celery task on the server to export the sessions of the event as a PDF file. It returns the URL of the task to get the status of the export task. A sample response is as follows:

  "task_url": "/v1/tasks/b7ca7088-876e-4c29-a0ee-b8029a64849a"

The user can go to the above-returned URL and check the status of his/her Celery task. If the task completed successfully he/she will get the download URL. The endpoint to check the status of the task is:

and the corresponding response from the server –

  "result": {
    "download_url": "/v1/events/1/exports/http://localhost/static/media/exports/1/zip/OGpMM0w2RH/"
  "state": "SUCCESS"

The file can be downloaded from the above-mentioned URL.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Server – Export Sessions as PDF File

Implementing User Email Verification in Open Event Frontend

Open Event Server provides the functionality of user email verification after a user registers, but it was not implemented on Open Event Frontend until recently. For users, this meant they were still not able to verify themselves, even after receiving confirmation links in their inboxes, which were sent by the server. Thus, implementing it on frontend was crucial for a complete user registration workflow.

Since the server had already exposed an endpoint to perform the registration, all that was required on the frontend to be done was to make a call to this endpoint with the necessary data. The entire process can be summarized as follows:

  1. The recently registered user clicks on the verification link she receives on her email
  2. The above step opens the link, which is of the format
  3. As soon as the frontend server receives this request, it extracts the token from the URL query parameter
  4. The token is now sent to the backend server as a patch request
  5. The response of the above request confirms whether the user verification is successful or not, and an appropriate message is displayed

In the frontend code, the above algorithm is spread across 3 files: the router, verify route and verify controller. A new route named /verify was implemented for the user verification, and was registered in the project’s main router.js file. After that, in the verify route, the beforeModel() method is used to trigger the above algorithm before the page is loaded:

// in app/routes/verify.js

beforeModel(transition) {

The main algorithm above is implemented in the verify controller:

// in app/controllers/verify.js
queryParams : ['token'],
token       : null,
success     : false,
error       : null,

verify(tokenVal) {
let payload = {
data: {
token: tokenVal
return this.get('loader')
.post('auth/verify-email', payload)
.then(() => {
this.set('success', true);
.catch(reason => {
this.set('error', reason);
this.set('success', false);


A template for displaying the success or failure messages to the user was also created. It uses the value of the success boolean set above to decide the message to be displayed to the user. The user registration workflow is now complete and the user sees the following message after clicking on the verification link she receives:

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 7.10.43 PM


Continue ReadingImplementing User Email Verification in Open Event Frontend

Voltage Measurement through Channels in PSLab

The Pocket Science Lab multimeter has got three channels namely CH1,CH2 and CH3 with different ranges for measuring the voltages.This blog will give a brief description on how we measure voltages in channels.

Measuring Voltages at channels can be divided into three parts:-

        1. Communication between between device and Android.
        2. Setting up analog channel (analog constants)
        3. Voltage measuring function of android.

Communication between PSLab device and Android App

The communication between the PSLab device and  Android occurs through the help of UsbManger package of CommunicationHandler class of the app. The main two functions involved in the communication are read and write functions in which we send particular number of bytes and then we receive certain bytes.

The read function :-

public int read(byte[] dest, int bytesToBeRead, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
    int numBytesRead = 0;
    //synchronized (mReadBufferLock) {
    int readNow;
    Log.v(TAG, "TO read : " + bytesToBeRead);
    int bytesToBeReadTemp = bytesToBeRead;
    while (numBytesRead < bytesToBeRead) {
        readNow = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mReadEndpoint, mReadBuffer, bytesToBeReadTemp, timeoutMillis);
        if (readNow < 0) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Read Error: " + bytesToBeReadTemp);
            return numBytesRead;
        } else {
            //Log.v(TAG, "Read something" + mReadBuffer);
            System.arraycopy(mReadBuffer, 0, dest, numBytesRead, readNow);
            numBytesRead += readNow;
            bytesToBeReadTemp -= readNow;
            //Log.v(TAG, "READ : " + numBytesRead);
            //Log.v(TAG, "REMAINING: " + bytesToBeRead);
    Log.v("Bytes Read", "" + numBytesRead);
    return numBytesRead;

Similarly the write function is –

public int write(byte[] src, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 18) {
        return writeSupportAPI(src, timeoutMillis);
    int written = 0;
    while (written < src.length) {
        int writeLength, amtWritten;
        //synchronized (mWriteBufferLock) {
        writeLength = Math.min(mWriteBuffer.length, src.length - written);
        // bulk transfer supports offset from API 18
        amtWritten = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mWriteEndpoint, src, written, writeLength, timeoutMillis);
        if (amtWritten < 0) {
            throw new IOException("Error writing " + writeLength +
                " bytes at offset " + written + " length=" + src.length);
        written += amtWritten;
    return written;

Although these are the core functions used for communication but the data received through these functions are further processed using another class known as PacketHandler. In the PacketHandler class also there are two major functions i.e sendByte and getByte(), these are the main functions which are further used in other classes for communication.

The sendByte function:-

public void sendByte(int val) throws IOException {
    if (!connected) {
        throw new IOException("Device not connected");
    if (!loadBurst) {
        try {
            mCommunicationHandler.write(new byte[] {
                (byte)(val & 0xff), (byte)((val >> 8) & 0xff)
            }, timeout);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e("Error in sending int", e.toString());
    } else {
        burstBuffer.put(new byte[] {
            (byte)(val & 0xff), (byte)((val >> 8) & 0xff)

As we can see that in this function also the main function used is the write function of communicationHandler but in this class the data is further processed.

Setting Up the Analog Constants

For setting up the ranges, gains and other properties of channels, a different class of AnalogConstants is implemented in the android app, in this class all the properties which are used by the channels are defined which are further used in the sendByte() functions for communication.

public class AnalogConstants {

    public double[] gains = {1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 32, 1 / 11.};
    public String[] allAnalogChannels = {"CH1", "CH2", "CH3", "MIC", "CAP", "SEN", "AN8"};
    public String[] biPolars = {"CH1", "CH2", "CH3", "MIC"};
    public Map<String, double[]> inputRanges = new HashMap<>();
    public Map<String, Integer> picADCMultiplex = new HashMap<>();

    public AnalogConstants() {

        inputRanges.put("CH1", new double[]{16.5, -16.5});
        inputRanges.put("CH2", new double[]{16.5, -16.5});
        inputRanges.put("CH3", new double[]{-3.3, 3.3});
        inputRanges.put("MIC", new double[]{-3.3, 3.3});
        inputRanges.put("CAP", new double[]{0, 3.3});
        inputRanges.put("SEN", new double[]{0, 3.3});
        inputRanges.put("AN8", new double[]{0, 3.3});

        picADCMultiplex.put("CH1", 3);
        picADCMultiplex.put("CH2", 0);
        picADCMultiplex.put("CH3", 1);
        picADCMultiplex.put("MIC", 2);
        picADCMultiplex.put("AN4", 4);
        picADCMultiplex.put("SEN", 7);
        picADCMultiplex.put("CAP", 5);
        picADCMultiplex.put("AN8", 8);


Also in the AnalogInput sources class many other properties such as CHOSA( a variable assigned to denote the analog to decimal conversion constant of each channel) are also defined

public AnalogInputSource(String channelName) {
    AnalogConstants analogConstants = new AnalogConstants();
    this.channelName = channelName;
    range = analogConstants.inputRanges.get(channelName);
    gainValues = analogConstants.gains;
    this.CHOSA = analogConstants.picADCMultiplex.get(channelName);
    calPoly10 = new PolynomialFunction(new double[] {
        3.3 / 1023,
    calPoly12 = new PolynomialFunction(new double[] {
        3.3 / 4095,
    if (range[1] - range[0] < 0) {
        inverted = true;
        inversion = -1;
    if (channelName.equals("CH1")) {
        gainEnabled = true;
        gainPGA = 1;
        gain = 0;
    } else if (channelName.equals("CH2")) {
        gainEnabled = true;
        gainPGA = 2;
        gain = 0;
    gain = 0;

Also in this constructor a polynomial function is also called which further plays an important  role in measuring voltage as it is through this polynomial function we get the voltage of channels in the science lab class , also it is also used in oscilloscope for plotting the graph . So this was the setup of analog channels.

Voltage Measuring Functions

There are two major functions for measuring voltages which are present in the scienceLab class

  • getAverageVoltage
  • getRawableVoltage

Here are the functions

private double getRawAverageVoltage(String channelName) {
    try {
        int chosa = this.calcCHOSA(channelName);
        int vSum = mPacketHandler.getVoltageSummation();
        return vSum / 16.0;
    } catch (IOException | NullPointerException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error in getRawAverageVoltage");
    return 0;

This is the major function which takes the data from the communicationHandler class via packetHandler. Further this function is used in the getAverageVoltage function.

private double getAverageVoltage(String channelName, Integer sample) {
    if (sample == null) sample = 1;
    PolynomialFunction poly;
    double sum = 0;
    poly = analogInputSources.get(channelName).calPoly12;
    ArrayList < Double > vals = new ArrayList < > ();
    for (int i = 0; i < sample; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < vals.size(); j++) {
        sum = sum + poly.value(vals.get(j));
    return sum / vals.size();

This function uses the data from the getRawableVoltage function and uses it the polynomial generated in the analog lasses to calculate the final voltage. Thus this was the core backend of calculating the voltages through channels in PSLab.


Continue ReadingVoltage Measurement through Channels in PSLab

Using Multimeter in PSLab Android Application

The Pocket Science Lab as we all know is on the verge of development and new features and UI are added almost every day. One such feature is the implementation of multimeter which I have also discussed in my previous blogs.

Figure (1) : Screenshot of the multimeter

But although many functionality of multimeter such as resistance measurement are working perfectly, there are still various bugs in the multimeter. This blog is dedicated to using multimeter in the android app.

Using the multimeter

Figure (2): Screenshot showing guide of multimeter

Figure (2) shows the guide of the multimeter, i.e how basic basic elements such as resistance and voltage are measured using the multimeter. The demonstration of measuring the resistance and voltage are given below.

Measuring the resistance

The resistance is measure by connecting the SEN pin to the positive end of resistor and the GND pin to the negative end of resistor and then clicking the RESISTANCE button.

                   Figure (3) : Demonstration of resistance measurement

Measuring the voltage

To measure the voltage as said in the Guide, directly connect the power source to the the channel pins, although currently only the CH3 pin will show the most accurate results, work is going on other channel improvisation as well.

Figure (4) : Demonstration of Voltage measurement


And thus this is how the multimeter is used is used in the android app.  Of course there are still many many features such as capacitance measurements which are yet to be implemented and the work is going on them


Continue ReadingUsing Multimeter in PSLab Android Application

Feature to Report a Skill as Inappropriate

There are hundreds of skills on SUSI Skill CMS. News skills are created daily. Often some skills are made only for testing purpose. Also, some skills are published even though they are not completely developed. Further users may also create some skills that are not suitable for all age groups. To avoid this a skill reporting feature has been added on the CMS.

Server side implementation

Create a JSONTray object in that stores the reported skill data. These reports are stored in reportedSkill.json.

Then create an API to report a skill as inappropriate. It runs at /cms/reportSkill.json endpoint and accepts the following parameters :

  • Model
  • Group
  • Language
  • Skill name
  • Feedback

A user should be logged in to report a skill as inappropriate, so the minimum user role is set to user.

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization authorization, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
	String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
	File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
	String group_name = call.get("group", "Knowledge");
	File group = new File(model, group_name);
	String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
	File language = new File(group, language_name);
	String skill_name = call.get("skill", null);
	File skill = SusiSkill.getSkillFileInLanguage(language, skill_name, false);
	String skill_feedback = call.get("feedback", null);

Next search for the reported skill in reportedSkill.json through DAO object. If it is found then add a new report object to it else create a new skill object containing the report and store it in the reportedSkill.json.

JSONObject reportObject = new JSONObject();
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (authorization.getIdentity().isEmail()) reportObject.put("email", idvalue);
if (authorization.getIdentity().isUuid()) reportObject.put("uuid", idvalue);
reportObject.put("feedback", skill_feedback);
reportObject.put("timestamp", timestamp.toString());
skillName.put("reports", reports);

Also, increment the counter of the total number of reports on the skill. This helps in getting better an overview of the skill and in future may also help in taking automatic actions on the reported skills.

Finally, add the API to



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