

LearnJs is an attempt to portray the best parts of Javasript that are pretty tough and hard to find. It is to be noted that this is not a book/guide in any form, but a congregation of best practices, language constructs, and other simple yet effective snippets that gives us an essence of how we can harness the best out of the language.

So what are all covered in the cheatsheet ?

  • Intro
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Objects
  • Functions
  • Conventions
  • Closures
  • Currying
  • Tail Calls

Intro : Declarations


We have to understand the fact that in Javascript everything is an object, so for suppose if we declare a string using the String object and compare it with var a = “” then the outcome of the comparision would be false. This is simply because if we declare a string using the bad way and compare it with a string declared using the good way then fundamentally we are comparing a string with an Object(String).
Intro : Semicolons


Code Snippet one and two are the same. but the fundamental difference between both the code samples is that one uses semicolons in the lang- -uage semantics but whereas the other doesnot. Basically we are taught to use semicolons in languages such as C, C++, Java etc since lines of code are terminated using ‘;’ but in Javascript the entire scenario is different. There is absolutely no difference in execution of code with or without semicolons.



So basically except the primitive values all are objects in Javascript

Tail Calls


Tail calls are nothing but essentially replacing the concept of recursive functions with loop. In a way this can not only save time but also saves space i.e better time complexity and space complexity.Observing both the algorithms above written for factorial we can understand that f() is the traditional recursive method used for finding the factorial, but f1() is the tail call optimized algorithm which is better and fast.

The work is going in progress, since there is still a lot to cover.
Github : Click here
Source : Click here

Thats it folks,
Happy Hacking !!

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New Tools and Sensors for FOSSASIA PSLab and ExpEYES

ExpEYES: Open Source Science Lab’ is a project FOSSASIA is supporting since 2014. As a part of GSoC-14 and GSoC-15 we started actively developing Pocket Science Lab for open science education. The objective is to make create the most affordable open source pocket lab which can help millions of students and citizen scientists all over the world to  learn science by exploring and experimenting.

We are currently working on  adding new tools/sensors and also  developing a new lab interface with higher capabilities to be added to FOSSASIA Science Lab. My goal for this year’s project is to add new experiments to the ExpEYES library. I also started working on new lab interface.

Here is my kitchen converted to a work space, my GSoC Lab:)

Linear Air track for mechanics experiments, super-critical dryer which uses PSLab for temperature control and monitoring with other instruments.

In the month of May-16, I spent few days at IUAC – Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, to work with Dr. Ajith Kumar ( Inventor of Expeyes). The time spent at IUAC was most useful as we got help and inputs from many people at IUAC and also the participant teachers of ExpEYES training programme. We designed some new experiments to be done with ExpEYES. Planned improvements in Mechanics experiments especially the experiments on linear air track. We also started working on the new lab interface. Thanks to Jithin B.P. for helping us out with all the development. With the continuous collective efforts now we have a new lab interface. “PSLab: Pocket Science Lab from FOSSASIA”. Here I am trying to give all the details of the equipment and the development done so far and the things planned for next couple of months.

PSLab: Pocket Science Lab from FOSSASIA

Size of PSLab is 62mmx78mmx13mm. The front panel will be slightly different than the one in the picture. It will have little extra portion in the top right corner to accommodative 90 degree connector pins. something like this.pslab
We will finalize the front panel design in a week and get the panels screen printed. The sample kits will be sent to my mentors for testing and suggestions.)

Main Features and GUI’s

PSLab can function like an oscilloscope, data logger, waveform generator, frequency counter, programmable voltage source etc. It can be plugged in to USB port of PC or SBC’s like Raspberry Pi. PSLab has:

  • 2 variable sine waves
  • 4 programmable  square wave generators
  • 3 programmable voltage sources
  • Programmable constant current source
  • 4 channels for fetching data
  • Sensor input
  • Berg Strip sockets  etc…

We are also working on to add wireless sensor interface. This will enable PSLab in accessing various sensors using a wireless module.

PSLab Code repository , Installation and Communicating with PSLab

All the programs are written in Python. PyQt is used for GUI designing and Pyqtgraph is used for plotting library. I have created two repositories  for PSLab

  • https://github.com/fossasia/pslab-apps: GUI programs and templates for various experiments. (Depends on python-pyqtgraph (>=0.9.10), python-qt4 (>=4.10), ipython(>=1.2), ipython-qtconsole(>=1.2)

In addition to the above development work we also conducted a few demonstration sessions in science and engineering colleges at Belgaum, India. The feedback from teachers and students in improving the kit  is really helpful in modifying the GUI’s for better user experience.

Next Steps/To Do

  • Add new experiments to PSLab
  • Complete Voltammetry module for ExpEYES
  • Complete Unified GUI for all  Mechanics Experiments using ExpEYES
  • Documentation for PSLab

We are  getting about 25 PSLab  kits ready in the first batch by the end of this month. Thanks to funding from GSoC-15.) Need to work on the PSL@FOSSASIA website. Next immediate plan is to get about 50-100 kits ready and update the website with all the information and user manuals before FOSSASIA-17. I am also working on a plan to reach-out to  maximum number of science and engineering students who will definitely get benefit from PSLab.)

Continue ReadingNew Tools and Sensors for FOSSASIA PSLab and ExpEYES

Getting Signed Release apk’s from the command line


View at Medium.com

If anyone of you has deployed an application on the play store, you may have most probably used Android Studio’s built in Generate signed apkoption.

The generate apk option in android studio

Recently while making the Open Event Apk generator, I had to make release apk’s, so that they could be used by an event organiser to publish their app, plus apk’s had to be signed because if they were not signed, it would be impossible to upload due to checks by Google.

Error shown on the developers console

So since I was building the app using the terminal and I didn’t have the luxury of signing the app using Android studio and I had to look for alternatives. Luckily I found two of them :

  1. Using the Signing configs offered by gradle
  2. Using the Oracle sun jarsigner

First of all the signing configs in gradle is a great way to do this. Most Open source apps use this as a way to put their code out for everyone to view and sucessfully hide any private keys and password.

You just need to add few lines of code in your app level build.gradle file and create a file called keystore.properties

In your keystore.properties, we just need to store the sensitive info and this file will be accessible only to people who are part of the project.


Next we go to the build.gradle and add these lines to read the keystore.properties file and it’s variables

// Create a variable called keystorePropertiesFile, and initialize it to your
// keystore.properties file, in the rootProject folder.
def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("keystore.properties")

// Initialize a new Properties() object called keystoreProperties.
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()

// Load your keystore.properties file into the keystoreProperties object.
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

Next we can add the signingConfigs task and reference the values we got above over there

android {
    signingConfigs {
        config {
            keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
            keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
            storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
            storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']

So As you see this is as simple as this but according to my requirements this seemed a bit tedious since a person setting up the apk generator had to make a keystore file, then find the build.gradle and change the path of the keystore file according to the server directories. So this does the trick but this can be so tedious for someone with no technical experience, so I researched on other solutions and then I got it : Jarsigner and Zipalign

First of all,the jarsigner and zipalign are 2 great tools and the best part about them is that both of them work perfectly with a just one line commands. For signing the app :

jarsigner -keystore <keystore_file> -storepass <storepassword> <apknameTosigned> <alias>

and then zipaligning :

zipalign -v 4 <unaligned-apk-location> <path-to-generated-aligned-apk>

So this is it, we finally used these 2 commands to sign and zipalign an apk and it works perfectly fine. Please test and share comments of the demo live @ Ciao !

Continue ReadingGetting Signed Release apk’s from the command line

Adding Notifications, Volunteer Shifts and DB Export in Engelsystem

Admin can change the display message in registration form

The present system doesn’t allow to change the display message in register form. When the system is used for different events it would be useful if the admin is able to change the display message in registration form . I have added feature were admin can change the display message

settings page

By changing the message in the message box admin can change the display message.Now the message looks like this.

register page

Implementation of changing display message.

Adding display_msg field to User Table so that the display_msg can be accessed through the database any where through the code and can be changed easily

   ADD `display_msg` varchar(255) DEFAULT "By completing this form you're registering as a Chaos-Angel. This script will create you an account in the angel task scheduler.";

Next step is to update the field whenever it is changed by admin

sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `display_msg`='" . sql_escape($display_message) . "' WHERE  `UID`='" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "'");

Copy/ Duplicate function for creating new shifts from existing shifts

The present system doesn’t allow admin to edit an existing shift and create a new shift from the existing data of already created shifts . I have created a copy shift option where admin can edit the shift and create a new shift

create new shifts

In this page admin can create new shift or update the existing shift . Admin can change the date , time , no of angels etc as admin used to create shifts.

Implementation of copy shifts function

Once the admin selects create new shifts button , we need to use the same data so we need to store the values in variables. once admin selects the option we need to do all the error handling and create new shifts .

    if (isset($_REQUEST['shifttype_id'])) {
      $shifttype = ShiftType($_REQUEST['shifttype_id']);
      if ($shifttype === false)
        engelsystem_error('Unable to load shift type.');
      if ($shifttype == null) {
        $ok = false;
        error(_('Please select a shift type.'));
      } else
        $shifttype_id = $_REQUEST['shifttype_id'];
    } else {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('Please select a shift type.'));
    $title = strip_request_item('title');
    // check for errors
    if (isset($_REQUEST['rid']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", 
    $_REQUEST['rid']) && isset($room_array[$_REQUEST['rid']]))
      $rid = $_REQUEST['rid'];
    else {
      $ok = false;
      $rid = $rooms[0]['RID'];
      error(_('Please select a location.'));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $tmp = 
    DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", trim($_REQUEST['start'])))
      $start = $tmp->getTimestamp();
    else {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('Please select a start date.'));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['end']) && 
    $tmp = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", trim($_REQUEST['end'])))
      $end = $tmp->getTimestamp();
    else {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('Please select an end date.'));

    if (isset($_REQUEST['start_time']) &&
  $tmp = DateTime::createFromFormat("H:i", trim($_REQUEST['start_time'])))
      $start_time = $tmp->getTimestamp();
    else {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('Please select an start time.'));

    if (isset($_REQUEST['end_time']) && 
    $tmp = DateTime::createFromFormat("H:i", trim($_REQUEST['end_time'])))
      $end_time = $tmp->getTimestamp();
    else {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('Please select an end time.'));
    if (strtotime($_REQUEST['start']) > strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])) {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('The shifts end has to be after its start.'));
    if (strtotime($_REQUEST['start']) == strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])) {
      if (strtotime($_REQUEST['start_time']) > 
                                     strtotime($_REQUEST['end_time'])) {
        $ok = false;
        error(_('The shifts end time  has to be after its start time.'));
    if (strtotime($_REQUEST['start']) == strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])) {
      if (strtotime($_REQUEST['start_time']) == 
                                 strtotime($_REQUEST['end_time'])) {
        $ok = false;
        error(_('The shifts start and end at same time.'));
    $angelmode = 'manually';
    foreach ($types as $type) {
      if (isset($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]) && 
      preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]))) {
        $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] = 
                       trim($_REQUEST['type_' . $type['id']]);
      } else {
        $ok = false;
        error(sprintf(_('Please check the needed angels for team %s.'), 
    if (array_sum($needed_angel_types) == 0) {
      $ok = false;
      error(_('There are 0 angels needed. 
                         Please enter the amounts of needed angels.'));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['back']))
      $ok = false;

    if ($ok) {
      $shifts = array();
      $start = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i",
                    date("Y-m-d", $start) . date("H:i", $start_time));
      $start = $start->getTimestamp();
      $end = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", 
                        date("Y-m-d", $end) . date("H:i", $end_time));
      $end = $end->getTimestamp();  
      $shifts[] = array(
          'start' => $start,
          'end' => $end,
          'RID' => $rid,
          'title' => $title,
          'shifttype_id' => $shifttype_id   
      $shifts_table = array();
      foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
      $shifts_table_entry = [
          'timeslot' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> ' . 
date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']) . 
'<br />' . Room_name_render(Room($shift['RID'])),
          'title' => ShiftType_name_render(ShiftType($shifttype_id)) . 
           ($shift['title'] ? '<br />' . $shift['title'] : ''),
            'needed_angels' => '' 
        foreach ($types as $type)
          if (isset($needed_angel_types[$type['id']]) 
          && $needed_angel_types[$type['id']] > 0)
            $shifts_table_entry['needed_angels'] .= '<b>' . 
AngelType_name_render($type) . ':</b> ' . $needed_angel_types[$type['id']]. '<br />';
        $shifts_table[] = $shifts_table_entry;

Display shifts in map view .

Map view makes the user/admin easy to view the shifts and easy to sign-up for shifts.Initially was not able to view the shifts but now the shifts can be viewed in both map view and normal view

shifts view

Implementation of map view .

Map view is very nice way of representing events with dates on Y – axis and rooms on X-axis. We need to make blocks and map the key

$_SESSION['user_shifts'][$key] = array_map('get_ids_from_array', $$key);

Here we map the ids and keys and then we need to print the keys against the id’s

Exporting database of user

In a system like this . It would be better if we could get all the user data who want to volunteer so that they can be contacted for other events also.

export database

Here is the code which can be useful for exporting database of any mysql database

function export_xls(){
// filename
$xls_filename = 'export_'.date('Y-m-d').'.xls'; // Define Excel (.xls) file name
// selecting the table user
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `User`";
//enter your mysql root password here
$Connect = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Failed to connect to MySQL.You need to enter the password:<br />" . mysql_error() . "<br />" . mysql_errno());
// Select database
$Db = @mysql_select_db($databasename, $Connect) or die("Failed to select database:<br />" . mysql_error(). "<br />" . mysql_errno());
// Execute query
$result = @mysql_query($sql,$Connect) or die("Failed to execute query:<br />" . mysql_error(). "<br />" . mysql_errno());

// Header info settings
header("Content-Type: application/xls");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$xls_filename");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
// Define separator (defines columns in excel &amp; tabs in word)
$separator = "\t";
// Start of printing column names as names of MySQL fields
for ($i = 0 ; $i < mysql_num_fields($result) ; $i++) {
  echo mysql_field_name($result, $i) . "\t";
// Start while loop to get data
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
  $schema= "";
  for( $j=0 ; $j < mysql_num_fields($result) ; $j++)
    if(!isset($row[$j])) {
      $schema .= "NULL".$separator;
    elseif ($row[$j] != "") {
      $schema .= "$row[$j]".$separator;
    else {
      $schema .= "".$separator;
  $schema = str_replace($seperator."$", "", $schema);
  $schema = preg_replace("/\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r/", " ", $schema);
  $schema.= "\t";
  print "\n";

Coding standards

Coding standards are a set of guidelines, best practices, programming styles and conventions that developers adhere to when writing source code for a project. All big software companies have them.

For our system we use drupal coding standards.

Development: https://github.com/fossasia/engelsystem


Continue ReadingAdding Notifications, Volunteer Shifts and DB Export in Engelsystem

Open Event Organizer’s Server: Custom Forms

As we know, open event organizer’s server provides a means of creating events. And an important part of events is sessions and speakers of sessions. But different events have different details required for sessions and speakers of sessions. Some might feel that only Name and Email-ID of speaker is enough, while others may require their Github, Facebook, etc. links. So the best way to solve this is to make a custom form so that the organizers get to select what all fields they want in the forms. But how to do this? Well, thanks to JSON

In the Step-5 of Event Creation Wizards, we have option (or switches) to include and require various fields available for the session form and speaker form for applying in a particular Session Form. Here is how it looks:

As we can see, each field has 2 options – Include and Require. On clicking the Include switch the Require switch is enabled through jQuery. The Include switch means that the field is included in the form while the Require switch signifies that the field will be a compulsory field in the form.

Storing Options

We create a javascript array containing a single object. This object in turn is made up of objects with field names as keys and another object as value. This object in turn contains the keys include and require. The value of include and require is 0 by default. On selecting, their value is changed to 1. An example structure of the array is like:

    "title": {
        "include": 1,
        "require": 1
    "subtitle": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "short_abstract": {
        "include": 1,
        "require": 0
    "long_abstract": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "comments": {
        "include": 1,
        "require": 0
    "track": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "session_type": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "language": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "slides": {
        "include": 1,
        "require": 0
    "video": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0
    "audio": {
        "include": 0,
        "require": 0

This array is then converted to string format using JSON.stringify, submitted through form and stored in database in the form of a string.

Rendering Forms

Now, we have already stored the options as selected by the organizer. But now we need to render the forms based on the JSON string stored in the database. Firstly, in the server side we convert the string to JSON object in python using json.loads . Then we send these JSON objects to the templates.

In the templates, we create form elements based on the values of the include and require of each form element. A sample element HTML is like this:

Screenshot from 2016-06-17 22:38:40

We use a loop to iterate over the JSON object and thus add the elements which have  “include = 1”  . The final form looks something like this:


Continue ReadingOpen Event Organizer’s Server: Custom Forms

Why Coding Standards Matter

Coding standards are a set of guidelines, best practices, programming styles and conventions that developers adhere to when writing source code for a project. All big software companies have them.

A coding standards document tells developers how they must write their code. Instead of each developer coding in their own preferred style, they will write all code to the standards outlined in the document. This makes sure that a large project is coded in a consistent style — parts are not written differently by different programmers. Not only does this solution make the code easier to understand, it also ensures that any developer who looks at the code will know what to expect throughout the entire application.

When you start sharing code or start reading code shared by others, you begin to realize that not everybody writes their code they way you do. You see that other, ugly coding style, and think “everybody needs to write in the same style so that things are easier for me to understand.”

Thus, it is natural that everybody wants their own habits turned into the standard, so they don’t have to change their habits. They’re used to reading code a certain way (their own way) and get irritated when they see the code in a different format. The thing about defining a coding style standard is that there are no objective means by which to judge one style as “better” or “more-right” than another. Sure, we can talk about “readability” and “consistency” but what is readable is different for each coder (depending on what they’re used to) and consistency follows automatically because, well, why would you use another style?

Other than in the broadest outlines, defining a coding standard is an exercise in arbitrariness. Who says that a 75 character line is better than 72, or 80? Who says putting braces in one place is better than putting them elsewhere? And who are they to say; by what standard do they judge?

The point of a coding style standard is not to say one style is objectively better than another in the sense of the specific details (75 characters and one-true-brace convention, for example). Instead, the point is to set up known expectations on how code is going to look.

For example, my project Engelsystem,it is a project written by more than one person. If you examine some Script A and see one coding style, then examine Script B and see another, the effect is very jarring; they don’t look like they belong to the same project. Similarly, when I, a Developer, (who uses one coding style) attempts to patch or add to a separate project from other Developer (who uses another coding style) the mix-and-match result in the same project (or even the same file!) is doubly jarring.

Another example that I can think of: a manager who insisted on being part of every major code review. During the reviews, he would flag formatting issues, that were almost always a matter of his own preference, as “errors”. The worst part of the story is that he hadn’t written down his coding standards anywhere! I guess he thought developers would learn his style through osmosis. Sometimes, it felt as if he made up rules on the fly. As I mentioned in my post on conducting effective code reviews, it is useless arguing over formatting issues if you don’t have coding standards.

As Open Source PHP developers, we need to define and adhere to a coding style not because one is better than another but because we need a standard by which to collaborate/contribute. In that sense, coding style is very important; not for itself, but for the social effects generated by adherence to defined standards.

It is for this reason that I abandoned “my” coding style to adopt the Drupal coding standard for my Google Summer of Code project (Engelsystem). Sometimes you need to give up a small thing to gain a greater thing; by giving up my coding style, I had to change my habits; but now, anybody familiar with the Drupal standard can read my code and add to it in a recognizable way.

Why Designers Should Care About Coding Standards

For many web designers, matters of code standards and style are often left in the hands of their fellow developers. You give developers their deserved space to wield their magic to turn your designs into functional products that people love to use. The team’s coding standards are often the last thing on your mind. So why should you and other designers care?

Tech debt steals time away from new features and enhancements

The next time you are ready to go with a newly designed feature, you might find its development gets stuck behind a mountain of tech debt. Addressing tech debt at a reasonable pace throughout the life of a product can prevent it from piling up to a point where feature work gets put on hold. Better yet, if these issues are caught during initial development, that tech debt might be avoided in the first place.

It can be in your best interest to encourage developers to address issues in the code as they arise, rather than focusing only on design. Failing to fix these issues will cost you in future sprints.

Get better at your own craft

Understanding what it takes to build great software ultimately makes you a better designer. Whether you want to improve how you write your own front-end code if that’s your thing or gain a better appreciation of the time and effort it takes to build products, your practical experience will allow you gauge future work and effort.

A lot of similarities exist between coding standards and design standards. Just as you wouldn’t want a designer to go off-brand, developers have the same standards they want to maintain their code.

Code should look good too

Steve Jobs was famously renowned for being picky about both the externals as well as the internals of Apple products. Your beautiful UI work can only go so far if it isn’t built on a solid foundation of code. Pushing through a feature without appreciating the work to build it properly can lead to bugs later. The right amount of time and attention at the initial development cycle can reduce these mistakes.

Designers can be champions for well-written code. Just as you appreciate the details in designing great user interfaces and experiences, appreciation of the time and effort it takes to build those properly goes a long way.

In the later weeks, other developers and I would be working on adding more features to the system(Engelsystem), following the coding standard, as mentioned above. Anyone who would like to work in the project is welcome. Developers can feel free to take up any issues they would like to work on just like any other open source projects.

Development: https://github.com/fossasia/engelsystem                                           Issues/Bugs:https://github.com/fossasia/engelsystem/issues

Continue ReadingWhy Coding Standards Matter

Increasing utility of sTeam tools

(ˢᵒᶜⁱᵉᵗʸserver) aims to be a platform for developing collaborative applications.
sTeam server project repository: sTeam.

User Utils

User  convenience is an important aspect for any application to succeed. The sTeam root user should be able to create or delete a user. A command to add / delete a user was added successfully.

The root user should be able to add new user’s using the command line.
The parameter’s like username, password, email-id etc. should be asked and then the user should be created.

Issue. Github Issue Github PR
Create a user. Issue-58 PR-59
Delete an object Issue-56 PR-57
Delete a user. Issue-69 PR-70

To create a new user:

create_user username password email

The current users can be found by running the command


Similarly a command to delete the user was added to the steam-shell.

The user should be able to delete the objects created/existing inside the user area. A steam-shell command needs to be added to delete the objects from the command line.

The usage of command to delete a user inside steam-shell.pike. Only the root user can delete other user.

delete_user username

In order to delete an object which can be a container, document or a room in the current steam directory, run the command;

delete test.pike

The object would be deleted.

Tab-Completion Module

The tab completion module of the sTeam shell was analyzed during this period. The tab completion module has an issue whereby it doesn’t lists the options on pressing the tab after  ".


After pressing the tab after ” the options should be listed. But this is not the case. The bug needs to be resolved.


Import from git script

The import to git script can now import a single file into the sTeam directory.

The feature for this was added.

Issue. Github Issue Github PR
Add utility to support single import in import-from-git script . Issue-16 PR-76
sudo ./import-from-git.pike gitfolder/xyz.mp3 /home/sTeam/

The xyz.mp3 would be imported to the sTeam directory.


The future work would include resolving the tab_completion module issues and enhancing the import script to support the feature where by a user would be able to specify the name of the file in the sTeam directory.

Checkout the FOSSASIA Idea’s page for more information on projects supported by FOSSASIA.

Continue ReadingIncreasing utility of sTeam tools

Implementing TLS in pike

My next task was an enhancement. The command line client for sTeam was not using any kind of encryption and all the data sent over a network was in clear text. Now this was a little different from normal tasks because,

1. TLS had to be implemented in Pike.

2. TLS was to be implemented over COAL.

COAL is a home grown protocol specially for sTeam. My mentor Martin helped me to go about this task. He taught me how to break a task into small ones. I began with writing an SSL client in pike that can interact with an https server. It turned out pike has an SSL module that just made the task very simple. I had to understand how SSL works however pike made the task quite easy. I also received constant help from the pike mailing list where people actively guided me in the right direction.

Once I was done with the SSL client I approached the actual problem. I had to understand the functioning of COAL and narrow down the particular files involved. I had to wrap the COAL protocol in TLS so that it becomes COALS. Pike allows users to import programs at objects. This was used to import client_base.pike. This file involved the code for the connection. I had to throughly go through this and the files that it imported that is kernel/socket. After several experiment with these files I was able to use the SSL module and successfully make the connection use the TLS protocol. I checked this using wireshark, which captured all the packets over the network and all the data could be seen as encrypted.

wireshark clear text
clear text data over network
wireshark ssl
encrypted data after implementing TLS protocol
Continue ReadingImplementing TLS in pike

Open Event Apk generator

So we made this apk generator currently hosted on a server ( which let’s you generate an android app for your event in 10 minutes out of which the server takes about 8 minutes to build 😛 . So, essentially you just have to spare 2 minutes and just enter 3 things(email, Desired app’s name and Api link). Isn’t this cool?

So how exactly do we do this?

At the backend, we are running a python scripts with some shell scripts where the python script is basically creating directories, interacting with our firebase database to get the data entered by a user. So we made these scripts to first of all to clone the open event android repo, then customise and change the code in the repo according to the parameters entered by the organiser earlier(shown in the image).

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 12.13.12 AM
Generator Website

After the code has been changed by the scripts to customise the app according to the event the app will be used for, we move on to the script to build the apk, where we build and sign the apk in release mode using signing configs and release keys from the server because we don’t the organiser to generate keys and store it on the server to avoid the hassle and also the privacy concerns involving the keys. So this is when the apk is generated on the server. Now you have questions like the apk is generated but how do I get it? Do I have to wait on the same page for 10 minutes while the apk is being sent? The answer is no and yes. What I mean by this is that you can wait to download the apk if you want but we’ll anyways send it to your email you specified on the apk generator website. This is the sample Email we got when we were testing the system

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 12.08.59 AM.png

So it’s an end to end complete solution from which you can easily get an android app for your event in just 2 minutes. Would love to hear feedback and reviews. Please feel free to contact me @ manan13056@iiitd.ac.in or on social media’s(Twitter, Facebook). Adios!

P.S. : Here is the link to the scripts we’re using.

Continue ReadingOpen Event Apk generator

The beauty of Directives, Transclusion in Angular.JS


To be honest in Angular directives are nothing but DOM elements simply put on steroids. Now if you add transclusion to it literally the possibilty of exploring the playground is boundless .With that said before diving into what directives are and how cool are they, let us basically understand what makes directives in angular so powerful.

Some of the well known directives which are used regularly are :

  • ng-src
  • ng-show
  • ng-hide
  • ng-model
  • ng-repeat

Custom Directives and the benifit of creating reusable components

We often tend to waste a lot of time and energy in writing code which is already/previously written and components which are already built. But what if you could write them only once and reuse them as many times as possible ?
ANS : “Directives”
You can create truly reusable components with directives, and the approach to build custom components is definitely neater and more intuitive.
Where do Custom Directives get implemented ?

  • elements
  • attributes
  • classes

Scope of Directives

After we initialize a directive we can observe that it gets a parent scope by default. In the best interests of the application you write you won’t really want that to happen. So in order to freely modify the properties of the directive we expose the parent’s controller scope to the directives.In some cases your directive may want to add several properties and functions to the scope that are for internal use only.

Example : If you have a directive that deals with comments(just like my sTeam web interface), you may want to set some internal variable to show or hide some of its specific sections. If we set these models to the parent’s scope we would pollute it.

Without polluting, is there any option ?

Absolutely there are two options,

  • Use a child scope
  • Use an isolated scope

If we use a child scope then the child scope prototypically inherits the parent’s scope. If we use an isolated scope then its all on its own, by not inheriting its parent’s scope


Transclusion is a feature that enables us to wrap a directive around arbitrary content. We can extract and compile it against the correct scope later, and eventually place it at the specified position in the directive template. If you set transclude:true in the directive definition, a new transcluded scope will be created which prototypically inherits from the parent scope. If you want your directive with isolated scope to contain an arbitrary piece of content and execute it against the parent scope, transclusion can be used.

Example :


See the above snippet, here ng-transclude says where to put the transcluded content. In this case the DOM content Hello {{name}} is extracted and put inside div ng-tran- sclude /div> . The important point to remember is that the expression {{name}} interpolates against the property defined in the parent scope rather than the isolated scope.

Thats it folks,
Happy Hacking !!

Continue ReadingThe beauty of Directives, Transclusion in Angular.JS