Adding dynamic segments to a route in Open Event Frontend Project

When we talk about a web application the first thing comes up is how to decide what to display at a given time which in most of the application is decided with the help of the URL. The URL of the application can be set either by loading the application or by writing the URL manually or may be by clicking some link. In our Open Event Frontend project which is written in Ember.js, an incredibly powerful JavaScript framework for creating web applications, the URL is mapped to the router handlers with the helper of router to render the template for the page, to load the data model to display, to navigate within the application or to handle any actions within the page like button clicking etc.

Suppose the user opens the open event application for the very first time what s/he will see a page containing the list of all the events which are going to happen in the near future along with their details like event name, timings, place, tags etc. If the user clicks one of the events from the list, the current page will be redirected to the detailed specific page for that particular event. The behaviour of changing the content of the page which we observed during this process can be explained with the help of the dynamic segments concept. The dynamic segment is a section of the path for a route which changes based on the content of a page.
This post will focus on how we have added dynamic segments to the route in the open event frontend project.

Let’s demonstrate the process of adding the dynamic segments to the route by taking an example of sessions routes where we can see the list of all the accepted, pending, confirmed and rejected sessions along with their details.

To add a dynamic segment, we need to have a route with path which we add to the route definition in app/router.js file

this.route('sessions',  function() {
   this.route('list', { path: '/:sessions_state' });

Dynamic segments are made up of a : followed by an identifier. Ember follows the convention of :model-name_id for two reasons. The first reason is that routes know how to fetch the right model by default if we follow the convention. The second is that params is an object, and can only have one value associated with a key.

After defining the path in app/router.js file we need to add template file,  app/templates/events/sessions/list.hbs which contain the markup to display the data which is defined in the file, app/routes/events/sessions/list.js under the model hook of the route in order to display the correct content for the specified option.

Code containing the markup for the page in app/templates/events/sessions/list.hbs file

<div class="sixteen wide column">
  <table class="ui tablet stackable very basic table">
        <th>{{t 'State'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Title'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Speakers'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Track'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Short Abstract'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Submission Date'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Last Modified'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Email Sent'}}</th>
      {{#each model as |session|}}
            {{#if (eq session.state "confirmed")}}
              <div class="ui green label">{{t 'Confirmed'}}</div>
              <div class="ui red label">{{t 'Not Confirmed'}}</div>
            <div class="ui ordered list">
              {{#each session.speakers as |speaker|}}
                <div class="item">{{}}</div>
            {{moment-format session.submittedAt 'dddd, DD MMMM YYYY'}}
            {{moment-format session.modifiedAt 'dddd, DD MMMM YYYY'}}
            <div class="ui vertical compact basic buttons">
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'View') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="unhide icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Edit') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="edit icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Delete') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="trash outline icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Browse edit history') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="history icon"></i>
            <div class="ui vertical compact basic buttons">
              {{#ui-dropdown class='ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button'}}
                <i class="green checkmark icon"></i>
                <div class="menu">
                  <div class="item">{{t 'With email'}}</div>
                  <div class="item">{{t 'Without email'}}</div>
              {{#ui-dropdown class='ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button'}}
                <i class="red remove icon"></i>
                <div class="menu">
                  <div class="item">{{t 'With email'}}</div>
                  <div class="item">{{t 'Without email'}}</div>


Code containing the model hook in app/routes/events/sessions/list.js to display the correct content. We access the dynamic portion of the URL using params.

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Route } = Ember;

export default Route.extend({
  titleToken() {
    switch (this.get('params.session_status')) {
      case 'pending':
        return this.l10n.t('Pending');
      case 'accepted':
        return this.l10n.t('Accepted');
      case 'confirmed':
        return this.l10n.t('Confirmed');
      case 'rejected':
        return this.l10n.t('Rejected');
  model(params) {
    this.set('params', params);
    return [{
      title         : 'Test Session 1',
      speakers      : [{ name: 'speaker 1', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }, { name: 'speaker 2', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }],
      track         : 'sample track',
      shortAbstract : 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.',
      submittedAt   : new Date(),
      modifiedAt    : new Date(),
      emailSent     : 'No',
      state         : 'confirmed'
      title         : 'Test Session 2',
      speakers      : [{ name: 'speaker 3', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }, { name: 'speaker 4', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }],
      track         : 'sample track',
      shortAbstract : 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.',
      submittedAt   : new Date(),
      modifiedAt    : new Date(),
      emailSent     : 'Yes',
      state         : 'confirmed'


After the route is fully configured, we need to start linking it from the templates which mean we need to link it in our parent template, app/templates/events/view/sessions.hbs file using the {{link-to}} helper. The code for the linking looks like this:

    {{#tabbed-navigation isNonPointing=true}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.index' class='item'}}
          {{t 'All'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'pending' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Pending'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'accepted' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Accepted'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'confirmed' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Confirmed'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'rejected' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Rejected'}}


The User Interface for the above code looks like this:

Fig. : The page containing all the accepted session

To conclude this, we can say the task of the route is to load the modal to display the data. For example, if we have the route this.route(‘sessions’);, the route might load all of the sessions for the app but we want only the particular type of session so the dynamic segments help to load the particular model and make it easier to load and display the data.

Reference: The link to the complete code is here. For getting more knowledge about dynamic segments please visit this.

Continue ReadingAdding dynamic segments to a route in Open Event Frontend Project

Using Ember.js Components in Open Event Frontend

Ember.js is a comprehensive JavaScript framework for building highly ambitious web applications. The basic tenet of Ember.js is convention over configuration which means that it understands that a large part of the code, as well as development process, is common to most of the web applications. Talking about the components which are nothing but the elements whose role remain same with same properties and functions within the entire project. Components allow developers to bundle up HTML elements and styles into reusable custom elements which can be called anywhere within the project.

In Ember, the components consist of two parts: some JavaScript code and an HTMLBars template. The JavaScript component file defines the behaviour and properties of the component. The behaviours of the component are typically defined using actions. The HTMLBars file defines the markup for the component’s UI. By default, the component will be rendered into a ‘div’ tag element, but a different element can be defined if required. A great thing about templates in Ember is that other components can be called inside of a component’s template. To call a component in an Ember app, we must use {{curly-brace-syntax}}. By design, components are completely isolated which means that they are not directly affected by any surrounding CSS or JavaScript.

Let’s demonstrate a basic Ember component in reference to Open Event Frontend Project for displaying the text as a popup. The component will render a simple text view which will display the entire text. The component is designed with the purpose that many times due to unavailability of space we’re unable to show the complete text so such cases the component will compare the available space with the space required by the whole text view to display the text. If in case the available space is not sufficient then the text will be ellipsized and on hovering the text a popup will appear where the complete text can be seen.

Generating the component

The component can be generated using the following command:

$ ember g component smart-overflow

Note: The components name needs to include a hyphen. This is an Ember convention, but it is an important one as it’ll ensure there are no naming collisions with future HTML elements.This will create the required .js and .hbs files needed to define the component, as well as an Ember integration test.

The Component Template

In the app/templates/components/smart-overflow.hbs file we can create some basic markup to display the text when the component is called.

<span> {{yield}} </span>

The {{yield}} is handlebars expressions which will be helpful in rendering the data to display when the component is called.

The JavaScript Code

In the app/components/smart-overflow.js file, we will define the how the component will work when it is called.

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  classNames: ['smart-overflow'],
  didInsertElement() {
    var $headerSpan = this.$('span');
    var $header = this.$();
    $header.attr('data-content', $headerSpan.text());
    $header.attr('data-variation', 'tiny');
    while ($headerSpan.outerHeight() > $header.height()) {
      $headerSpan.text((index, text) => {
        return text.replace(/\W*\s(\S)*$/, '...');
        position: 'top center'
      this.set('$header', $header);
  willDestroyElement() {
    if (this.get('$header')) {


In the above piece of code, we have first taken the size of the available space in header variable and then taken the size of the content in header span variable. After that, we’re comparing both the sizes to check if the content is greater than the available space then we are ellipsizing the content and create a popup to display the complete text to produce good user experience.

Passing data to the component

To allow the component to display the data properly, we need to pass it in.

In the app/templates/components/event-card.hbs file we can call the component as many times as desired and pass in relevant data for each attribute.

<div class="ui card {{unless isWide 'event fluid' 'thirteen wide computer ten wide tablet sixteen wide mobile column'}}">
    {{#unless isWide}}
      <a class="image" href="{{href-to 'public' event.identifier}}">
        {{widgets/safe-image src=(if event.large event.large event.placeholderUrl)}}
    <a class="main content" href="{{href-to 'public' event.identifier}}">
      {{#smart-overflow class='header'}}
      <div class="meta">
        <span class="date">
          {{moment-format event.startTime 'ddd, MMM DD HH:mm A'}}
      {{#smart-overflow class='description'}}
    <div class="extra content small text">
      <span class="right floated">
        <i role="button" class="share alternate link icon" {{action shareEvent event}}></i>
        {{#if hasBlock}}
          {{#each tags as |tag|}}


Now if you view the app in the browser at localhost:4200, you will see something like this.

Fig. 1

In the end, we can say that with the components, the code remains much clear and readable. It makes more sense to the developers who happen upon them. The best part about them is their reusability across the application making the development process faster and much more efficient.

Reference: The Complete source for the smart overflow can be found here.

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Forms and their validation using Semantic UI in Open Event Frontend

A web form acts as a communication bridge that allows a user to communicate with the organisation and vice versa. In the Open Event project, we need forms so users can contact the organisation, to register themselves, to log into the website, to order a ticket or to query for some information. Here are a few things which were kept in mind before we designed forms in the Open Event Frontend Project:

  • The forms were designed on the principle of keeping it simple which means that it should ask only for the relevant information which is required in actual.
  • They contained the relevant fields ordered in a logical way according to their importance.
  • They offered clear error messages instantly to give direct feedback and allow users to make instant corrections.
  • The clear examples were shown in the front of the field.
  • Proper spacing among the fields was maintained to display proper error messages to the respective form fields.
  • The mandatory fields are highlighted using ‘*’ to avoid confusion.
  • Proper colour combinations have been used to inform the user about the progress while filling the form. For eg. red for any ‘error or incomplete’ information while green signifies ‘correct’.
  • Saving the current data in case the user has to go back to make any corrections later.
  • Allowing to toggle through the form using the keyboard.

The above designing principles helped in avoiding the negative user experience while using the forms.

Let’s take a closer look at the form and the form validation in case of purchase a new ticket form on the Orders page in Open Event Front-end application.

Creating a form

Let’s start by writing some HTML for the form:

<form class="ui form" {{action 'submit' on='submit' }}>
  <div class="ui padded segment">
    <h4 class="ui horizontal divider header">
      <i class="ticket icon"></i>
      {{t 'Ticket Buyer'}}
    <div class="field">
      <label class="required" for="firstname">{{t 'First Name'}}</label>
      {{input type='text' name='first_name' value=buyer.firstName}}
    <div class="field">
      <label class="required" for="lastname">{{t 'Last Name'}}</label>
      {{input type='text' name='last_name' value=buyer.lastName}}
    <div class="field">
      <label class="required" for="email">{{t 'Email'}}</label>
      {{input type='text' name='email'}}
    <h4 class="ui horizontal divider header">
        <i class="ticket icon"></i>
        {{t 'Ticket Holder\'s Information'}}
    {{#each holders as |holder index|}}
      <div class="inline field">
        <i class="user icon"></i>
         <label>{{t 'Ticket Holder '}}{{inc index}}</label>
      <div class="field">
        <label class="required" for="firstname">{{t 'First Name'}}</label>
        {{input type='text' name=(concat 'first_name_' index) value=holder.firstName}}
      <div class="field">
        <label class="required" for="lastname">{{t 'Last Name'}}</label>
        {{input type='text' name=(concat 'last_name_' index) value=holder.lastName}}
      <div class="field">
        <label class="required" for="email">{{t 'Email'}}</label>
        {{input type='text' name=(concat 'email_' index)}}
      <div class="field">
        {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Same as Ticket Buyer') checked=holder.sameAsBuyer onChange=(action 'fillHolderData' holder)}}
      {{t 'By clicking "Pay Now", I acknowledge that I have read and agree with the Open Event terms of services and privacy policy.'}}
    <div class="center aligned">
      <button type="submit" class="ui teal submit button">{{t 'Pay Now'}}</button>


The complete code for the form can be seen here.

In the above code, we have used Semantic UI elements like button, input, label, icon, header and modules like dropdown, checkbox to create the basic structure of the form.

The form is created using the Semantic markup. Along with semantic UI collection “form”, the segment element has been used to create the grouping of similar content like we have a timer and its related description that after 10 minutes the reservation will no longer be held are put together in a segment where they are arranged using semantic UI view “statistic”. Due to the vastness of semantic UI, all the styling has been done using it like fields inlining, button styling, segment background coloring etc.

The form is created using the Semantic markup. Along with semantic UI collection “form”, the segment element has been used to create the grouping of similar content like we have a timer and its related description that after 10 minutes the reservation will no longer be held are put together in a segment where they are arranged using semantic UI view “statistic”. Semantic UI elements like button, input, label, icon, header and modules like dropdown, checkbox have been used. Due to the vastness of semantic UI, all the styling has been done using it like fields inlining, button styling, segment background colouring etc.

The page for the above HTML code looks like this:

Image for the order form

Fig. 1: Order Form to purchase a ticket

The complete form can be seen on this link.

Adding form validations

We can also add validation in HTML format but writing the validation in JavaScript file is considered good practice.

Let’s see how we can add validation to fields in Javascript.

  getValidationRules() {
    let firstNameValidation = {
      rules: [
          type   : 'empty',
          prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your first name')
    let lastNameValidation = {
      rules: [
          type   : 'empty',
          prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your last name')
    let emailValidation = {
      rules: [
          type   : 'empty',
          prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your email')
    let validationRules = {
      inline : true,
      delay  : false,
      on     : 'blur',
      fields : {
        firstName: {
          identifier : 'first_name',
          rules      : [
              type   : 'empty',
              prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your first name')
        lastName: {
          identifier : 'last_name',
          rules      : [
              type   : 'empty',
              prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your last name')
        email: {
          identifier : 'email',
          rules      : [
              type   : 'email',
              prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter a valid email address')
        zipCode: {
          identifier : 'zip_code',
          rules   : [
              type   : 'empty',
              prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your zip code')

Let’s break this up, first, we have an array of validation rules.

  zipCode: {
     identifier : 'zip_code',
        rules   : [
          type   : 'empty',
          prompt : this.i18n.t('Please enter your zip code')

The first part zipcode is the identifier in Semantic.

The next bit of the identifier, this can match against either id, name or data-validate attributes on the element. We have here picked up the name which we’re using on our labels.

Next bit of the rules, which is an array of objects defining the type of validation, and the message to prompt the user with.

The second part is the settings:

inline : true,

delay : false,

on : 'blur',

This part says we want validation to occur on blur, delayed and to be inline. This gives us the following effect:

Fig. 2: Order Form after validation

To summarise the post, one can say we have seen here how the form to purchase the event ticket has been designed, coded and styled. The complete form can be seen on this link and the complete code can be seen here. The entire form has been designed in such a way to keep it simple, clear and trustworthy without losing the user interaction.


Continue ReadingForms and their validation using Semantic UI in Open Event Frontend

Making Open Event Organizer Android App Reactive

FOSSASIA’s Open Event Organizer is an Android Application for Event Management. The core feature it provides is two way attendee check in, directly by searching name in the list of attendees or just by scanning a QR code from ticket. So as attendees of an event can be really large in number like 1000+ or more than that, it should not alter the performance of the App. Just imagine a big event with lot of attendees (lets say 1000+) and if check in feature of the app is slow what will be the mess at entrance where each attendee is waiting for his ticket to be scanned and verified. For example, a check in via QR code scan. A complete process is somewhat like this:

  1. QR scanner scans the ticket code and parse it into the ticket identifier string.
  2. Identifier string is parsed to get an attendee id from it.
  3. Using the attendee id, attendee is searched in the complete attendees list of the event.
  4. On match, attendee’s check in status is toggled by making required call to the server.
  5. On successful toggling the attendee is updated in database accordingly.
  6. And check in success message is shown on the screen.

From the above tasks 1st and 6th steps only are UI related. Remaining all are just background tasks which can be run on non-UI thread instead of carrying them on the same UI thread which is mainly responsible for all the user interaction with the app. ReactiveX, an API for asynchronous programming enables us to do this. Just for clarification asynchronous programming is not multithreading. It just means the tasks are independent and hence can be executed at same time. This will be another big topic to talk about. Here we have used ReactiveX just for running these tasks in background at the same time UI thread is running. Here is our code of barcode processing:

private void processBarcode(String barcode) {
      .filter(attendee -> attendee.getOrder() != null)
      .filter(attendee -> (attendee.getOrder().getIdentifier() + "-" + attendee.getId()).equals(barcode))
      .subscribe(attendee -> {
          // here we get the attendee and
          // further processing can be called here

In the above code you will see the actual creation of an Observable. Observable class has a method fromIterable which takes list of items and create an Observable which emits these items. So hence we need to search the attendee in the attendees list we have already stored in database. Filter operator filters the items emitted using the function provided. Last two lines are important here which actually sets how our subscriber is going to work. You will need to apply this thread management setting to your observable while working on android. You don’t actually have to worry about it. Just remember subscribeOn sets the thread on which actually the background tasks will run and on item emission subscriber handle it on main thread which is set by observeOn method. Subscribe operator provides the function what actually we need to run on main thread after emitted item is caught. Once we find the attendee from barcode, network call is made to toggle check in status of the attendee. Here is the code of check in method:

public void toggleCheckIn() { eventRepository.toggleAttendeeCheckStatus(attendee.getEventId(), attendeeId)
      .subscribe(completed -> {
          String status = attendee.isCheckedIn() ? "Checked In" : "Checked Out";
      }, throwable -> {

In the above code toggleAttendeeCheckStatus method returns an Observable. As name suggests the Observable is to be observed and it emits signals (objects) which are caught by a Subscriber. So here observer is Subscriber. So in the above code toggleAttendeeCheckStatus is creating an Obseravable. Lets look into toggleAttendeeCheckStatus code:

public Observable<Attendee> toggleAttendeeCheckStatus(long eventId, long attendeeId) {
  return eventService.toggleAttendeeCheckStatus(eventId, attendeeId, getAuthorization())
      .map(attendee -> {
          // updating database logic
          return attendee;

We have used Retrofit+Okhttp for network calls. In the above code eventService.toggleAttendeeCheckStatus returns an Observable which emits updated Attendee object on server response. Here we have used Map operator provided by ReactiveX which applies function defined inside it on each item emitted by the observable and returns a new observable with these items. So here we have use it to make the related updates in the database. Now with ReactiveX support the complete check in process is:

(Tasks running in background in bold style)

  1. QR scanner scans the ticket code and parse it into the ticket identifier string.
  2. Using the identifier, attendee is searched in the complete attendees list of the event.
  3. On match, attendee’s check in status is toggled by making required call to the server.
  4. On successful toggling the attendee is updated in database accordingly.
  5. And check in success message is shown on the screen.

So now main thread runs only tasks related to the UI. And time consuming tasks are run in background and UI is updated on their completion accordingly. Hence check in process becomes smooth irrespective of size of the attendees. And app never crashes.

Continue ReadingMaking Open Event Organizer Android App Reactive

Using FastAdapter in Open Event Organizer Android Project

RecyclerView is an important graphical UI component in any android application. Android provides RecyclerView.Adapter class which manages all the functionality of RecyclerView. I don’t know why but android people have kept this class in a very abstract form with only basic functionalities implemented by default. On the plus side it opens many doors for custom adapters with new functionalities for example, sticky headers, scroll indicator, drag and drop actions on items, multiview types items etc. A developer should be able to make an adapter of his need by extending RecyclerView.Adapter. There are many custom adapters developers have shared which comes with built in functionalities. FastAdapter is one of them which comes with all the good functionalities built in and also it is very easy to use. I just got to use this in the Open Event Organizer Android App of which the core feature is Attendees Check In. We have used FastAdapter library to show attendees list which needs many features which are absent in plane RecyclerView.Adapter. FastAdapter is built in such way that there are many different ways of using it on developer’s need. I have found a simplest way which I will be sharing here. The first part is extending the item model to inherit AbstractItem.

public class Attendee extends AbstractItem<Attendee, AttendeeViewHolder> {
  private long id;

  public long getIdentifier() {
      return id;

  public int getType() {
      return 0;

  public int getLayoutRes() {
      return R.layout.attendee_layout;

  public AttendeeViewHolder getViewHolder(View view) {
      return new AttendeeViewHolder(DataBindingUtil.bind(view));

  public void bindView(AttendeeViewHolder holder, List<Object> list) {
      super.bindView(holder, list);

  public void unbindView(AttendeeViewHolder holder) {

The methods are pretty obvious by name. Implement these methods accordingly. You may notice that we have used Databinding here to bind data to views but it is not necessary. Also you will have to create your ViewHolder for adapter. You can either use RecyclerView.ViewHolder or you can just create a custom one by inheriting it as per your need. Once this part is over you are half done as most of the things are been taken care in model itself. Now we will be writing code for adapter and setting it to your RecyclerView.

FastItemAdapter<Attendee> fastItemAdapter = new FastItemAdapter<>();
// functionalities related code

Initialize FastItemAdapter which will be our main adapter handling all the direct functions related to the RecyclerView. Set up some boolean constants according to the project need. In our project we have Attendee model which has id as a primary field. FastItemAdapter can take advantage of distinct field of the model called as identifier . Hence it is set true as Attendee model has id field. But you should be careful about setting it to True as then you must have implemented getIdentifier in the model to return correct field which will be used as an identifier by our adapter. And the adapter is good to set to the RecyclerView.

Now we got to decide which functionalities we will be implementing to our RecyclerView. In our case we needed: 1. Search filter for attendees, 2. Sticky header for attendees groups arranged alphabetically and 3. On click listener for attendee item.

FastItemAdapter has ItemFilter adapter wrapped inside which manages all the filtering stuff. Filtering logic can be set using it.


Where shallFilter is method which takes attendee object and returns boolean whether to filter the item or not. And after this you can use FastItemAdapter’s filter method to filter the items. For sticky headers you need to implement StickyRecyclerHeadersAdapter extending AbstractAdapter. In this class you will have to implement your filter logic in getHeaderId method. This must return an unique id for items of the same group.

public long getHeaderId(int position) {
   IItem item = getItem(position);
   if(item instanceof Attendee && ((Attendee)item).getFirstName() != null)
       return ((Attendee) item).getFirstName().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
   return -1;

Like in this case we have grouped attendees alphabetically hence just returning initial character’s ASCII value will do good. You can modify this method according to your need. For other unimplemented methods just keep their default return values. With this you will also have to implement onCreateHeaderViewHolder and onBindHeaderViewHolder methods to bind view and data to the header layout. Once this is done you are ready to set sticky headers to your RecyclerView with following code:

stickyHeaderAdapter = new StickyHeaderAdapter();
final HeaderAdapter headerAdapter = new HeaderAdapter();

final StickyRecyclerHeadersDecoration decoration = new StickyRecyclerHeadersDecoration(stickyHeaderAdapter);
adapterDataObserver = new RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver() {
   public void onChanged() {

For click listener, the code is similar to the RecyclerView.Adapter’s one.

fastItemAdapter.withOnClickListener(new FastAdapter.OnClickListener<Item>() {
  public boolean onClick(View v, IAdapter<Item> adapter, Item item, int position) {
     // your on click logic
   return true;

With this now you have successfully implemented FastItemAdapter to your RecyclerView. Although there are some important points to be taken care of. If you are using filter in your application then you will have to modify your updateItem logic. As when filter is applied to the adapter its items list is filtered. And if you are updating the item using its position from original list it then it will result in exception or updating the wrong item. So you will have to change the position to the one in filtered list. For example the updateAttendee method from Organizer App code looks like this:

public void updateAttendee(int position, Attendee attendee) {
   position = fastItemAdapter.getAdapterPosition(attendee);
   fastItemAdapter.getItemFilter().set(position, attendee);
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ButterKnife for Open Event Android

Open Event Android, by FOSSASIA has been coded in a very clean and systematic manner. One of the great things used in it is the ButterKnife library. It has made increased the readability and understand ability of the app’s code.

ButterKnife, developed and maintained by Jake Wharton(Square Inc.) is an Android library designed to make Java code less complex and efficient. The library operates with the use of annotations and hence, binds classes to the relevant annotations in Java and do the job.

First off, here’s the very first thing that you want to do before starting to use ButterKnife — Adding it’s dependency in the build.gradle file of your project.

compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.6.0
annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.6.0'

At FOSSASIA, we have extensively used this amazing library to simplify the code for our Open Event Android application. I hope this blog will help newcomers in understanding our code base in a better way.

We have the famous @Bindview annotation by ButterKnife to bind views to Android components without having to call R.FindViewById() method for every view. The following is a code sample from Open Event Android about the same.

@BindView( Toolbar toolbar;

@BindView( NavigationView navigationView;

@BindView( ProgressBar downloadProgress;

@BindView( CoordinatorLayout mainFrame;

@BindView( DrawerLayout drawerLayout;

@BindView( AppBarLayout appBarLayout;

Similarly, the ButterKnife library also handles events in an Android application and has annotations like @onClick, @onLongClick among others. So while using ButterKnife for an event, choose the appropriate event and the corresponding annotation followed by the Java method that is to be executed. Here is an example for the same.


public void submit(View view) {

// TODO submit data to server...


The ButterKnife library also helps to bind resources in your project.

It simplifies the View holder pattern inside a list adapter as illustrated in the following example.

public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

@Override public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {

   ViewHolder holder;

   if (view != null) {

     holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();

   } else {

     view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.whatever, parent, false);

     holder = new ViewHolder(view);


   }"John Doe");

   // etc...

   return view;


static class ViewHolder {

   @BindView( TextView name;

   @BindView( TextView jobTitle;

   public ViewHolder(View view) {

     ButterKnife.bind(this, view);




The above code sample has been taken from and you can visit the site for further in-depth knowledge on ButterKnife.

How ButterKnife works?

I will be talking a bit about the working of the ButterKnife library. Firstly, I would like to introduce annotations concept in Java briefly before proceeding.

“In the Java, computer programming language, an annotation is a form of syntactic metadata that can be added to Javasource code. Classes, methods, variables, parameters and packages may be annotated.” As it is rightly said, Annotations can be of various uses like Getting information for the compiler, Compile-time and deployment-time processing, Runtime processing. However, please note that annotations can NOT modify and edit the existing classes. They can simply make more classes.

With this, I’m gonna continue on the working of ButterKnife. From the above discussion it must be clear now that ButterKnife is not changing any of our classes. It makes new classes to handle the code.

ButterKnife goes through all the files in your project and identifies the ButterKnife annotations used, if any. It then creates new classes for every annotation encountered, based on the annotations used. These new classes contain the general methods that would have been used in a project without ButterKnife. When we finally call ButterKnife.inject(this) , the inject()of all the new classes made by ButterKnife are called which then perform the desired function during execution.

Finally, try to go through the complete documentation for Butterknife and Java annotations for more information. 

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Handling date-time in the Open Event Project

Handling date time in code becomes little tricky when the project is used internationally because then there comes additional term Timezone. Timezone is a property of a location which needs to be considered while comparing that time with the time in another location. For example – there are two villages A and B. One day Ram from village A calls his friend Shyam in village B at 8:00 am to wish “good morning”. But Shyam receives Ram’s call at 6pm on same day and he replies “good evening”. That means village A’s timezone is 10 hrs  behind village B’s timezone. So here we need some reference timezone about which all other timezones can be declared. This is where UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) comes into play. UTC is reference timezone by which all the timezones are declared. For example – Indian timezone is 5 hrs and 30 mins ahead of UTC which is denoted as UTC+05:30. In languages, these timezones are declared in date time library using constants such as ‘Asia/Kolkata’ which is Indian Standard Time. I will be talking about working with  date time in python in this blog. In the FOSSASIA’s Open Event project since it is event management system, handling date-time with the timezone is one of the important tasks.

Here is the relevant code:

>>> import datetime
>>> import pytz
>>> now =  returns naive datetime as of the time setting of the machine on which the code is running. Naive date means it doesn’t contain any info about the timezone. It just contains some number values of year, month, hours etc. So just by looking at naive date we cannot actually understand the time. There comes aware datetime which contains timezone info.

>> now
datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 12, 21, 46, 16, 909983)
>>> now.isoformat()
>>> aware_now = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata').localize(now)
>>> aware_now
datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 12, 21, 46, 16, 909983, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Asia/Kolkata' IST+5:30:00 STD>

Pytz provides timezone object which takes string argument for timezone which has localize method which adds timezone info to the datetime object. Hence now aware datetime has timezone info too. Now if we print the time.

>>> aware_now.isoformat()

We get the +05:30 extra string at the end which gives timezone info. +05:30 means the timezone is 5 hrs and 30 mins ahead of UTC timezone. The comparison between datetimes can be made between naive-naive and aware-aware. If we try to compare between naive and aware,

>>> now < aware_now
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

>>> now2 =
>>> now2
datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 15, 9, 44, 25, 990666)
>>> now < now2
>>> aware_now.tzinfo
<DstTzInfo 'Asia/Kolkata' IST+5:30:00 STD>

tzinfo carries timezone info of the datetime object. We can make aware date to unaware by method replacing tzinfo to None.

>>> unaware_now = aware_now.replace(tzinfo=None)
>>> unaware_now.isoformat()

Formating datetime is done by mostly these two methods. One of which takes string format in which the result is required and another returns datetime in iso format.

>>> now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
>>> aware_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')

>>> now.time().isoformat()

>>> now_in_brazil_east ='Brazil/East'))
>>> now_in_brazil_east.isoformat()

We can pass timezone argument to the now method to get current time in the passed timezone. But the care must be taken as this will use the timezone setting of the machine on which code is running to calculate the time at the supplied timezone.


In the FOSSASIA’s Open Event Project, date-time is taken from the user along with the timezone like in one of the example shown below.

Date Time Getter Open Event
Date Time Getter in Create Event Step 1 Open Event Front End

This is part of the event creation page where user has to provide date-time along with the timezone choice. At back-end the date-time and timezone are stored separately in the database. The event model looks like

class Event(db.Model):
 """Event object table"""
 start_time = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)
 end_time = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)
 timezone = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default="UTC")

The comparison between the stored date-time info with the real time cannot be done directly. Since the timezones of the both times need to be considered along with the date-time values while comparison. Likewise there is one case in the project code where tickets are filtered based on the start time.

def get_sales_open_tickets(event_id, event_timezone='UTC'):
  tickets = Ticket.query.filter(Ticket.event_id == event_id).filter(
      Ticket.sales_start <=
      Ticket.sales_end >=

In this case, first current time is found out using timezone method in the timezone which is stored as a separate data field in the database. Since comparison cannot be done between aware and naive date-time. Hence once current date-time is found out in the user’s timezone, it is made naive using replace method which makes the aware date-time into naive again. Hence can be compared with the naive date-time stored already.

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Creating functional components in Ember JS in Open Event Front-end

In the Open Event Front-end using Ember JS we are creating a functional ticket ordering component which lets users select the amount of tickets and update the total & subtotal price accordingly. How are we doing it?

Creating a component

Components in ember are modular widgets which are used to define a single HTML element, as an independent element. Components can be reused without any dependencies across the project. This provides us a modular architecture to define a component once and reuse it across the project.

For creating a new component use:

ember g component ticket-component

In ember all components must have at least one hyphen in their name. This is an Ember convention, but it is an important one as it ensures there are no naming collisions with future HTML elements. After execution of the above command three new files are generated in the project under:

  • app/components: Contains the logic of the component.
  • app/templates: Contains the view of the component.
  • tests/integration/components: Contains all tests related to component.

Passing an array of ticket detail to template

We can pass data from APIs to the templates using ember-data, but for simplicity we are passing an array of dummy data to get it working. To pass the array to the template we need to add the following JSON to the application controller under controllers/application.js in the application.

    description: 'Discounted ticket for all community members',
    date: 'Mon, May 22',
    price: 40.50,
    name: 'Community Ticket',
    type: 'paid',
    id: 1,
    quantity: 10,
    orderQuantity: 0,
    min: 0,
    max: 5

For passing the data to the component template we need to pass the above object to the template using the following syntax in the application.hbs route.

{{public/ticket-component tickets=tickets}}

Rendering ticket details

We iterate over the tickets array passed by application.hbs using each handlebars helper, and we are also using semantic ui dropdown.

For computing subtotals we are using a ember-math-helpers which can be installed using

ember install ember-math-helpers

The semantic ui dropdown is used for selecting the number of orders. This allows us to bind a hidden field for storing the selected value from the dropdown.

{{#ui-dropdown class='compact selection' forceSelection=false}}
 {{input type='hidden' id=(concat '_quantity') value=ticket.orderQuantity}}

For downloading semantic-ui to the project we use:

ember install semantic-ui-ember

Computing subtotal using ember-math-helpers using the mult function which multiplies the price of tickets and the number of order selected from the dropdown.

<td id='{{}}_subtotal' class="ui right aligned">
  $ {{number-format (mult ticket.orderQuantity ticket.price)}}

Computing total price of ordered tickets

To compute total price we are using computed properties which lets us observe properties in the component and compute other properties which are dependent on it. We add a computed property for the orderQuantity property associated with each of the tickets and update the total accordingly.

total: computed('tickets.@each.orderQuantity', function() {
  let sum = 0.0;
  this.get('tickets').forEach(ticket => {
    sum += (ticket.price * ticket.orderQuantity);
  return sum;

This ensures an update of the total if any changes are made to the orderQuantity property of any ticket.


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Recyclerview in Open Event Android: A great upgradation to ListView

Recently, I was fixing a trivial bug in the Open Event Android app, an interesting thing caught my attention. Most of the lists in the app where actually not implemented using the traditional ListView, but instead used something called RecyclerView. The beautiful transitions that make this app the beauty it is, is due to the amazing and easy to code Recycler Views used in it.

A screen shot showcasing the simplicity of the FOSSASIA Open event android app.


List View is one among the various views that Android provides. In a nutshell, it is literally a group of generic views in Android. Why then use an entire new and more complex view, if all that it offers is a number of views displayed together? Well, it certainly has certain add-ons to the most generic set of views like Image and TextViews in Android.

I encourage you to think about what different could the ListView be as compared to multiple declarations of TextView. The thing with multiple declarations of a Text or Image View is that they aren’t “scrollable”, that is, if you want numerous Views in a single activity, without List View, you will have to fit them on one screen, else make another activity. So, if you want a scrollable view with same basic view items, List View is the way to go about it in Android.

The next question that may arise is:

How does a Listview work?

Google defines Adapters as “a bridge between an AdapterView and the underlying data for that view”. List Views use Adapters that retrieve data from Arrays, Lists and other data structures and queries, plugs them into our List View and thus, creates a beautiful looking List in no time. In Spite of all this, List View certainly lags in various fields that deal with performance, memory and compactness issues. As a great improvement Recycler View was introduced.

Using Recyclerview you are not restricted to vertical scrollable views. It has the ability to provide horizontal, vertical, grid and staggered layouts among others, with the help of different layout managers:-

recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2,StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL));
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(RecyclerView_Activity.this,LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false));

RecyclerView.ItemDecoration class allows us to add special drawings to our view. Thus, we can add dividers, borders and much more using this class.

public class DividerItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
     private Drawable mDivider;
     public DividerItemDecoration(Drawable divider) {
         mDivider = divider;

Adding animation used to be a devil of a task in Listview days, however with the release of Recyclerview, it has become a lot more easy. RecyclerView.ItemAnimator class helps in animating items while the adapters are being changed.

Next, we have something related to the performance:-

In a List View, you might have come across the term, ‘Viewholder’, but if you haven’t, that’s okay too. However, in Recyclerview, using View Holders have been made mandatory and for a good reason. The class goes by the name RecyclerView.ViewHolder.

What exactly are View Holders?
The clean dividers and minimal design in the Recyclerview makes up for a subtle UI.

In a broader sense, it is used to provide information about the identity of an itemView and it’s position within a Recyclerview. Without View Holders we have an overhead of calling the function findViewById() for every item in our Recyclerview! This upgradation from the typical findViewById() to View Holders awards us with better and more smooth scrolling through the list.

How does Recyclerview work?

List View is an ancestor to Recyclerview. Recyclerview has everything that List View offers to us (except for a few things like setchoicemode(), which I might take up in my upcoming blog posts), and much more.

A great achievement that Android achieved through Recyclerview has been it’s ability to “recycle” views on the way. In laymen terms, if you scroll through a Recyclerview, the views that go away from the screen during scrolling are the same views that come into the screen. The only difference is that the data in the views leaving the screen is changed to the data of the views entering your screen and so they are presented as new views. In this way, a Recyclerview helps saving memory for sure as compared to List Views.

There are still a lot of other things to learn about Recycler and List Views and you find more resources here.


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Automatic Imports of Events to Open Event from online event sites with Query Server and Event Collect

One goal for the next version of the Open Event project is to allow an automatic import of events from various event listing sites. We will implement this using Open Event Import APIs and two additional modules: Query Server and Event Collect. The idea is to run the modules as micro-services or as stand-alone solutions.

Query Server
The query server is, as the name suggests, a query processor. As we are moving towards an API-centric approach for the server, query-server also has API endpoints (v1). Using this API you can get the data from the server in the mentioned format. The API itself is quite intuitive.

API to get data from query-server

GET /api/v1/search/<search-engine>/query=query&format=format

Sample Response Header

 Cache-Control: no-cache
 Connection: keep-alive
 Content-Length: 1395
 Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
 Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 08:33:42 GMT
 Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/2.7.13
 Via: 1.1 vegur

The server is built in Flask. The GitHub repository of the server contains a simple Bootstrap front-end, which is used as a testing ground for results. The query string calls the search engine result scraper that is based on the scraper at searss. This scraper takes search engine, presently Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yahoo as additional input and searches on that search engine. The output from the scraper, which can be in XML or in JSON depending on the API parameters is returned, while the search query is stored into MongoDB database with the query string indexing. This is done keeping in mind the capabilities to be added in order to use Kibana analyzing tools.

The frontend prettifies results with the help of PrismJS. The query-server will be used for initial listing of events from different search engines. This will be accessed through the following API.

The query server app can be accessed on heroku.

➢ api/list​: To provide with an initial list of events (titles and links) to be displayed on Open Event search results.

When an event is searched on Open Event, the query is passed on to query-server where a search is made by calling with appending some details for better event hunting. Recent developments with Google include their event search feature. In the Google search app, event searches take over when Google detects that a user is looking for an event.

The feed from the scraper is parsed for events inside query server to generate a list containing Event Titles and Links. Each event in this list is then searched for in the database to check if it exists already. We will be using elastic search to achieve fuzzy searching for events in Open Event database as elastic search is planned for the API to be used.

One example of what we wish to achieve by implementing this type of search in the database follows. The user may search for

-Google Cloud Event Delhi
-Google Event, Delhi
-Google Cloud, Delhi
-google cloud delhi
-Google Cloud Onboard Delhi
-Google Delhi Cloud event

All these searches should match with “Google Cloud Onboard Event, Delhi” with good accuracy. After removing duplicates and events which already exist in the database from this list have been deleted, each event is rendered on search frontend of Open Event as a separate event. The user can click on any of these event, which will make a call to event collect.

Event Collect

The event collect project is developed as a separate module which has two parts

● Site specific scrapers
In its present state, event collect has scrapers for eventbrite and ticket-leap which, given a query, scrape eventbrite (and ticket-leap respectively) search results and downloads JSON files of each event using Loklak‘s API.
The scrapers can be developed in any form or any number of scrapers/scraping tools can be added as long as they are in alignment with the Open Event Import API’s data format. Writing tests for these against the concurrent API formats will take care of this. This part will be covered by using a json-validator​ to check against a pre-generated schema.

The scrapers are exposed through a set of APIs, which will include, but not limited to,
➢ api/fetch-event : ​to scrape any event given the link and compose the data in a predefined JSON format which will be generated based on Open Event Import API. When this function is called on an event link, scrapers are invoked which collect event data such as event, meta, forms etc. This data will be validated against the generated JSON schema. The scraped JSON and directory structure for media files:
➢ api/export : to export all the JSON data containing event information into Open Event Server. As and when the scraping is complete, the data will be added into Open Event’s database as a new event.

How the Import works

The following graphic shows how the import works.

Let’s dive into the workflow. So as the diagram illustrates, the ‘search​’ functionality makes a call to api/list API endpoint provided by query-server which returns with events’ ‘Title’ and ‘Event Link’ from the parsed XML/JSON feed. This list is displayed as Open Event’s search results. Now the results having been displayed, the user can click on any of the events. When the user clicks on any event, the event is searched for in Open Event’s database. Two things happen now:

  • The event page loads if the event is found.
  • If the event does not already exist in the database, clicking on any event will

➢ Insert this event’s title and link in the database and get the event_id

➢ Make a call to api/fetch-event in event-collect which then invokes a site-specific scraper to fetch data about the event the user has chosen

➢ When the data is scraped, it is imported into Open Event database using the previously generated event_id. The page will be loaded using jquery ajax ​as and when the scraping is done.​When the imports are done, the search page refreshes with the new results. The Open Event Orga Server exposes a well documented REST API that can be used by external services to access the data.

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