Open Event Server – Pages API

This article illustrates how the Pages API has been designed and implemented on the server side, i.e., FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server. Pages endpoint is used to create static pages such as “About Page” or any other page that doesn’t need to be updated frequently and only a specific content is to be shown.


  1. name – This stores the name of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  2. title – This stores the title of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
  3. url – This stores the url of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  4. description – This stores the description of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  5. language – This stores the language of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
  6. index – This stores the position of the page.
      1. Type – Integer
      2. Required – No
      3. Default – 0
  7. place – Location where the page will be placed.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
      3. Accepted Values – ‘footer’ and ‘event’

These are the allowed parameters for the endpoint.


Lets see how we model this API. The ORM looks like this :

__tablename__ = 'pages'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
title = db.Column(db.String)
url = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
description = db.Column(db.String)
place = db.Column(db.String)
language = db.Column(db.String)
index = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

As you can see, we created a table called “pages”. This table has 8 columns, 7 of which are the parameters that I have mentioned above. The column “id” is an Integer column and is the primary key column. This will help to differentiate between the various entries in the table.

The visualisation for this table looks as follows :


We support the following operations:

  1. GET all the pages in the database
  2. POST create a new page
  3. GET details of a single page as per id
  4. PATCH a single page by id
  5. DELETE a single page by id

To implement this we first add the routes in our python file as follows :

api.route(PageList, 'page_list', '/pages')
api.route(PageDetail, 'page_detail', '/pages/<int:id>')

Then we define these classes to handle the requests. The first route looks as follows:

class PageList(ResourceList):
   List and create page
   decorators = (api.has_permission('is_admin', methods="POST"),)
   schema = PageSchema
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Page}

As can be seen above, this request requires the user to be an admin. It uses the Page model described above and handles a POST request.

The second route is:

class PageDetail(ResourceDetail):
   Page detail by id
   schema = PageSchema
   decorators = (api.has_permission('is_admin', methods="PATCH,DELETE"),)
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Page}

This route also requires the user to be an admin. It uses the Page model and handles PATCH, DELETE requests.

To summarise our APIs are:












Continue ReadingOpen Event Server – Pages API

Open Event Server – Change a Column from NULL to NOT NULL

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server uses alembic migration files to handle all database operations and updating. Whenever the database is changed a corresponding migration python script is made so that the database will migrate accordingly for other developers as well. But often we forget that the automatically generated script usually just add/deletes columns or alters the column properties. It does not handle the migration of existing data in that column. This can lead to huge data loss or error in migration as well.

For example :

def upgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    op.alter_column('ticket_holders', 'lastname',
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

Here, the goal was to change the column “ticket_holders” from nullable to not nullable. The script that alembic autogenerated just uses op.alter_column().

It does not count for the already existing data. So, if the column has any entries which are null, this migration will lead to an error saying that the column contains null entries and hence cannot be “NOT NULL”.

How to Handle This?

Before altering the column definition we can follow the following steps :

  1. Look for all the null entries in the column
  2. Give some arbitrary default value to those
  3. Now we can safely alter the column definition

Let’s see how we can achieve this. For connecting with the database we will use SQLAlchemy. First, we get a reference to the table and the corresponding column that we wish to alter.

ticket_holders_table = sa.sql.table('ticket_holders',
                                        sa.Column('lastname', sa.VARCHAR()))


Since we need the “last_name” column from the table “ticket_holders”, we specify it in the method argument.

Now, we will give an arbitrary default value to all the originally null entries in the column. In this case, I chose to use a space character.

               .values({'lastname': op.inline_literal(' ')}))

op.execute() can execute direct SQL commands as well but we chose to go with SQLAlchemy which builds an optimal SQL command from our modular input. One such example of a complex SQL command being directly executed is :

op.execute('INSERT INTO event_types(name, slug) SELECT DISTINCT event_type_id, lower(replace(regexp_replace(event_type_id, \'& |,\', \'\', \'g\'), \' \', \'-\')) FROM events where not exists (SELECT 1 FROM event_types where and event_type_id is not null;'))

Now that we have handled all the null data, it is safe to alter the column definition. So we proceed to execute the final statement –

op.alter_column('ticket_holders', 'lastname',

Now the entire migration script will run without any error. The final outcome would be –

  1. All the null “last_name” entries would be replaced by a space character
  2. The “last_name” column would now be a NOT NULL column.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Server – Change a Column from NULL to NOT NULL

Database Listener for User Centric Events

Badgeyay is an open-source utility developed by FOSSASIA to generate badges for conferences and events. The project is separated into two components to ease maintainability. First is the frontend part which is in ember and second part is backend which is in Flask. The choice of database to support backend is PostgreSQL.

Now comes the problem, whenever a user is registered in the database, he should receive  a verification mail, that he is successfully registered on the platform. For this case we have to listen to the database events on User model. This issue has greater extendibility than only sending greeting or verification mail to the user. We can extend this to trigger services that are dependent on user registration, like subscribing the user to some set of services based on the plan he opted while registration and many more.

These type of issues cannot be handled by normal relationship with tables and other entities, there has to be logic in place to support such functionalities. So the challenges for tackling the problem are as follows:

  • Listen to the insert_action in User model
  • Extracting the details necessary for the logic
  • Execute particular logic


  1. Attaching insert_action listener to the User model. This function will get triggered whenever an entity is saved in the User model.

<!– HTML generated using –>

@db.event.listens_for(User, "after_insert")
def logic(mapper, connection, target): {
  1. When the function gets triggered, extract the details of the saved user that is necessary for the logic. As currently we are sending greeting mail to the user,we only need the email of the user. Target is the actual saved user passed as argument to the listening function from the library.

<!– HTML generated using –>

msg = {}
msg['subject'] = "Welcome to Badgeyay"
msg['receipent'] =
msg['body'] = "It's good to have you onboard with Badgeyay. Welcome to " \
"FOSSASIA Family."
  1. Now the details are passed to sendMail() function for sending mail which uses flask-mail library to send mail to the recipient.
    def sendMail(message):
    if message and message.receipent:
    msg = Message(
    sender=app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], Response(200).generateMessage(
    except Exception as e:
    return jsonify(
    'Unable to send the mail'))
    return jsonify(
    'Mail Sent'))
    return jsonify(
    'No data received')) 'No data received'))
  2. This will send mail to the user who has been registered to the application.

Similarly we can use separate logics according to the need of the application.


The Pull Request for the above functionality is at this Link

Topics Involved

Working on the issue involve following topics:

  • Configuring mail service to allow insecure apps access.
  • Sending mail from the flask-mail to end user
  • Attaching listener to listen for database change
  • Extraction of data from saved object in database sqlalchemy.


  • Sending Mails Programmatically –  Link
  • Flask Mail Documentation – Link
  • Listening to database events – Link
  • Enabling access to GMAIL to send mails to recipient – Link
Continue ReadingDatabase Listener for User Centric Events

Adding multiple email support for users on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add support of multiple emails for a user in Open Event Server. The focus is on model and schema creation for this support.

Model Creation

For the UserEmail, we’ll make our model as follows

from app.models import db

class UserEmail(db.Model):
“””user email model class”””
__tablename__ = ‘user_emails’
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False)
verified = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(‘’, ondelete=’CASCADE’))
user = db.relationship(“User”, backref=”emails”, foreign_keys=[user_id])

def __init__(self, email=None, user_id=None): = email
self.user_id = user_id

def __str__(self):
return ‘User:’ + unicode(self.user_id).encode(‘utf-8’) + ‘ email: ‘ + unicode(‘utf-8’)

def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(

Now, let’s try to understand the attributes of this model.

  1. id is most important Column required in every model to set it as primary key and to uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email is that attribute which is required hence should be unique and non-nullable.
  3. Verified attribute is used to check whether a email is verified or not (thus should be boolean)
  4. User_id is the attribute which specifies id of the user whose email is contained in the UserEmail object.
  5. Finally, a relationship with the user of id user_id and these emails (associated with the == user_id) will be stored in the attribute emails in User Model.

Schema Creation

For the model UserEmail, we’ll make our schema UserEmailSchema as follows

from marshmallow_jsonapi import fields
from marshmallow_jsonapi.flask import Schema, Relationshipfrom app.api.helpers.utilities import dasherizeclass UserEmailSchema(Schema):
“””   API Schema for user email Model   “””class Meta:
“””  Meta class for user email API schema  “””
type_ = ‘user-emails’
self_view = ‘v1.user_emails_detail’
self_view_kwargs = {‘id’: ‘<id>’}
inflect = dasherize

id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
email = fields.Email(allow_none=False)
user_id = fields.Integer(allow_none=False)
user = Relationship(attribute=’user’,
self_view_kwargs={‘id’: ‘<id>’},
related_view_kwargs={‘user_id’: ‘<id>’},

  • Marshmallow-jsonapi provides a simple way to produce JSON API-compliant data in any Python web framework.

Now, let’s try to understand the schema UserEmailSchema

  1. id : Same as in model id is used as uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email : Same as in model email is required thus allow_none is set to False.
  3. User_id : user_id is the id of user whose email is contained in a UserEmailSchema object.
  4. User : It tells whole attributes of the user to which this email belongs to.

So, we saw how to add multiple email support for users on Open Event Server. We just required to create a model and its schema to add this feature. Similarly, to add support for any database model in the project, we need to create Model and Schema with all the attributes as specified in the model too. This Schema creation is done with guidelines of JSONAPI 1.0 Specification using Marshmallow.


Continue ReadingAdding multiple email support for users on Open Event Server

Variable Font Size Badgeyay

Badgeyay is a simple badge generator that aims for promoting an open-source tool for generation of badges in PDF format. The project has options to choose from predefined set of images or upload a background image. User can choose from set of fonts and color of the same. But now Badgeyay also has option to choose custom font-size in generation of badges.

To implement font size feature,  first, the component that is determining the font of the label has to be identified. The label that determines the text on the badge is the <text> label and within it, the label that determines the properties of the text is <tspan>. So mainly we need to alter the properties in the tspan.

The property that determines the font size for the badge is font-size and its default value is set to 31.25 px. If the property in the labels changed, then we can see the corresponding changes in the PDF generated from the svg.

Now the challenges were:

  • To Determine the font value from the frontend.
  • Using the same for the font-config.
  • Changing the built svg accordingly.


  1. Firstly frontend component has to be changed to incorporate a slider to give input for the variable font size. So a range input is inserted with range from 15 px to 45 px and default as 30 px. The size_print label gets changed dynamically to show the value selected from the range slider.
<input type="radio" name="fontsize" id="font-size-picker"> Choose font size
<section id="font-size-input" style="display:none;">
<label for="inputFile" id="size_print"></label>
<input type="range" id="font-size" max=45 min=15 step=5 value=30  class="form-control" name="font_size">
  1. After adding the component, form script is changed to add toggle behaviour to the button. For adding the toggling behaviour in the component, checkbox is used and the value of the label is updated dynamically as the slider value is changed.
$("#size_print").text($("#font-size").val() + " px");

      $("#font-size-picker").click(function () {

          if ($(this).is(":checked")) {

              $("#font-size-input").css("display", "block");

          } else {

              $("#font-size-input").css("display", "none");



      $("#font-size").on('input', function () {

          $("#size_print").text($(this).val() + " px");

  1. After completing the work on the frontend, it is necessary to modify the backend too. The method for choosing custom font has to be refactored. It now checks whether the custom font is set or font size variable is set, and creates a config file for fonts which after use gets deleted.
font_config = {}
   # custom font is specified
   if custom_font != '':
       font_config['font'] = custom_font
   if font_size != '':
       font_config['font_size'] = font_size
   if custom_font != '' or font_size != '':
       json_str = json.dumps(font_config)
       f = open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'fonts.json'), "w+")
  1. The generator class is modified as well to accommodate the changes, by adding a new class attribute called font_size. We find the keys in the dict object loaded from the file and assign the same to class attribute.
if 'font_size' in self.DATA.keys():
               self.font_size = self.DATA['font_size']
  1. Make the necessary change in the svg, so that font size change can be represented in the generated PDF. Replace the old font size with the new font size specified.
if self.font_size:
           content = content.replace("font-size:31.25px",
                                     "font-size:" + str(self.font_size) + "px")
  1. After all the changes, badge generated will have a different font size.

The Pull request for the above change is at this Link

Topics Involved

Working on this Issue (Link) involve following topics:

  • SVG Label manipulation
  • Sending data from Ember frontend to Backend.
  • Javascript for the toggle radio button.


  • Extracting map information from the SVG (Link)
  • Python Documentation for class (Link)
  • About Github Pages- (Link)
  • Ajax Serialize method to serialize the form contents – (Link)
Continue ReadingVariable Font Size Badgeyay

Refactoring and Remodeling Badgeyay API

When we build a full scale production application, we make sure that everything is modeled correctly and accordingly to the need of the code. The code must be properly maintained as well as designed in such a way that it is less prone to errors and bugs.

Badgeyay is also targeting to be a full production application, and in order to achieve it we first need to re-factor the code and model it using a strong yet maintainable structure.

What is the current state of Badgeyay?

Currently Badgeyay is divided into two sub folders.


It is backed by two folders, viz backend and frontend. The ‘backend’ folder handles the API that the service is currently running. The ‘frontend’ folder houses the Ember based frontend logic of the application.

Improvements to Badgeyay Backend

We have worked on improving Backend for Badgeyay. Instead of traditional methods, i.e. current method, of API development; We employ a far better approach of using Flask Blueprint as a method of refactoring the API.

The new backend API resides inside the following structure.


The API folder currently holds the new API being formatted from scratch using

  • Flask Blueprint
  • Flask Utilities like jsonify, response etc

The new structure of Badgeyay Backend will follow the following structure


The folders and their use cases are given below

  • \config
    • Contain all the configuration files
    • Configurations about URLs, PostgreSQL etc
  • \controllers
    • This will contain the controllers for our API
    • Controllers will be the house to our routes for APIs
  • \helpers
    • Helpers folder will contain the files directly related to API
  • \models
    • Models folder contains the Schemas for PostgreSQL
    • Classes like User etc will be stored in here
  • \utils
    • Utils will contain the helper functions or classes
    • This classes or functions are not directly connected to the APIs
    • Main python file for Flask SQLAlchemy
    • This is the main entry point.
    • Running this file will run the entire Flask Blueprint API

How does it help?

  • It helps in making the backend more solid.
  • It helps in easy understanding of application with maintained workflow.
  • Since we will be adding a variety of features during Google Summer of Code 2018 therefore we need to have a well structured API with well defined paths for every file being used inside it.
  • It will help in easy maintaining for any maintainer on this project.
  • Development of the API will be faster in this way, since everything is divided into sub parts therefore many people can work on many different possibilities on the same time.

Further Improvements

Since this structure has been setup correctly in Badgeyay now, so we can work on adding separate routes and different functionalities can be added simultaneously.

It ensures faster development of the project.


Continue ReadingRefactoring and Remodeling Badgeyay API

Badgeyay: Integrating EmberJS Frontend with Flask Backend

Badgeyay is a simple badge generator with a simple web UI that generates a printable badge in PDFs. The project had gone through different cycles starting from a Flask server to a CLI application then a python library and now API Interface for generation of badges.

According to latest changes in the project structure, now the frontend and backend are independent components developed in Ember JS and Flask respectively. Now there is a need to connect the frontend to the backend, which means the user should see the response on the same page without refresh, if the badge generated successfully. AJAX would fit right into the spot. Asynchronous Javascript and XML also known as AJAX, will enable us to perform asynchronous operation on the page without refreshing the page.

We can make an API call to the Server running in backend or deployed on heroku, but the server is not suitable for doing CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), ability to share the resources on server with the client having different domain names, but as the server and the frontend are not hosted on the same host  so there is a need to enable the server to accept CORS request calls.

Now the challenges were:

  • Enabling Flask Server to accept CORS requests.
  • AJAX query for sending request to the Flask server.


  1. Giving the form an id and creating an AJAX request to the Flask server (may be localhost or deployed on heroku).
<form id=”form1″ action=”” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” onsubmit=”return validate()”>


When the generate button is clicked, an AJAX request is made to the server to generate badges and at the same time prevent the page from refreshing. In the AJAX request we set the CORS header to allow the domain.


<script type=”text/javascript”>
$(document).ready(function () {
$(‘#form1’).submit(function (event) {
headers: {“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”: “*”}
url: “”,
data: $(this).serialize(),
type: ‘POST’,
success: function (data) {…},
error: function (error) {…}


  1. Import the library and enable the API endpoint to accept CORS requests.
from flask_cors import CORS
cors = CORS(app, resources={r”/api/*”: {“origins”: “*”}})


  1. Add Logic for appending the download link by extracting the download link from the response and replacing the static text in the template with the download link, also changing the download variable to the filename, by stripping the base url from the download link.
if (data[“response”][0][“type”] === “success”) {
$(‘#success’).css(‘visibility’, ‘visible’);
let link = data[“response”][0][“download_link”];
link = link.replace(“backend/app/”, “”);
$(‘#badge-link’).attr(“href”, link);
link = link.replace(“static/badges/”, “”);
$(‘#badge-link’).attr(“download”, link);


  1. Output the success on the page.
<div id=”success” style=”visibility: hidden;”>
<div class=”flash-success”>Your badges have been created successfully.</div>
<div class=”text-center”>
<a id=”badge-link” href=”{{msg}}-badges.pdf”
class=”btn btn-success”
download=”{{msg}}-badges.pdf”>Download as


  1. Frontend and Backend now are connected to each other.The Server now accepts CORS requests and response is generated after the user requests from Frontend.


The Pull Request with the above changes is on this Link

Topics Involved

Working on this issue (Link)  involves following topics :

  • Enabling Flask Server for CORS
  • Request Headers
  • AJAX request for CORS.


Continue ReadingBadgeyay: Integrating EmberJS Frontend with Flask Backend
Read more about the article Setting up SUSI Desktop Locally for Development and Using Webview Tag and Adding Event Listeners
SUSI Desktop

Setting up SUSI Desktop Locally for Development and Using Webview Tag and Adding Event Listeners

SUSI Desktop is a cross platform desktop application based on electron which presently uses as a submodule and allows the users to interact with susi right from their desktop.

Any electron app essentially comprises of the following components

    • Main Process (Managing windows and other interactions with the operating system)
    • Renderer Process (Manage the view inside the BrowserWindow)

Steps to setup development environment

      • Clone the repo locally.
$ git clone
$ cd susi_desktop
      • Install the dependencies listed in package.json file.
$ npm install
      • Start the app using the start script.
$ npm start

Structure of the project

The project was restructured to ensure that the working environment of the Main and Renderer processes are separate which makes the codebase easier to read and debug, this is how the current project is structured.

The root directory of the project contains another directory ‘app’ which contains our electron application. Then we have a package.json which contains the information about the project and the modules required for building the project and then there are other github helper files.

Inside the app directory-

  • Main – Files for managing the main process of the app
  • Renderer – Files for managing the renderer process of the app
  • Resources – Icons for the app and the tray/media files
  • Webview Tag

    Display external web content in an isolated frame and process, this is used to load in a BrowserWindow as

    <webview src=""></webview>

    Adding event listeners to the app

    Various electron APIs were used to give a native feel to the application.

  • Send focus to the window WebContents on focussing the app window.
  • win.on('focus', () => {
  • Display the window only once the DOM has completely loaded.
  • const page = mainWindow.webContents;
    page.on('dom-ready', () => {;
  • Display the window on ‘ready-to-show’ event
  • win.once('ready-to-show', () => {;


    1. A quick article to understand electron’s main and renderer process by Cameron Nokes at Medium link
    2. Official documentation about the webview tag at
    3. Read more about electron processes at
    4. SUSI Desktop repository at

    Continue ReadingSetting up SUSI Desktop Locally for Development and Using Webview Tag and Adding Event Listeners

    Store User’s Personal Information with SUSI

    In this blog, I discuss how SUSI.AI stores personal information of it’s users. This personal information is mostly about usernames/links to different websites like LinkedIn, GitHub, Facebook, Google/Gmail etc. To store such details, we have a dedicated API. Endpoint is :

    In this API/Servlet, storing the details and getting the details, both the aspects are covered. At the time of making the API call, user has an option either to ask the server for a list of available store names along with their values or request the server to store the value for a particular store name. If a store name already exists and a client makes a call with new/updated value, The servlet will update the value for that particular store name.

    The reason you are looking at minimal user role as USER is quite obvious, i.e. these details correspond to a particular user. Hence neither we want someone writing such information anonymously nor we want this information to be visible to anonymous user until allowed by the user.

    In the next steps, we start evaluating the API call made by the client. We look at the combination of the parameters present in the request. If the request is to fetch list of available stores, server first checks if Accounting object even has a JSONObject for “stores” or not. If not found, it sends an error message “No personal information is added yet.” and error code 420. Prior to all these steps, server first generates an accounting object for the user. If found, details are encoded as JSONObject’s parameter. Look at the code below to understand things fairly.

    Accounting accounting = DAO.getAccounting(authorization.getIdentity());
            if(post.get("fetchDetails", false)) {
                    JSONObject jsonObject = accounting.getJSON().getJSONObject("stores");
                    json.put("stores", jsonObject);
                    json.put("accepted", true);
                    json.put("message", "details fetched successfully.");
                    return new ServiceResponse(json);
                } else {
                    throw new APIException(420, "No personal information is added yet.");

    If the request was not to fetch the list of available stores, It means client wants server to save a new field or update a previous value for that of a store name. A combination of If-else evaluates whether the call even contains required parameters.

    if (post.get(“storeName”, null) == null) {
    throw new APIException(422, “Bad store name encountered!”);

    String storeName = post.get(“storeName”, null);
    if (post.get(“value”, null) == null) {
    throw new APIException(422, “Bad store name value encountered!”);

    If request contains all the required data, then store name & value are extracted as key-value pair from the request.

    In the next steps, since the server is expected to store list of the store names for a particular user, First the identity is gathered from the already present authorization object in “serviceImpl” method. If the server finds a “null” identity, It throws an error with error code 400 and error message “Specified User Setting not found, ensure you are logged in”.

    Else, server first checks if a JSONObject with key “stores” exists or not. If not, It will create an object and will put the key value pair in the new JSONObject. Otherwise it would anyways do so.

    Since these details are for a particular account (i.e. for a particular user), these are placed in the Accounting.json file. For better knowledge, Look at the code snippet below.

    if (accounting.getJSON().has("stores")) {
                    accounting.getJSON().getJSONObject("stores").put(storeName, value);
                } else {
                    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(true);
                    jsonObject.put(storeName, value);
                    accounting.getJSON().put("stores", jsonObject);
                json.put("accepted", true);
                json.put("message", "You successfully updated your account information!");
                return new ServiceResponse(json);

    Additional Resources :

    Continue ReadingStore User’s Personal Information with SUSI

    Enhancing SUSI Desktop to Display a Loading Animation and Auto-Hide Menu Bar by Default

    SUSI Desktop is a cross platform desktop application based on electron which presently uses as a submodule and allows the users to interact with susi right from their desktop. The benefits of using as a submodule is that it inherits all the features that the webapp offers and thus serves them in a nicely build native application.

    Display a loading animation during DOM load.

    Electron apps should give a native feel, rather than feeling like they are just rendering some DOM, it would be great if we display a loading animation while the web content is actually loading, as depicted in the gif below is how I implemented that.
    Electron provides a nice, easy to use API for handling BrowserWindow, WebContent events. I read through the official docs and came up with a simple solution for this, as depicted in the below snippet.

    onload = function () {
    	const webview = document.querySelector('webview');
    	const loading = document.querySelector('#loading');
    	function onStopLoad() {
    	function onStartLoad() {
    	webview.addEventListener('did-stop-loading', onStopLoad);
    	webview.addEventListener('did-start-loading', onStartLoad);

    Hiding menu bar as default

    Menu bars are useful, but are annoying since they take up space in main window, so I hid them by default and users can toggle their display on pressing the Alt key at any point of time, I used the autoHideMenuBar property of BrowserWindow class while creating an object to achieve this.

    const win = new BrowserWindow({
    	show: false,
    	autoHideMenuBar: true


    1. More information about BrowserWindow class in the official documentation at
    2. Follow a quick tutorial to kickstart creating apps with electron at
    3. SUSI Desktop repository at

    Continue ReadingEnhancing SUSI Desktop to Display a Loading Animation and Auto-Hide Menu Bar by Default