Implementing System Logs in SUSI.AI Admin Panel

The admin panel of SUSI.AI provides a lot of features required by system maintainers and admins to administer and maintain various activities of SUSI. Therefore system logs have been implemented on the admin panel so that admins can check whether SUSI server is working fine or throwing some errors. In this blog we will discuss about how logs are implemented on server and accounts.

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Implementing API keys on SUSI.AI server

The clients of SUSI.AI need config keys to work with some APIs like captcha, maps and blog and these keys are stored in the server of SUSI and the clients fetch them using API calls to the server. The admins can add or delete api keys from the server using the



API. This API stores the API keys in a json format in the apiKeys.json file in the system_keys_dir directory which is in the data directory on the susi server.

For the clients to fetch these API keys and use them in their respective APIs, they need to use

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Implementing Search User Feature for Admins

The users tab of admin panel of SUSI.AI provides a list of all users registered on SUSI. This helps admins to get an overview of users and also provides the admins option like change user roles and delete accounts. The list of users is displayed in a table which also uses pagination to handle larger number of users. But to find a particular user can be a difficult task if the user base is large. Therefore a feature to search for users by their email has been implement which searches for users on SUSI server and then sends the searched users to the client. In this post we will discuss both about the server and client side implementation of this feature.

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Device wise Usage Statistics of a Skill in SUSI.AI

The device wise usage distribution in SUSI.AI helps in understanding what kind of skills are used more on which type of devices, so that the skill creator can harness the core features of that device to enhance the skills or make the user experience smoother. For example, music playing skill may be used mostly on Smart Speakers whereas Android devices may have higher usage of alarm setting skill.

Sending the device type (ex, web client)

  1. Send the device type parameter as “Web Client” along with the query while fetching reply from SUSI server in chat.json API. The parameter is device_type.

// Add the type of device in the query
url += '&device_type=Web Client';

Storage of Device Wise Skill Usage Data on SUSI Server

  1. Create a deviceWiseSkillUsage.json file to store the device wise skill usage stats and make a JSONTray object for that in src/ai/susi/ file. The JSON file contains the device type and the usage count on that type of device (like Android, iOS, Web Client, Smart Speaker and others).
  2. Modify the src/ai/susi/server/api/susi/ file to fetch device_type from the query parameters and pass them SusiCognition constructor.

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization user, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
	String deviceType = post.get("device_type", "Others");
	SusiCognition cognition = new SusiCognition(q, timezoneOffset, latitude, longitude, countryCode, countryName, language, deviceType, count, user.getIdentity(), minds.toArray(new SusiMind[minds.size()]));
  1. Modify the src/ai/susi/mind/ file to accept the deviceType in the constructor parameters. Check which skill is being currently used for the response and update the skill’s usage stats for the current device in deviceWiseSkillUsage.json. Call the function updateDeviceWiseUsageData() to update the skill usage data.

List<String> skills = dispute.get(0).getSkills();
for (String skill : skills) {
    updateDeviceWiseUsageData(skill, deviceType);

The updateDeviceWiseUsageData() function accepts the skill path and type of device. It parses the skill path to get the skill metadata like its model name, group name, language etc. The function then checks if the device already exists in the JSON file or not. If it exists then it increments the usage count by 1 else it creates an entry for the device in the JSON file and initializes it with the usage count 1.

for (int i = 0; i < deviceWiseUsageData.length(); i++) {
  deviceUsage = deviceWiseUsageData.getJSONObject(i);
  if (deviceUsage.get("device_type").equals(deviceType)) {
    deviceUsage.put("count", deviceUsage.getInt("count") + 1);

API to access the Device Wise Skill Usage Data

  1. Create file to return the usage stats stored in deviceWiseSkillUsage.json

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {        
  ...  // Fetch the query parameters
  JSONArray deviceWiseSkillUsage = languageName.getJSONArray(skill_name);
  result.put("skill_name", skill_name);
  result.put("skill_usage", deviceWiseSkillUsage);
  result.put("accepted", true);
  result.put("message", "Device wise skill usage fetched"); 
  return new ServiceResponse(result);    
  1. Add the API file to src/ai/susi/server/api/susi/

services = new Class[]{

	//Skill usage data


Endpoint : /cms/getDeviceWiseSkillUsage.json


  • model
  • group
  • language
  • Skill

Sample query: /cms/getDeviceWiseSkillUsage.json?model=general&group=Knowledge&language=en&skill=aboutsusi

Sample response:

      "device_type": "Web Client",
      "count": 1
        "device_type": "Android",
        "count": 4
        "device_type": "iOS",
        "count": 2
        "device_type": "Smart Speaker",
        "count": 1
        "device_type": "Others",
        "count": 2
   "message":"Device wise skill usage fetched"


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Implementation of Delete Skill Feature for Admins in SUSI.AI

The admin panel of SUSI.AI has an admin panel to manage its users and skills and it also provides the admins to delete skills and restore the deleted ones. In this post we will discuss about how this works on the server and client side.

On the server side there are three APIs associated with this feature. One is to delete a skill, one to restore the skills and another to display the list of deleted skills. The following servlets are responsible for the above APIs and we will discuss about them in detail.

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Implementing User Stats for SUSI.AI Admin Panel

SUSI.AI has an admin panel where users with roles operator or above get an overview of various stats and manage other users and skills. The admin panel allows the system admins to get a list of all users registered on susi and also provide an option to change their user roles as well. The admin tab provides us with the statistics of its users. In this post we will discuss how this is implemented on susi server.

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How to Change a Password and Forgot Password Feature in the SUSI.AI Server

The accounting system of SUSI.AI provides its users the option to change the password of their accounts. This features gives us two options, either we can change our password by entering the older password or if the user forgot the password, they are provided a link on their email address through which we can change our password. Using either option, the user has to authenticate themselves before they can actually change their passwords. If the user has the current password, it is considered as a parameter of authentication. In other case the user has to check their email account for the link which also confirms the authenticity of user. In this post we will discuss how both options works on SUSI.

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Youtube search as a Console Service Endpoint in SUSI.AI

SUSI.AI now has the ability to search and play any song or video directly in the webclient and the speaker. When a user asks for a query regarding playing a song, the clients sends a search request to the server. In this post I will discuss about the server side implementation of the Youtube search. Every time a request is made by any client, the client sends a query request to the server in the form of a json object. For more on the working on the webclient side can be seen here.

The endpoint for youtube search is

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Delete User Account Service using API in SUSI.AI

SUSI.AI has an api to handle all account related services called This API provides services like change password and delete account. the main goal of is to centralise the accounts’ related settings from web, android and iOS clients into a single place like other accounting services. In this post we will discuss one of these features which is the delete user account from SUSI.AI.

The api has a react file DeleteAccount.react.js. This file handle the delete account service and interacts with the api, which is the core file for authentication. I will discuss in details how these two interact with each other and with other files.

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How User preferences data is stored in using Accounting Model

Like any other accounting services SUSI.AI also provides a lot of account preferences. Users can select their language, timezone, themes, speech settings etc. This data helps users to customize their experience when using SUSI.AI.

In the web client these user preferences are fetch from the server by UserPreferencesStore.js and the user identity is fetched by UserIdentityStore.js. These settings are then exported to the settings.react.js file. This file is responsible for the settings page and takes care of all user settings. Whenever a user changes a setting, it identifies the changes and show an option to save these changes. These changes are then updated on the server using the accounting model of SUSI.AI. Let’s take a look at each file discussed above in detail.

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