Use of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

While we were developing the SUSI Web Chat we got a requirement to build a dark theme. And to build a way that user can switch between dark and light theme.

SUSI Web Chat application is made according to the Flux architecture, So we had to build sub components according to that architecture.

What is flux:

Flux is not a framework. It is an Architecture/pattern that we can use to build applications using react and some other frameworks. Below figure shows the way how that architecture works and how it communicate.

How flux works:

Flux has four types of components. Those are views, actions, dispatcher and stores. We use JSX to build and integrate views into our JavaScript code.

When someone triggers an event from view, it triggers an action and that action sends particular action details  such as Actiontype, action name  and data to dispatcher. Dispatcher broadcasts those details to every store which are registered with the particular dispatcher. That means every store gets all the action details and data which are broadcasting from dispatchers which they are registered.

Let’s say we have triggered an action from view that is going to change the value of the store. Those action details are coming to dispatcher. Then dispatcher broadcasts those data to every store that registered with it. Matching action will trigger and update its value. If there is any change happened in store, view automatically updates corresponding view.

How themes are changing:

We have a store called “SettingStore.js”. This “SettingStore” contains theme values like current theme. We store other settings of the application such as: Mic input settings, Custom server details, Speech Output details, Default Language, is responsible to provide these details to corresponding view.

let CHANGE_EVENT = 'change';
class SettingStore extends EventEmitter {
   constructor() {
       this.theme = true; 

We use “this.theme = true” in constructor to switch light theme as the default theme.

getTheme() { //provides current value of theme
       return this.theme;

This method returns the value of the current theme when it triggers.

   changeTheme(themeChanges) {
       this.theme = !this.theme;

We use “changeTheme” method to change the selected theme.

   handleActions(action) {
       switch (action.type) {
           case ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED: {
           default: {
               // do nothing

This switch case is the place that store gets actions distributed from the dispatcher and executes relevant method.

const settingStore = new SettingStore();
export default settingStore;

Here we registered our store(SettingStore) to “ChatAppDispatcher” .

This is how Store works.
Now we need to get the default light theme to the view. For that we have to call ”getTheme()” function. We can use the value it returns to update the state of the application.
Now we are going to change the theme. To do that we have to trigger “changeTheme” method of “Settingstrore” from view ( MessageSection.react.js ).
We trigger below method on click of the “Change Theme” button. It triggers the action called “themeChanged”.

 themeChanger(event) {

Previous method executes “themeChanged()” function of the actions.js file.

export function themeChanged(theme) {
   type: ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED,
   theme //data came from parameter

In above function we collect data from the view and send those data, method details to dispatcher.
Dispatcher sends those details to each and every registered store. In our case we have “SettingStore” and update the state to new dark theme.
This is how themes are changing in SUSI AI Web Chat application. Check this link to see the preview.


  • Read About Flux:
  • GitHub repository:
  • Live Web Chat:
Continue ReadingUse of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

Implementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

In the SUSI Web Chat application we wanted to make few static pages such as: Overview, Terms, Support, Docs, Blog, Team, Settings and About. The idea was to show them in app bar. Requirements were  to have the capability to collapse on small viewports and to use Material UI components. In this blog post I’m going to elaborate how we built the responsive app bar Using Material UI components.

First we added usual Material UI app bar component  like this.

             <header className="nav-down" id="headerSection">
title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}
               iconElementRight={<TopMenu />}

We added SUSI logo instead of the text title using below code snippet and linked it to the home page like this.

title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}

We have defined “this.state.baseUrl” in constructor and it gets the base url of the web application.

this.state = {
       openDrawer: false, 
baseUrl: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/'

We need to open the right drawer when we click on the button on top left corner. So we have to define two methods to open and close drawer as below.

   handleDrawer = () => this.setState({openDrawer: !this.state.openDrawer});
   handleDrawerClose = () => this.setState({openDrawer: false});

Now we have to add components that we need to show on the right side of the app bar. We connect those elements to the app bar like this. “iconElementRight={}”

We defined “TopMenu” Items like this.

   const TopMenu = (props) => (
     <div className="top-menu">
     <FlatButton label="Overview"  href="/overview" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>
     <FlatButton label="Team"  href="/team" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>

We added FlatButtons to place links to other static pages. After all we needed a FlatButton that gives IconMenu to show login and signup options.

     <IconMenu {...props} iconButtonElement={
         <IconButton iconStyle={{color:'#fff'}} ><MoreVertIcon /></IconButton>
     <MenuItem primaryText="Chat" containerElement={<Link to="/logout" />}

After adding all these correctly you will see this kind of an app bar in your application.

Now our app bar is ready. But it does not collapse on small viewports.
So we planned to hide flat buttons on small sized screens and show the menu button. For that we used media queries.

@media only screen and (max-width: 800px){
   .topMenu-item{ display: none !important;  }
   .topAppBar button{ display: block  !important; }

This is how we built the responsive app bar using Material UI components. You can check the preview from this url. If you are willing to contribute to SUSI Web Chat here is the GitHub repository.


  • Material UI Components:
  • Learn More about media queries:
Continue ReadingImplementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

Implementing Hiding App Bar of SUSI Web Chat Application

In the SUSI Web Chat application we got a requirement to build a responsive app bar for static pages and there was another requirement to  show and hide the app bar when user scrolls. Basically this is how it should work: The app bar should be hidden after user scrolls down to a certain extent. When user scrolls up, It should appear again.

First we tried readymade node packages to do this task. But these packages are hard to customize. So we planned to make this feature from the sketch. We used Jquery for this. This is how we built this.

First we installed jQuery package using this command.

npm install jquery

Next we imported it on top of the application like this.

import $ from 'jquery'

We have discussed about this app bar and how we made it in previous blog post. Our app bar is like this.

             <header className="nav-down" id="headerSection">
               title={<img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"
               iconElementRight={<TopMenu />}

We have to use these HTML elements to write jQuery code. But we can’t refer HTML elements before it renders. So we have to define it soon after the render method executes. We can do it using “React LifeCycle” method. We have to add our code into the “componentDidMount()” method.
This is how we used jQuery inside the “componentDidMount()” lifeCycle method. Here we assigned the height of the App Bar using “$(‘header’).outerHeight();”

     var didScroll;
     var lastScrollTop = 0;
     var delta = 5;
     var navbarHeight = $('header').outerHeight();

Here we assigned the height of the app bar to “navbarHeight” variable.

         didScroll = true;

In this part we checked whether the user has scrolled or not. If user scrolled we set the value of “didScroll” to “true”.
Now we have to define what to do if user has scrolled.

     function hasScrolled() {
         var st = $(window).scrollTop();
         if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta){


Here we get the absolute scrolled height. If the height is less than the delta value we defined, it does not do anything. It just returns.

         if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){
         } else if(st + $(window).height() < $(document).height()) {
         lastScrollTop = st;

Here we hide the app bar after user scrolled down more than the height of the app bar. If we need to change the height which app bar should disappear, we just need to add a value to the condition like this.

if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight + 200){

If the user scrolled down more than that value we change the class name of the element “nav-down” to “nav-up”.
And we change the className “nav-up” to “nav-down” when user is scrolling up.
We defined CSS classes in the stylesheet to do these things and the animations of action.

header {
   background: #f5b335;
   height: 40px;
   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   transition: top 0.5s ease-in-out;
   width: 100%;

.nav-up {
   top: -100px;

We have defined the things which we need to do when user scrolls.
Now we have to call this function if user has scrolled

     setInterval(function() {
         if (didScroll) {
             didScroll = false;
     }, 2500);

If the “didcroll” is “true” we execute the “hasScrolled()” function. And set 2500 millisecond time interval. Because of that app bar does not hide right after user scrolls. It triggers the function after 2.5 seconds later.
This is how we built the scroll bar hiding feature using react JS and jQuery.


  • Learn more about React LifeCycle Methods
  • Use jQuery in React component:
Continue ReadingImplementing Hiding App Bar of SUSI Web Chat Application

Implementation of Responsive SUSI Web Chat Search Bar

When we were building the first phase of the SUSI Web Chat Application we didn’t consider about  the responsiveness as a main goal. The main thing we needed was a working application. This changed at a later stage. In this post I’m going to emphasize how we implemented the responsive design and problems we met while we were developing the design.

When we were moving to Material-UI from static HTML CSS we were able to make most of the parts responsive. As an example App-bar of the application. We added App-bar like as follows: We made a separate component for App-bar and it includes the “searchfield” element. Material-UI app bar handles the responsiveness for some extent. We have to handle responsiveness of other sub-parts of the app bar manually.

In “TopBar.react.js” I returned marterial-ui <Toolbar> element like this.

                <ToolbarGroup >
                <ToolbarGroup lastChild={true}> //inside of this we have to include other components of the top bar inside this element


We have to add the search button inside the element.
In this we added search component.

This field has the ability to expand and collapse like this.

It looks good. But it appears on mobile screen in a different way. This is how it appears on mobile devices.

So we wanted to hide the SUSI logo on small sized screens. For that we wrote medial queries like this.

@media only screen and (max-width: 860px){
   background-image: none;
   width: 100px !important;

Even in smaller screens it appears like this.

To avoid that we minimized the width of the search bar in different screen sizes using media queries .

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
   width: 100px !important;
@media only screen and (max-width: 360px){
   width: 65px !important;

But in even smaller screens it still appears in the same way. We can’t show the search bar on small screens because the screen size is not enough to show the search bar.
So we wrote another media query to hide all the elements of search component in small screens except close button. Because when we collapse the screen on search mode it hides all the search components and messagecomposer. To take it back to the chat mode we have to enable the close button on smaller screens.

@media only screen and (max-width: 300px){
   display: none !important;
     position: relative;
     top:6px  !important;

We have to define these two classes in “SearchField.react.js” file.

<IconButton className='displayNone'
                   <SearchIcon />
               <TextField  name='search'
                   className='search displayNone'
               <IconButton className='displayNone'>
                   <UpIcon />
               <IconButton className='displayNone'>
                   <DownIcon />
               <IconButton className='displayCloseNone'>
                   <ExitIcon />

Since we have “Codacy” integrated into our Github Repository we have to change Codacy rules because we used “!important” in media queries to override inline style which comes from Material-UI.
To change codacy rules we can simply login to the codacy and select the “code pattern ” button from the column left side.

It shows the list of rules that Codacy checks. And you can see the “!important” rule under CSSlint category like this.

Just uncheck it. Then codacy will not check your source code for “!important” attributes.

Configuring Codacy: Use Your Own Conventions:
Media queries:

Continue ReadingImplementation of Responsive SUSI Web Chat Search Bar

Implementing Wallpapers in React JS SUSI Web Chat Application

The different SUSI AI clients need to match in their feature set. One feature that was missing in the React JS SUSI Web Chat application was the ability for users to change the application wallpaper or background. This is how we implemented it on SUSI Web Chat.
Firstly we added a text field after the circle picker that change the color of the Application body. Because there should be a place to add the wallpaper image URL. Added that text field like this.

   const components = => {

key={} className=‘circleChoose’>

Change color of {}:


         color={component} width={'100%'}
         onChangeComplete={ this.handleChangeComplete.bind(this,
         component.component) }

CirclePicker shows the circular color picker to choose the colors for each component of the application.

           this.handleChangeBackgroundImage(value) }
          floatingLabelText="Body Background Image URL" />


In ’TextField’ I have checked below condition whether to display or not to display the text field after the ‘body’ color picker.


To apply changes as soon as the user enters the image url, we refer the value of the ‘TextField’ and pass it into the ‘handleChangeBackgroundImage()’ function as ‘value’ on change like this.

           this.handleChangeBackgroundImage(value) }

In ‘‘handleChangeBackgroundImage()’ function we change the state of the application and background of the application like this.

  handleChangeBackgroundImage(backImage){'background-image', 'url('+ backImage+')');'background-repeat', 'no-repeat');'background-size', 'cover');

In here ‘’ we change the style of the application’s ‘’ tag. This is how wallpapers are changing on SUSI Web Chat Application.


React Refs:

Refer Value from text field:

Continue ReadingImplementing Wallpapers in React JS SUSI Web Chat Application

Communicate between Child and Parent Components in React JS of SUSI Web Chat

When we were developing SUSI AI web chat  some components became huge. So the team wanted to break some components into parts. Since the Login dialog-box is used in several  places we decided to make a separate component for Login Dialog-box. In this post I am discussing how we implemented the feature as a separate component and how we have changed the state of the parent component of the child component.

Login Dialog-box contains all the things of the login dialog-box component.

Child-component (Login Dialog-box component) is here:

This method executes the ‘switchDialog’ function of the parent component.

export default class LoginDialog extends React.Component {

   handleClose = () => {

   render() {
       this.state = { open: }
       const actions = <RaisedButton
               UserPreferencesStore.getTheme() === 'light' ? '#607D8B' : '#19314B'}

       return (
               contentStyle={{ width: '35%', minWidth: '300px' }}
               <Login {...this.props} />


In this part we validate property types that has passed from the parent component.

LoginDialog.propTypes = {
   open: PropTypes.bool,
   switchDialog: PropTypes.func

In render() method I have returned the element.
To open and close dialog we have to communicate with parent component. We can send an instruction as an attribute of the element and we can refer it inside the element as “props”. This is how I have sent an instruction to the child element.
‘handleOpen’ function opens the dialog when user hit on the login button.

   handleOpen = () => {
       this.setState({ open: true });

‘switchDialog’ function is using for change the state of parent component from child Component (Login Dialog-box component).


   render() {

       const styles = {
           'margin': '60px auto',
           'width': '100%',
           'padding': '20px',
           'textAlign': 'center'

       return (
           <div className="signUpForm">
               <Paper zDepth={1} style={styles}>
                   <h1>Sign Up with SUSI</h1>
                   <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
                           <h4>If you have an Account Please Login</h4>
                                   ? '#607D8B' : '#19314B'}
                               labelColor="#fff" />

               <LoginDialog {...this.props} open={} switchDialog={this.switchDialog} />

To open and close the dialog-box we have to send the state of the parent component to child component. To close the dialog-box we have to update the parent component’s state from child component.

To change the parent component’s state we have used this in element.


To send the state to the child component we used this.


To send other properties to the element we used this.


After closing the dialog-box it calls this method and it updates the state of the parent component.

handleClose = () => {

This is how we can communicate between child and parent components using react.


Component Communication:
Material UI Dialogs:

Continue ReadingCommunicate between Child and Parent Components in React JS of SUSI Web Chat

React Routes to Deploy 404 page on gh-pages and surge

Web applications need 404 page to handle broken urls. If we can have a productive 404 page we can keep users with our application. This is how we made 404 page to SUSI.AI web chat application.
React routes ?
We use react routes to navigate throughout the application.we have to define which page to go from each and every route. If user is trying to go to broken Link application should show 404 page.
In the SUSI Web Chat application we have setuped routes in index.js file which is on the root of the application.

<Router history={hashHistory}>
                <Route exact path="/" component={ChatApp} />
                <Route exact path="/signup" component={SignUp} />
                <Route exact path="/logout" component={Logout} />
                <Route exact path="/forgotpwd" component={ForgotPassword} />
                <Route exact path="*" component={NotFound} />


“<Route exact path=”*” component={NotFound} />”  This line defines the 404 page route . this should be defined after all other routes. Because application should first search for defined routes.If the requested route is not defined, Application should show the 404 route.
To use these JSX elements we have to import this dependency on top of the index.js

import {
    BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom';


After you define like this It will work correctly on your localhost after you deployed it on gh-pages or surge it will not be work there as we wish.
When we try to access URL directly or when we try to access wrong URL it will redirect to default github 404 page.

After we built our application we get static index.html file and another set of files.when we try to access it will load index.html file. If we access another url it will automatically loads default github pages 404 page.
So we can do a little hack for use direct URLs like this .
We can add same copy of index.html file as 404.html then user tries to go to different URL instead of It loads our 404.html file since it contains all other routes it redirects to the correct route.if there is no matching route it shows our 404 page instead of default github pages 404 page.
Since all our deployment tasks are handle by we have to add this actions into file like this.

rm -rf node_modules/	 
mv ../build/* .
cp index.html 404.html   <--- this part


Then it will create 404.html file with the content of index.html file after each and every commit.
If you need to do the same thing on (we use surge for show previews of every PR ) we have to add a copy of index.html file as 200.html .
You can do this after you run the

npm run deploy


Just before giving the deployment URL you need to create a copy of index.html file on build folder and it should be renamed as 200.html and it will work as we wish. This is all for today.


  • Read More – Adding a 200 page for client-side routing :
Continue ReadingReact Routes to Deploy 404 page on gh-pages and surge

Test SUSI Web App with Facebook Jest

Jest is used by Facebook to test all Javascript codes specially React code snippets. If you need to setup jest on your react application you can follow up these simple steps. But if your React application is made with “create-react-app”, you do not need to setup jest manually. Because it comes with Jest. You can run test using “react-scripts” node module.

Since SUSI chat is made with “create-react-app” we do not need to install and run Jest directly. We executed our test cases using “npm test” it executes “react-scripts test” command. It executes all “.js” files under “__tests__” folders. And all other files with “.spec.js” and “.test.js” suffixes.

React apps that are made from “create-react-app” come with sample test case (smoke test) and that checks whether whole application is built correctly or not. If it passes the smoke test then it starts to run further test cases.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ChatApp from '../../components/ChatApp.react';
it('renders without crashing', () => {
 const div = document.createElement('div');
 ReactDOM.render( < ChatApp / > , div);

This checks all components which are inside of the “<ChatApp />” component and it check whether all these components integrate correctly or not.

If we need to check only one component in isolated environment. We can use shallow rendering API. we have used shallow rendering API to check each and every component in isolated environment.

We have to install enzyme and test renderer before use it.

npm install --save-dev enzyme react-test-renderer

import React from 'react';
import MessageSection from '../../components/MessageSection.react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
it('render MessageListItem without crashing',()=>{
  shallow(<MessageSection />);

This test case tests only the “MessageListItem”, not its child components.

After executing “npm test” you will get the passed and failed number of test cases.

If you need to see the coverage you can see it without installing additional dependencies.

You just need to run this.

npm test -- --coverage

It will show the output like this.

This view shows how many lines, functions, statements, branches your program has and this shows how much of those covered from the test cases you have.

If we are going to write new test cases for susi chat, we have to make separate file in “__tests__” folder and name it with corresponding file name that we are going to test.

it('your test case description',()=>{
 //test what you need 

Normally test cases looks like test cases you can use “test” instead of “it” .after test case description, there is a fat arrow function. In side this fat arrow function you can add what you need to test

In below example I have compared returned value of the function with static value.

function funcName(){
 return 1;

it('your test case description',()=>{

You have to add your function/variable that need to be tested into “expect()” and value you expect from that function or variable into “toBe()”.  Instead of “toBe()” you can use different functions according to your need.

If you have a long list of test cases you can group them ( using describe()).

describe('my beverage', () => {
  test('is delicious', () => {

  test('is not sour', () => {

This post covers only few things of testing . You can learn more about jest testing from official documentation here.

Continue ReadingTest SUSI Web App with Facebook Jest

How to add the Google Books API to SUSI AI

SUSI.AI is a Open Source personal assistant. You can also add new skills to SUSI easily. In this blog post I’m going to add Google’s Books API to SUSI as a skill. A complete tutorial on SUSI.AI skills is n the repository. Check out Tutorial Level 11: Call an external API here and you will understand how can we integrate an external API with SUSI AI.

To start adding book skills to SUSI.AI , first go to this URL  > give a name in the text field and press OK.


Copy and paste above code to the newly opened etherpad.

Go to this url to test new skill.

Type “dream blogpost” on chat and press enter. Now we can use the skills we  add to the etherpad.

To understand  Google’s book API use this url.Your request url should be like this:



you should replace APIKey with your API key.

To get started you first need to get an API key.

Go to this url > click GET A KEY button which is in right top > and select “Create a new project”

Add name to a project and click “CREATE AND ENABLE API” button

Copy your API key and replace the API Key part of request URL.

Paste request url on your browser address bar and replace BOOKNAME part with “flower” and go to the URL. It will give this JSON.

We need to get the full name of books which is in items array to that we have to go through this hierarchy
items array >first item>volumeInfo >title
Go to the etherpad we made before and paste the following code.

is there any book called * ?
!console:did you mean "$title$" ? Here is a link to read more: $infoLink$

first line of the code “is there any book called *?” is the question user ask. *  is the variant part  of question. that part can be used in the code by $1$ , if there more variants we can add multiple asterisk marks and refer by using corresponding number Ex: $1$,$2$,$3$
  • In this code  “path” : “$.items[0].volumeInfo”
  • $  represents full JSON result.
  • items[0] for get first element
  • .volumeInfo is to refer  volumeInfo object
!console:did you mean “$title$” ?  Here is a link to read more: $infoLink$
this line produce the output.
  • $title$ this one is for refer the “title” part of data that comes from “path”
  • $infoLink$ this one gives link to more details

Now go to the chat UI and type again “dream blogpost”. And after it shows “dreaming enabled” type in”is there any book called world war?”. It will result in the following.

This  is a simple way to add any service to SUSI as a skill.

Continue ReadingHow to add the Google Books API to SUSI AI