Hyperlinking Support for SUSI Webchat

SUSI responses can contain links or email ids. Whenever we want to access those links or send a mail to those email ids, it is very inconvenient for the user to manually copy the link and check out the contents, which is a very bad UX.

I used a module called ‘react-linkify’ to address this issue.
React-linkify’ is a React component to parse links (urls, emails, etc.) in text into clickable links.


<Linkify>{text to linkify}</Linkify>

Any link that appears inside the linkify component will be hyperlinked and is made clickable. It uses regular expressions and pattern matching to detect URLs and mail ids and are made clickable such that clicking on URLs opens the link in a new window and clicking a mail id opens “mailto:” .


export const parseAndReplace = (text) => {return <Linkify properties={{target:"_blank"}}>{text}</Linkify>;}

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query: search internet

Response: Internet The global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite to… https://duckduckgo.com/Internet

The link has been parsed from the response text and has been successfully hyperlinked. Clicking the links opens the respective URL in a new window.

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Implementing a chatbot using the SUSI.AI API

SUSI AI is an intelligent Open Source personal assistant. It is a server application which is able to interact with humans as a personal assistant. The first step in implementing a bot using SUSI AI is to specify the pathway for query response from SUSI AI server.

The steps mentioned below provide a step-by-step guide to establish communication with SUSI AI server:

    1. Given below is HTML code that demonstrates how to connect with SUSI API through an AJAX call. To put this file on a Node Js server, see Step 2.  To view the response of this call, follow Step 4.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <h1>My Header</h1>
      <p>My paragraph.</p>
      //Script with source here 
      //Script to be written here 

      In above code add scripts given below and end each script with closing tag </script>. In the second script we are calling SUSI API with hello query and showing data that we are receiving through call on console.

      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js">
    2. <script>
      $(function (){ 
              dataType: 'jsonp', 
              type:'GET', url: 'http://api.susi.ai/susi/chat.json? timezoneOffset=-300&q=hello', 
               success: function(data){ 
                   console.log('success', data); 
    3. Code below is in node js to setup localhost and getting the same above result on browser. Below is Node Js code to setup a server at localhost for the above created HTML file.

      var http = require('http');
       var fs = require('fs');
       http.createServer(function (req, res) {
        fs.readFile('YOURFILENAME.html', function(err, data) {
          res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
    4. We will get following response by running this Node js code and checking results on http://localhost:9000/ To run this code install Node Js and write “node filename.js” in command line.
    5. You can open above window by right clicking on page and selecting Inspect. Go to the Network option and select the relevant api call from left section of Inspect window.

We have successfully got response from SUSI API and now we can use this response for building bots for receiving replies for user.

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Control flow of SUSI AI on Android and database management using Realm

While developing a chat based android application, one of the most important things is keeping track of user’s messages. Since the user might want to access them in the absence of Internet connectivity (i.e remotely) as well, storing them locally is also important.

In SUSI we are using Realm to keep things organized in a systematic manner and constructing model (or adding appropriate attributes) for every new data type which the application needs. Right now we have three main models namely ChatMessage, WebLink and WebSearchModel. These three java classes define the structure of each possible message.  ChatMessage evaluates and classifies incoming response from server either to be an image or map or pie chart or web search url or other valid types of response. WebSearchModel and WebLink models are there to manage those results which contains link to various web searches.

Various result based lists are maintained for smooth flow of application. Messages sent in absence of Internet are stored in a list – nonDelivered. All the messages have an attribute isDelivered which is set to true if and only if they have been queried, otherwise the attribute is set to false which puts it in the nonDelivered list. Once the phone is connected back to the internet and the app is active in foreground, the messages are sent to server, queried and we get the response back in the app’s database where the attributes are assigned accordingly.


I will explain a functionality below that will give a more clear view about our coding practices and work flow.

When a user long taps a message, few options are listed(these actions are defined in recycleradapters->ChatFeedRecyclerAdapter.java) from which you may select one. In the code, this triggers the method onActionsItemClicked(). In this Overridden method, we handle what happens when a user clicks on one of the following options from item menu. In this post I’ll be covering only about the star/important message option.

case R.id.menu_item_important:
    nSelected = getSelectedItems().size();
    if (nSelected >0)
        for (int i = nSelected - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        if(nSelected == 1) 
            Toast.makeText(context,nSelected+" message 
            Toast.makeText(context, nSelected + " 
            messages marked important",                                                      
        Important = realm.where(ChatMessage.class).
        for(int i=0;i<important.size();++i)
            Log.i("message ","" + 
        Log.i("total ",""+important.size());
return true;

We have the count of messages which were selected. Each message having a unique id is looped through and the attribute “isImportant” of each message object is modified accordingly. To modify this field, We call the method markImportant() and pass the id of message which has to be updated.

public void markImportant(final int position) {
    realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
        public void execute(Realm realm) {
            ChatMessage chatMessage = getItem(position);

This method copies the instance of the message whose id it has received and updates the attribute “isImportant” and finally updates the message instance in the database.

Below given is the code for ImportantMessage activity which will help you understand properly how lists are used to query the database.

public class ImportantMessages extends AppCompatActivity {
    private Realm realm;
    private RecyclerView rvChatImportant;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
       rvChatImportant = (RecyclerView) findViewById 
        //call to other methods
    private void setupAdapter() {
        rvChatImportant = (RecyclerView) findViewById 
        LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new 
        RealmResults<ChatMessage> importantMessages = 
        TextView tv_msg = (TextView) findViewById 
        ChatFeedRecyclerAdapter recyclerAdapter = new 
             ChatFeedRecyclerAdapter(Glide.with(this), this, 
             importantMessages, true);
        View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
            public void onLayoutChange(View view, int left, 
            int top, int right, int bottom,
            int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int 
            oldBottom) {
                if (bottom < oldBottom) {
                    Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            int scrollTo = 
                            dapter().getItemCount() - 1;
                            scrollTo = scrollTo >= 0 ? 
                            scrollTo : 0;                             
                    }, 10);
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