Testing Errors and Exceptions Using Unittest in Open Event Server

Like all other helper functions in FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server, we also need to test the exception and error helper functions and classes. The error helper classes are mainly used to create error handler responses for known errors. For example we know error 403 is Access Forbidden, but we want to send a proper source message along with a proper error message to help identify and handle the error, hence we use the error classes. To ensure that future commits do not mismatch the error, we implemented the unit tests for errors.

There are mainly two kind of error classes, one are HTTP status errors and the other are the exceptions. Depending on the type of error we get in the try-except block for a particular API, we raise that particular exception or error.

Unit Test for Exception

Exceptions are written in this form:

    def validate_quantity(self, data):
        if 'max_order' in data and 'min_order' in data:
            if data['max_order'] < data['min_order']:
                raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/max-order'},
                                          "max-order should be greater than min-order")


This error is raised wherever the data that is sent as POST or PATCH is unprocessable. For example, this is how we raise this error:

raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/min-quantity'},

           "min-quantity should be less than max-quantity")

This exception is raised due to error in validation of data where maximum quantity should be more than minimum quantity.

To test that the above line indeed raises an exception of UnprocessableEntity with status 422, we use the assertRaises() function. Following is the code:

 def test_exceptions(self):
        # Unprocessable Entity Exception
        with self.assertRaises(UnprocessableEntity):
            raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/min-quantity'},
                                      "min-quantity should be less than max-quantity")

In the above code,
with self.assertRaises() creates a context of exception type, so that when the next line raises an exception, it asserts that the exception that it was expecting is same as the exception raised and hence ensures that the correct exception is being raised

Unit Test for Error

In error helper classes, what we do is, for known HTTP status codes we return a response that is user readable and understandable. So this is how we raise an error:

ForbiddenError({'source': ''}, 'Super admin access is required')

This is basically the 403: Access Denied error. But with the “Super admin access is required” message it becomes far more clear. However we need to ensure that status code returned when this error message is shown still stays 403 and isn’t modified in future unwantedly.

Here, errors and exceptions work a little different. When we declare a custom error class, we don’t really raise that error. Instead we show that error as a response. So we can’t use the assertRaises() function. However what we can do is we can compare the status code and ensure that the error raised is the same as the expected one. So we do this:

def test_errors(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            # Forbidden Error
            forbidden_error = ForbiddenError({'source': ''}, 'Super admin access is required')
            self.assertEqual(forbidden_error.status, 403)

            # Not Found Error
            not_found_error = NotFoundError({'source': ''}, 'Object not found.')
            self.assertEqual(not_found_error.status, 404)

Here we firstly create an object of the error class
ForbiddenError with a sample source and message. We then assert that the status attribute of this object is 403 which ensures that this error is of the Access Denied type using the assertEqual() function, which is what was expected.
The above helps us maintain that no one in future unknowingly or by mistake changes the error messages and status code so as to maintain the HTTP status codes in the response.

Continue ReadingTesting Errors and Exceptions Using Unittest in Open Event Server

Open Event Server: Testing Image Resize Using PIL and Unittest

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server project uses a certain set of functions in order to resize image from its original, example to thumbnail, icon or larger image. How do we test this resizing of images functions in Open Event Server project? To test image dimensions resizing functionality, we need to verify that the the resized image dimensions is same as the dimensions provided for resize.  For example, in this function, we provide the url for the image that we received and it creates a resized image and saves the resized version.

def create_save_resized_image(image_file, basewidth, maintain_aspect, height_size, upload_path,
                              ext='jpg', remove_after_upload=False, resize=True):
    Create and Save the resized version of the background image
    :param resize:
    :param upload_path:
    :param ext:
    :param remove_after_upload:
    :param height_size:
    :param maintain_aspect:
    :param basewidth:
    :param image_file:
    filename = '{filename}.{ext}'.format(filename=get_file_name(), ext=ext)
    image_file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(image_file).read())
    im = Image.open(image_file)

    # Convert to jpeg for lower file size.
    if im.format is not 'JPEG':
        img = im.convert('RGB')
        img = im

    if resize:
        if maintain_aspect:
            width_percent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0]))
            height_size = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(width_percent)))

        img = img.resize((basewidth, height_size), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)

    temp_file_relative_path = 'static/media/temp/' + generate_hash(str(image_file)) + get_file_name() + '.jpg'
    temp_file_path = app.config['BASE_DIR'] + '/' + temp_file_relative_path
    dir_path = temp_file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

    # create dirs if not present
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):

    upfile = UploadedFile(file_path=temp_file_path, filename=filename)

    if remove_after_upload:

    uploaded_url = upload(upfile, upload_path)

    return uploaded_url

In this function, we send the
image url, the width and height to be resized to, and the aspect ratio as either True or False along with the folder to be saved. For this blog, we are gonna assume aspect ratio is False which means that we don’t maintain the aspect ratio while resizing. So, given the above mentioned as parameter, we get the url for the resized image that is saved.
To test whether it has been resized to correct dimensions, we use Pillow or as it is popularly know, PIL. So we write a separate function named getsizes() within which get the image file as a parameter. Then using the Image module of PIL, we open the file as a JpegImageFile object. The JpegImageFile object has an attribute size which returns (width, height). So from this function, we return the size attribute. Following is the code:

def getsizes(self, file):
        # get file size *and* image size (None if not known)
        im = Image.open(file)
        return im.size

As we have this function, it’s time to look into the unit testing function. So in unit testing we set dummy width and height that we want to resize to, set aspect ratio as false as discussed above. This helps us to test that both width and height are properly resized. We are using a creative commons licensed image for resizing. This is the code:

def test_create_save_resized_image(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/09/08/17/08/hot-air-balloons-439331_960_720.jpg'
            width = 500
            height = 200
            aspect_ratio = False
            upload_path = 'test'
            resized_image_url = create_save_resized_image(image_url_test, width, aspect_ratio, height, upload_path, ext='png')
            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_width, resized_height = self.getsizes(resized_image_file)

In the above code from
create_save_resized_image, we receive the url for the resized image. Since we have written all the unittests for local settings, we get a url with localhost as the server set. However, we don’t have the server running so we can’t acces the image through the url. So we build the absolute path to the image file from the url and store it in resized_image_file. Then we find the sizes of the image using the getsizes function that we have already written. This  gives us the width and height of the newly resized image. We make an assertion now to check whether the width that we wanted to resize to is equal to the actual width of the resized image. We make the same check with height as well. If both match, then the resizing function had worked perfectly. Here is the complete code:

def test_create_save_resized_image(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/09/08/17/08/hot-air-balloons-439331_960_720.jpg'
            width = 500
            height = 200
            aspect_ratio = False
            upload_path = 'test'
            resized_image_url = create_save_resized_image(image_url_test, width, aspect_ratio, height, upload_path, ext='png')
            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_width, resized_height = self.getsizes(resized_image_file)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width, width)
            self.assertEqual(resized_height, height)

In open event orga server, we use this resize function to basically create 3 resized images in various modules, such as events, users,etc. The 3 sizes are names – Large, Thumbnail and Icon. Depending on the one more suitable we use it avoiding the need to load a very big image for a very small div. The exact width and height for these 3 sizes can be changed from the admin settings of the project. We use the same technique as mentioned above. We run a loop to check the sizes for all these. Here is the code:

def test_create_save_image_sizes(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/09/08/17/08/hot-air-balloons-439331_960_720.jpg'
            image_sizes_type = "event"
            width_large = 1300
            width_thumbnail = 500
            width_icon = 75
            image_sizes = create_save_image_sizes(image_url_test, image_sizes_type)

            resized_image_url = image_sizes['original_image_url']
            resized_image_url_large = image_sizes['large_image_url']
            resized_image_url_thumbnail = image_sizes['thumbnail_image_url']
            resized_image_url_icon = image_sizes['icon_image_url']

            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_large = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_large.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_thumbnail = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_thumbnail.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_icon = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_icon.split('/localhost')[1]

            resized_width_large, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_large)
            resized_width_thumbnail, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_thumbnail)
            resized_width_icon, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_icon)

            self.assertEqual(resized_width_large, width_large)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width_thumbnail, width_thumbnail)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width_icon, width_icon)

Continue ReadingOpen Event Server: Testing Image Resize Using PIL and Unittest

Creating Unit Tests for File Upload Functions in Open Event Server with Python Unittest Library

In FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server, we use the Python unittest library for unit testing various modules of the API code. Unittest library provides us with various assertion functions to assert between the actual and the expected values returned by a function or a module. In normal modules, we simply use these assertions to compare the result since the parameters mostly take as input normal data types. However one very important area for unittesting is File Uploading. We cannot really send a particular file or any such payload to the function to unittest it properly, since it expects a request.files kind of data which is obtained only when file is uploaded or sent as a request to an endpoint. For example in this function:

def uploaded_file(files, multiple=False):
    if multiple:
        files_uploaded = []
        for file in files:
            extension = file.filename.split('.')[1]
            filename = get_file_name() + '.' + extension
            filedir = current_app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + '/static/uploads/'
            if not os.path.isdir(filedir):
            file_path = filedir + filename
            files_uploaded.append(UploadedFile(file_path, filename))

        extension = files.filename.split('.')[1]
        filename = get_file_name() + '.' + extension
        filedir = current_app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + '/static/uploads/'
        if not os.path.isdir(filedir):
        file_path = filedir + filename
        files_uploaded = UploadedFile(file_path, filename)

    return files_uploaded

So, we need to create a mock uploading system to replicate this check. So inside the unittesting function we create an api route for this particular scope to accept a file as a request. Following is the code:

@app.route("/test_upload", methods=['POST'])
        def upload():
            files = request.files['file']
            file_uploaded = uploaded_file(files=files)
            return jsonify(
                {'path': file_uploaded.file_path,
                 'name': file_uploaded.filename})

In the above code, it creates an app route with endpoint test_upload. It accepts a request.files. Then it sends this object to the
uploaded_file function (the function to be unittested), gets the result of the function, and returns the result in a json format.
With this we have the endpoint to mock a file upload ready. Next we need to send a request with file object. We cannot send a normal data which would then be treated as a normal request.form. But we want to receive it in request.files. So we create 2 different classes inheriting other classes.

def test_upload_single_file(self):

        class FileObj(StringIO):

            def close(self):

        class MyRequest(Request):
            def _get_file_stream(*args, **kwargs):
                return FileObj()

        app.request_class = MyRequest

class inherits the Request class of Flask framework. We define the file stream of the Request class as the FileObj. Then, we set the request_class attribute of the Flask app to this new MyRequest class.
After we have it all setup, we need to send the request and see if the uploaded file is being saved properly or not. For this purpose we take help of StringIO library. StringIO creates a file-like class which can be then used to replicate a file uploading system. So we send the data as {‘file’: (StringIO(‘1,2,3,4’), ‘test_file.csv’)}. We send this as data to the /test_upload endpoint that we have created previously. As a result, the endpoint receives the function, saves the file, and returns the filename and file_path for the stored file.

 with app.test_request_context():
            client = app.test_client()
            resp = client.post('/test_upload', data = {'file': (StringIO('1,2,3,4'), 'test_file.csv')})
            data = json.loads(resp.data)
            file_path = data['path']
            filename = data['name']
            actual_file_path = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + '/static/uploads/' + filename
            self.assertEqual(file_path, actual_file_path)

After this is done, we need to check if the file_path that we receive is the expected file path that we should get. Secondly, we also check whether the file was really created or is this just some dummy data sent. We get the expected path by this:

actual_file_path = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + '/static/uploads/' + filename.

Then we assert that actual_file_path is same as the resulting path we received using the assertEqual. Thirdly, we use assertTrue to ensure that there is a file in that path. That is,


Which gives a True if file exists or False if not.

So that basically sums up the unittesting.
1) If the file is saved in the correct path, and
2) The file actually exist
The the unittest passes only if both is True and is thus successful. Else we get either an error or a failure.

Following is the entire code snippet for this unit testing function:

def test_upload_single_file(self):

        class FileObj(StringIO):

            def close(self):

        class MyRequest(Request):
            def _get_file_stream(*args, **kwargs):
                return FileObj()

        app.request_class = MyRequest

        @app.route("/test_upload", methods=['POST'])
        def upload():
            files = request.files['file']
            file_uploaded = uploaded_file(files=files)
            return jsonify(
                {'path': file_uploaded.file_path,
                 'name': file_uploaded.filename})

        with app.test_request_context():
            client = app.test_client()
            resp = client.post('/test_upload', data = {'file': (StringIO('1,2,3,4'), 'test_file.csv')})
            data = json.loads(resp.data)
            file_path = data['path']
            filename = data['name']
            actual_file_path = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + '/static/uploads/' + filename
            self.assertEqual(file_path, actual_file_path)

Continue ReadingCreating Unit Tests for File Upload Functions in Open Event Server with Python Unittest Library

Characteristization of Transistors Using PSLab

Transistors are one of the key building blocks of all electronics. They are fundamentally three-terminal semiconductor devices, with the terminals being labelled as the Emitter(E), Base(B), and Collector(C). These active components are found everywhere in electronics, and all of the complex processors that power everything from cellphones to aircraft employ millions of these devices in switching and amplification roles. In this blog post, we shall use the PSLab to explore some of the fundamental properties of transistors, and their various applications.

Transistor as an amplifier

In the schematic shown, we shall try to use an NPN transistor to amplify a small signal.

A small amplitude oscillation generated by W1 with the amplitude knob turned down to a very low level is used as the input. Since transistors do not handle bipolar signals, we have mixed a constant DC voltage generated PV3 to shift this small signal into the positive domain.

The fluctuating potential difference incident at the base of the transistor creates a corresponding current flow between the Base and Emitter.

By the fundamental property of transistors, this influences the path resistance between the Collector(C) and the Emitter(E) , and the resultant amplified voltage output can be monitored at the junction between the 1K resistor and the collector.

We have used CH1 to monitor the input voltage, and CH2 for the output

In a more applied scenario, we can implement the second schematic in order to create an audio amplifier. Instead of using W1 as the input signal, a speaker is used as a microphone. When a sound signal is incident on the speaker, its membrane oscillates, and as a result , the coil attached to it also does the same. Since this coil is placed in a magnetic field , its oscillations result in a change in the magnetic flux passing through, and this change causes a voltage(EMF) induced at its output. We then use our transistor amplifier to amplify this small EMF

Figure 2 : A Transistor being used to apply a gain of 81.5x to a small amplitude sine wave. The input waveform (green) is shown on a +/-500mV full scale and the output waveform is shown on a +/-8V scale in order to be able to view both. However, due to the difference in scales, the actual difference in amplitudes is 16 times more than what is visible.
Common Emitter Characteristics
Schematic Diagram

Any introductory course on transistors includes a diagram similar to the one shown , and a description about how for any base current, the collector current eventually saturates, and that this saturation level is proportional to the base current itself.

With the PSLab’s transistor CE characterization app, we can set up this experiment, and verify this for ourselves using an NPN transistor. The results shown were gathered using a 2N2222 transistor

In the schematic , the base current is determined by the voltage source PV2, and a high value series resistor of 200 KOhms . We use an analog input CH3 to monitor the voltage present at the Base of the transistor in order to calculate the total base current.

Base current = V/R = (PV2 – CH3) / 200e3

Now that we have set a particular base current, PV1 is used to sequentially increase the voltage across the collector and emitter of the transistor. A current limiting resistor of 1K Ohm is used, and CH1 is used to monitor the voltage drop across the transistor.

Collector current = V/R = (PV1 – CH1) / 1e3

Plotting the behaviour of the collector current with respect to the collector voltage gives us the familiar current voltage characteristics of a transistor.

Figure 3: Common emitter characteristics of an NPN transistor (2N2222) for various base currents

We can now alter the base current by changing PV2, and verify that the saturation current for the collector is indeed a function of it.



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Mailing Attachments Using Terminal in Open Event Android

The latest version of Open Event Android App Generator, v2 lacked the feature of mailing the generated APK to the email ID that is entered at the start of the app generation process. This also included mailing the error logs in case of APK failure.

This is an important feature for app generator because the process of app generation is a time taking one. The users have to wait for the app to be generated so that they can download the generated APK. To avoid this, the generator can automatically email the APK as soon as it is generated.

I took up this issue a few days back and started working on it. I started with thinking about the ways through which it will be implemented. This required some discussions with the mentors and co-developers. We finalised on the following ways:

  • Using Sendgrid
  • Using SMTP

I will be discussing the implementation of both of them in this blog. The code for APK mailing starts with the function call Notification.send in generator.py

if completed and apk_path and not error:
       subject='Your android application for %s has been generated ' % self.event_name,
               'Your android application for the \'%s\' event has been generated. '
               'And apk file has been attached along with this email.<br><br>'
               'Open Event App Generator' % self.event_name,
       subject='Your android application for %s could not generated ' % self.event_name,
       message='Hi,<br><br> '
               'Your android application for the \'%s\' event could not generated. '
               'The error message has been provided below.<br><br>'
               'Open Event App Generator' % (self.event_name, str(error) if error else ''),

This leads me to the class Notification.py. It has three functions:-

1. send(to, subject, message, file_attachment, via_api)
2. send_mail_via_smtp(payload):
3. send_email_via_sendgrid(payload):

As the name suggests, the first function:

send(to, subject, message, file_attachment, via_api)

mainly decides which service (out of smtp and sendgrid) should be used to send the email, on the basis of the input parameters (especially, the ‘EMAIL_SERVICE’ parameter that has to be set in config.py).
The function looks like as follows:

send(to, subject, message, file_attachment, via_api)

It is in the send() that the other two functions are called. If the email_service is smtp, it calls the Notification.send_mail_via_smtp(payload). Otherwise, the Notification.send_email_via_sendgrid(payload) is called.
The sendgrid function is pretty straightforward:

def send_email_via_sendgrid(payload):

   key = current_app.config['SENDGRID_KEY']
   if not key:
       logger.info('Sendgrid key not defined')
   headers = {
       "Authorization": ("Bearer " + key)

It requires a personalised sendgrid key which is accessed from the config.py file. Apart from that it handles some errors by giving logs in celery tasks. The main line in the function that initiates the email is a POST request made using the python library ‘requests’. The request is made as follows:


The send_mail_via_smtp(payload): function looks for some configurations before sending the mail:

def send_mail_via_smtp(payload):
   Send email via SMTP
   :param config:
   :param payload:
   smtp_encryption = current_app.config['SMTP_ENCRYPTION']
   if smtp_encryption == 'tls':
       smtp_encryption = 'required'
   elif smtp_encryption == 'ssl':
       smtp_encryption = 'ssl'
   elif smtp_encryption == 'tls_optional':
       smtp_encryption = 'optional'
       smtp_encryption = 'none'
   config = {
       'host': current_app.config['SMTP_HOST'],
       'username': current_app.config['SMTP_USERNAME'],
       'password': current_app.config['SMTP_PASSWORD'],
       'encryption': smtp_encryption,
       'port': current_app.config['SMTP_PORT'],
   mailer_config = {
       'transport': {
           'use': 'smtp',
           'host': config['host'],
           'username': config['username'],
           'password': config['password'],
           'tls': config['encryption'],
           'port': config['port']

   mailer = Mailer(mailer_config)
   message = Message(author=payload['from'], to=payload['to'])
   message.subject = payload['subject']
   message.plain = strip_tags(payload['message'])
   message.rich = payload['message']

It is using the Marrow Mailer Python library to email with attachments(APK). This Python library can be installed using
pip install marrow.mailer
To use Marrow Mailer you instantiate a marrow.mailer.Mailer object with the configuration, then pass Message instances to the Mailer instance’s send() method.

You can refer to the following guides for more information about sending emails through command line:
https://github.com/marrow/mailer is the official repo of Marrow Mailer repository.
More detailled information on sending emails using Sendgrid can be found here https://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2013/03/19/setting-up-sendmail-with-sendgrid-on-ubuntu/

Continue ReadingMailing Attachments Using Terminal in Open Event Android

Managing Related Endpoints in Permission Manager of Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server has its permission manager to manage all permission to different endpoints and some of the left gaps were filled by new helper method has_access. The next challenge for permission manager was to incorporate a feature many related endpoints points to the same resource.

  • /users-events-roles/<int:users_events_role_id>/user or
  • /event-invoices/<int:event_invoice_id>/user

Both endpoints point to Users API where they are fetching the record of a single user and for this, we apply the permission “is_user_itself”. This permission ensures that the logged in user is the same user whose record is asked through the API and for this we need the “user_id” as the “id” in the permission function, “is_user_itself”
Thus there is need to add the ability in permission manager to fetch this user_id from different models for different endpoints. For example, if we consider above endpoints then we need the ability to get user_id from UsersEventsRole and EventInvoice models and pass it to permission function so that it can use it for the check.

Adding support

To add support for multiple keys, we have to look for two things.

  • fetch_key_url
  • model

These two are key attributes to add this feature, fetch_key_url will take the comma separated list which will be matched with view_kwargs and model receives the array of the Model Classes which will be used to fetch the related records from the model
This snippet provides the main logic for this:

for index, mod in enumerate(model):
   if is_multiple(fetch_key_url):
       f_url = fetch_key_url[index]
       f_url = fetch_key_url
       data = mod.query.filter(getattr(mod, fetch_key_model) == view_kwargs[f_url]).one()
   except NoResultFound, e:
       found = True

if not found:
   return NotFoundError({'source': ''}, 'Object not found.').respond()

From the above snippet we are:

  • We iterate through the models list
  • Check if fetch_key_url has multiple keys or not
  • Get the key from fetch_key_url on the basis of multiple keys or single key in it.
  • We try to attempt to get object from model for the respective iteration
  • If there is any record/object in the database then it’s our data. Skipping further process
  • Else continue iteration till we get the object or to the end.

To use multiple mode

Instead of providing the single model to the model option of permission manager, provide an array of models. Also, it is optional to provide comma separated values to fetch_key_url
Now there can be scenario where you want to fetch resource from database model using different keys present on your view_kwargs
for example, consider these endpoints

  1. `/notifications/<notification_id>/event`
  2. `/orders/<order_id>/event`

Since they point to same resource and if you want to ensure that logged in user is organizer then you can use these two things as:

  1. fetch_key_url=”notification_id, order_id”
  2. model=[Notification, Order]

Permission manager will always match indexes in both options, the first key of fetch_key_url will be only used for the first key of the model and so on.
Also, fetch_key_url is an optional parameter and even in multiple mode you can provide a single value as well.  But if you provide multiple commas separated values make sure you provide all values such that no of values in fetch_key_url and model must be equal.


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Custom Data Layer in Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server uses flask-rest-jsonapi module to implement JSON API. This module provides a good logical abstraction in the data layer.
The data layer is a CRUD interface between resource manager and data. It is a very flexible system to use any ORM or data storage. The default layer you get in flask-rest-jsonapi is the SQLAlchemy ORM Layer and API Server makes use of default alchemy layer almost everywhere except the case where I worked on email verification part.

To add support for adding user’s email verification in API Server, there was need to create an endpoint for POST /v1/users/<int:user_id>/verify
Clearly here we are working on a single resource i.e, specific user record. This requires us to use ResourceDetail and the only issue was there is no any POST method or view in ResourceDetail class. To solve this I created a custom data layer which enables me to redefine all methods and views by inheriting abstract class. A custom data layer must inherit from flask_rest_jsonapi.data_layers.base.Base.

Creating Custom Layer

To solve email verification process, a custom layer was created at app/api/data_layers/VerifyUserLayer.py

def create_object(self, data, view_kwargs):
   user = safe_query(self, User, 'id', view_kwargs['user_id'], 'user_id')
   s = get_serializer()
       data = s.loads(data['token'])
   except Exception:
       raise UnprocessableEntity({'source': 'token'}, "Invalid Token")

   if user.email == data[0]:
       user.is_verified = True
       return user
       raise UnprocessableEntity({'source': 'token'}, "Invalid Token")

Using custom layer in API

We can easily provide custom layer in API Resource using one of the properties of the Resource Class

data_layer = {
   'class': VerifyUserLayer,
   'session': db.session

This is all we have to provide in the custom layer, now all CRUD method will be directed to our custom data layer.

Solution to our issue
Setting up custom layer provides us the ability to create our custom resource methods, i.e, modifying the view for POST request and allowing us to verify the registered users in API Server.
On Setting up the data layer all I need to do is create a ResourceList with using this layer and with permissions

class VerifyUser(ResourceList):

   methods = ['POST', ]
   decorators = (jwt_required,)
   schema = VerifyUserSchema
   data_layer = {
       'class': VerifyUserLayer,
       'session': db.session

This enables me to use the custom layer, VerifyUserLayer for ResourceList resource.


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A guide to use Permission Manager in Open Event API Server

This article provides a simple guide to use permission manager in Open Event API Server. Permission manager is constantly being improved and new features are being added into it. To ensure that all co-developers get to know about it and make use of them, this blog posts describes every part of permission manager.


Permission manager as a part of flask-rest-jsonapi works as a decorator for different resources of the API. There are two ways to provide the permission decorator to any view

  • First one is to provide it in the list of decorators
decorators = (api.has_permission('is_coorganizer', fetch="event_id",
                                fetch_as="event_id", model=StripeAuthorization),)
    • Second way is to explicitly provide it as a decorator to any view
@api.has_permission('custom_arg', custom_kwargs='custom_kwargs')
    def get(*args, **kwargs):
        return 'Hello world !'

In the process of booting up, we first need to understand the flow of Resources in API. All resources even before doing any schema check, call the decorators. So this way you will not get any request data in the permission methods. All you will receive is a dict of the URL parameters but again it will not include the filter parameters.
Permission Manager receives five parameters as: 

def permission_manager(view, view_args, view_kwargs, *args, **kwargs):

First three are provided into it implicitly by flask-rest-jsonapi module

  • view: This is the resource’s view method which is called through the API. For example, if I go to /events then the get method of ResourceList will be called.
  • view_args: These are args associated with that view.
  • view_kwargs: These are kwargs associated with that resource view. It includes all your URL parameters as well.
  • args: These are the custom args which are provided when calling the permission manager. Here at permission manager is it expected that the first index of args will be the name of permission to check for.
  • kwargs: This is the custom dict which is provided on calling the permission manager. The main pillar of the permission manager. Described below in usage.

Using Permission Manager

Using permission manager is basically understanding the different options you can send through the kwargs so here is the list of the things you can send to permission manager
These are all described in the order of priority in permission manager

  • method (string): You can provide a string containing the methods where permission needs to be checked as comma separated values of different methods in a string.
    For example: method=”GET,POST”
  • leave_if (lambda): This receives a lambda function which should return boolean values. Based on returned value if is true then it will skip the permission check. The provided lambda function receives only parameter, “view_kwargs”
    Example use case can be the situation where you can leave the permission for any specifically related endpoint to some resource and would like to do a manual check in the method itself.
  • check (lambda): Opposite to leave_if. It receives a lambda function that will return boolean values. Based on returned value, If it is true then only it will go further and check the request for permissions else will throw forbidden error.
  • fetch (string): This is the string containing the name of the key which has to be fetched for the fetch_as key (described below). Permission manager will first look for this value in view_kwargs dict object. If it is not there then it will make the query to get one(described below at model )
  • fetch_as (string): This is the string containing the name of a key. The value of fetch key will be sent to the permission functions by this name.
  • model (string): This is one most interesting concept here. To get the value of the fetch key. Permission manager first looks into view_kwargs and if there no such value then you can still get one through the model. The model attribute here receives the class of the database model which will be used to get the value of the fetch key.
    It makes the query to get the single resource from this model and look for the value of the fetch key and then pass it to the permission functions/methods.
    The interesting part is that by default it uses <id> from view_kwargs to get the resource from the model but in any case if there is no specific ID with name <id> on the view_kwargs. You can use these two options as:
  • fetch_key_url (string): This is the name of the key whose value will be fetched from view_kwargs and will be used to match the records in database model to get the resource.
  • fetch_key_model (string): This is the name of the match column in the database model for the fetch_key_url, The value of it will be matched with the column named as the value of fetch_key_model.
    In case there is no record found in the model then permission manager will throw NotFound 404 Error.

A helper for permissions

The next big thing in permission manager is the addition of new helper function “has_access”

def has_access(access_level, **kwargs):
   if access_level in permissions:
       auth = permissions[access_level](lambda *a, **b: True, (), {}, (), **kwargs)
       if type(auth) is bool and auth is True:
           return True
   return False

This method allows you to check the permission at the mid of any method of any view and of any resource. Just provide the name of permission in the first parameter and then the additional options needed by the permission function as the kwargs values.
This does not throw any exception. Just returns the boolean value so take care of throwing any exception by yourselves.

Anything to improve on?

I will not say this exactly as the improvement but I would really like to make it more meaningful and interesting to add permission. May be something like this below:

permission = "Must be co_organizer OR track_organizer, fetch event_id as event_id, use model Event"

This clearly needs time to make it. But I see this as an interesting way to add permission. Just provide meaningful text and rest leave it to the permission manager.

Continue ReadingA guide to use Permission Manager in Open Event API Server

Using Flask SocketIO Library in the Apk Generator of the Open Event Android App

Recently Flask SocketIO library was used in the apk generator of the Open Event Android App as it gave access to the low latency bi-directional communications between the client and the server side. The client side of the apk generator was written in Javascript which helped us to use a SocketIO official client library to establish a permanent connection to the server.

The main purpose of using the library was to display logs to the user when the app generation process goes on. This gives the user an additional help to check what is the mistake in the file uploaded by them in case an error occurs. Here the library established a connection between the server and the client so that during the app generation process the server would send real time logs to the client so that they can be viewed by the user displayed in the frontend.

To use this library we first need to download it using pip command:

pip install flask-socketio

This library depends on the asynchronous services which can be selected amongst the following listed below:

  1. Eventlet
  2. Gevent
  3. Flask development server based on Werkzeug

Amongst the three listed, eventlet is the best performant option as it has support for long polling and WebSocket transports.

The next thing was importing this library in the flask application i.e the apk generator of the app as follows:

from flask_socketio import SocketIO

current_app = create_app()
socketio = SocketIO(current_app)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The main use of the above statement (socket.run(current_app)) is that with this the startup of the web server is encapsulated. When the application is run in debug mode it is preferred to use the Werkzeug development server. However in production mode the use of eventlet web server or gevent web server is recommended.

We wanted to show the status messages currently shown to the user in the form of logs. For this firstly the generator.py file was looked upon which had the status messages and these were sent to the client side of the generator by establishing a connection between them using this library. The code written on the server side to send messages to the client side was as follows:

def handle_message(message):
    if message not None:
        namespace = “/” + self.identifier;
        send(message, namespace = namespace)

As we can see from the above code the message had to be sent to that particular namespace. The main idea of using namespace was that if there were more than one users using the generator at the same time, it would mean the send() method would send the messages to all the clients connected which would lead to the mixing up of status messages and hence it was important to use namespace so that a message was sent to that particular client.

Once the server sent the messages to the client we needed to add functionality to the our client side to receive the messages from them and also update the logs area with suitable content received. For that first the socket connection was established once the generate button was clicked which generated the identifier for us which had to be used as the namespace for that process.

socket = io.connect(location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/" + identifier, {reconnection: false});

This piece of code established the connection of the socket and helps the client side to receive and send messages from and to the server end.

Next thing was receiving messages from the server. For this the following code snippet was added:

socket.on('message', function(message) {

This piece of code receives the messages from the server for unnamed events. Once the connection is established and the messages are received, the logs are updated with each message being appended so as to show the user the real time information about their build status of their app.

This was how the idea of logs being shown in the apk generator was incorporated by making the required changes in the server and client side code using the Flask SocketIO library.

Related Links:

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Using API Blueprint with Yaydoc

As part of extending the capability of Yaydoc to document APIs, this week we integrated API Blueprint with Yaydoc. Now we can parse apib files and add the parsed content to the generated documentation. From the official Homepage of API Blueprint,

API Blueprint is simple and accessible to everybody involved in the API lifecycle. Its syntax is concise yet expressive. With API Blueprint you can quickly design and prototype APIs to be created or document and test already deployed mission-critical APIs. It is a documentation-oriented web API description language. The API Blueprint is essentially a set of semantic assumptions laid on top of the Markdown syntax used to describe a web API.

To Integrate API Blueprint with Yaydoc, we used an sphinx extension named sphinxcontrib-apiblueprint. This extension can directly translate text in API Blueprint format into docutils nodes. The advantage with this approach as compared to using tools like aglio is that the generated html fits in nicely with the already existent theme. Though we may in future provide ability to generate html using tools like aglio if the user prefers. Adding an extension to sphinx is very easy. In the conf.py template, we added the extension to the already enabled list of extensions.

extensions += [‘sphinxcontrib.apiblueprint’]

The above extension provides a directive apiblueprint which can be then used to include apib files. The directive is very similar to the built in include directive. The difference is just that it should be only be used to include files in API Blueprint format. You can see an example below of how to use this directive.

.. apiblueprint:: <path to apib file>

Although this is enough for projects which use the ResT markup format, This cannot be used with projects using markdown as the primary markup format, since markdown doesn’t support the concept of directives. To solve this, we used the eval_rst block provided by recommonmark in Yaydoc. It allows users to embed valid ReST within markdown and recommonmark will properly parse the embedded text as ReST. Now a user can use this to use directives within markdown. You can see an example below.

.. apiblueprint:: <path to apib file>

In order to implement this, we used the AutoStructify class provided by recommonmark. Here’s a snippet from our conf.py template. Note that this does have far reaching effects. Now users would be able to use this to add constructs like toctree in markdown which wasn’t possible before.

from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify

def setup(app):
    app.add_config_value('recommonmark_config', {
    'enable_eval_rst': True,
    }, True)

Let’s see all of this in action. Here’s a preview of a generated documentation with API Blueprint using Yaydoc.


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