Creating System Images UI in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, under the ‘admin/content’ route, ‘system-images’ route is present in which a user can update the image of the event topic he has uploaded at the time of creating an event. We achieved this as follows:

First, we create a route called ‘system/images’.

ember g route admin/content/system-images

This will generate three files:
1) routes/admin/content/system-images.js (route)
2) templates/admin/content/system-images.hbs (template)
3) test/unit/routes/admin/content/system-images-test.js (test file)
We also create a subroute of system-images route so as to render the subtopics queried through API.

ember g route admin/content/system-images/list

This will generate three files:
1) routes/admin/content/system-images/list.js(subroute)
2) templates/admin/content/system-images/list.hbs(template)
3) test/unit/routes/admin/content/system-imageslist-test.js(test file)

From our ‘system-images’ route, we render the ‘system-images’ template. We have a subroute of system-images route called as ‘list’ in which we render the subtopics available to us via API. The left side menu is the content of ‘system-images.hbs’ and the content on the right is it’s subroute i.e ‘list.hbs’. The ‘list’ subroute provides a facility to upload the system image. The API returns an array of objects containing subtopics as follows(single object is shown here, there will be multiple in the array)

            id          : 4545,
            name        : 'avatar',
            placeholder : {
              originalImageUrl : '',
              copyright        : 'All rights reserved',
              origin           : 'Google Images'

Following is the content of our uploader i.e ‘list.hbs’ which is a subroute of the system-images.hbs.

<div class="ui segment">
  {{#each model as |subTopic|}}
    <img src="{{subTopic.placeholder.originalImageUrl}}" class="ui fluid image" alt={{}}>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <button class="ui button primary" {{action 'openModal' subTopic}} id="changebutton">{{t 'Change'}}</button>
{{modals/change-image-modal isOpen=isModalOpen subTopic=selectedSubTopic}}

We can see from the above template that we are iterating the response(subtopics) from the API. For now, we are just using the mock server response since we don’t have API ready for it. There is one ‘upload’ button which opens up the ‘change-image-modal’ to upload the image which looks as follows:

The ‘change-image-modal.hbs’ has a content as follows:

<div class="sixteen wide column">
          label=(t 'Update Image')
          aspectRatio=(if (eq 'avatar') (array 1 1))
          hint=(t 'Select Image')
          helpText=(t 'For Cover Photos : 300x150px (2:1 ratio) image.
                    For Avatar Photos : 150x150px (1:1 ratio) image.')}}

        <form class="ui form">
          <div class="field">
            <label class="ui label">{{t 'Copyright information'}}</label>
            <div class="ui input">
              {{input type="text"}}
          <div class="field">
            <label class="ui label">{{t 'Origin information'}}</label>
            <div class="ui input">
              {{input type="text"}}


The above uploader has a custom ‘image-upload’ widget which we are using throughout the Open Event Frontend. Also, there are two input fields i.e ‘copyright’ and ‘origin’ information of the image. On clicking the ‘Select Image’ button and after selecting our image from the file input, we get a cropper for the image to be uploaded. The image can be cropped there according to the aspect ration maintained for it. The cropper looks like:

Thus, a user can update the image of the Event Topic that he created.


Ember JS Official guide.

Mastering modals in Ember JS by Ember Guru.

Source code


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