Deploying loklak search on Heroku & Using config to store and load external URLs

It is really important to have a separate configuration for all the hardcoded URLs having multiple instances across the project. It would help in testing and comparing projects like loklak with a separate configuration for hardcoded URLs. We would also be discussing deployment of Angular based loklak on heroku through this blog post.

Creating shared URL config

The idea here is to export a const Object containing all the collective hardcoded URLs used inside the project. We would try to store similar/collective URLs inside a same key e.g. all the github URLs must go inside key: ‘github’.

export const defaultUrlConfig = {
	fossasia: {
		root: '',
		blog: ''
	loklak: {
		apiServer: '',
		apiBase: '',
		blog: '',
		dev: '',
		apps: ''
	github: {
		loklak: '',
		fossasia: ''
	phimpme: {
		root: ''
	susper: {
		root: ''
	susiChat: {
		root: ''
	pslab: {
		root: ''
	eventyay: {
		root: ''


Storing URLs with a key instead of storing it inside a simple Array, makes it easier to add a new URL at required place and easy to modify the existing ones. Now, this configuration can easily be called inside any Component file.

Using config inside the component

Now, the work is really simple. We just need to import the configuration file inside the required Component and store/use directly the respective URLs.

First step would be to import the configuration file as follows:

import { defaultUrlConfig } from ‘../shared/url-config’;


Note: Respective path for url-config file for different components might differ.

Now, we would need to store the defaultUrlConfig inside a variable.

public configUrl = defaultUrlConfig;


At this point, we have all the configuration URLs which could be extracted from configUrl.

Displaying URLs in HTML

We would use Angular’s interpolation binding syntax to display the URLs from configUrl in HTML. Let’s say we want to display FOSSASIA’s github url in HTML, then we would simply need to do:

{{ configUrl.github.fossasia }}


This could be used as an example to to replace all the hardcoded URLs inside the project.

Deploying loklak search on Heroku

Note: I am skipping the initial steps of creating a project on heroku. It is very easy to setup a project on heroku, for initial steps please follow up here.

First step in this direction would be to add a server.js file in root directory and add the following express server code in it:

const express = require(‘express’);
const path = require(‘path’);
const app = express();
app.use(express.static(__dirname + ‘/dist/<name-of-app>’));
app.get(‘/*’, function(req,res) {
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);


Second step would be to add the following commands inside package.json at respective attributes.

“postinstall”: “ng build –aot -prod”
“start”: “node server.js”



Click on the respective URL link inside the project UI to test the configuration for hardcoded URLs. To check the deployment on heroku, please open the following URLs:

Development branch:

Master branch:


Continue ReadingDeploying loklak search on Heroku & Using config to store and load external URLs

Changing Dimensions of Search Box Dynamically in Susper

Earlier the Susper search box had a fixed dimension. When a user types in a query, the dimensions of the search box remained fixed. This approach resulted in several issues like:

  • Matching the dimensions of the search bar following the market leader.
  • When dimensions are dynamically changing, it should not disturb alignment w.r.t tabs in the results page.

What actually happens is, when a user enters a query, the search box quickly changes its dimensions when results appear. I will be discussing below how we achieved this goal.

On the home page, we created the dimensions of a search bar with 584 x 44 pixels.

On the results page, we created the dimensions of search bar 632 x 44 similar to market leader:

How we proceeded?

Susper is built on Angular v4.1.3. It automatically comes with a function ngOnInit() whenever a new component has been created. ngOnInit() is a part of life cycle hook in Angular 4 (in Angular 2 as well). The function is called up or initialized when the component is rendered completely. This was the key for changing dimensions of search bar dynamically as soon as a component is created.

What happens is when a user types a query on the homepage and hits enter then, results component is created. As soon as, it is created – ngOnInit() function is called.

The default dimensions of search bar have been provided as follows:


#navgroup {
  height: 44px;
  width: 584px;
When the homepage loads up, dimensions by default are 584 x 44.


private navbarWidth: any;
ngOnInit() {
  this.navbarWidth = 632px;


We used [style.width] attribute to change the dimensions dynamically. Add this attribute inside input element.

<input #input type=“text” name=“query” class=“form-control” id=“nav-input” (ngModelChange)=“onquery($event)” [(ngModel)]=“searchdata.query” autocomplete=“off” (keypress)=“onEnter($event)” [style.width]=“navbarWidth”>
As soon as results component is loaded, the dimensions of search bar change to 632 x 44. In this way, we change the dimensions of search bar dynamically as soon as results are loaded.


Continue ReadingChanging Dimensions of Search Box Dynamically in Susper