Route Based Chunking in Loklak Search

The loklak search application running at is growing in size as the features are being added into the application, this growth is a linear one, and traditional SPA, tend to ship all the code is required to run the application in one pass, as a single monolithic JavaScript file, along with the index.html. This approach is suitable for the application with few pages which are frequently used, and have context switching between those logical pages at a high rate and almost simultaneously as the application loads.

But generally, only a fraction of code is what is accessed most frequently by most users, so as the application size grows it does not make sense to include all the code for the entire application at the first request, as there is always some code in the application, some views, are rarely accessed. The loading of such part of the application can be delayed until they are accessed in the application. The angular router provides an easy way to set up such system and is used in the latest version of loklak search.

The technique which is used here is to load the content according to the route. This makes sure only the route which is viewed is loaded on the initial load, and subsequent loading is done at the runtime as and when required.

Old setup for baseline

Here are the compiled file sizes, of the project without the chunking the application. Now as we can see that the file sizes are huge, especially the vendor bundle, which is of 5.4M and main bundle which is about 0.5M now, these are the files which are loaded on the first load and due to their huge sizes, the first paint of the application suffers, to a great extent. These numbers will act as a baseline upon which we will measure the impact of route based chunking.

Setup for route based chunking

The setup for route based chunking is fairly simple, this is our routing configuration, the part of the modules which we want to lazy load are to be passed as loadChildren attribute of the route, this attribute is a string which is a path of the feature module which, and part after the hash symbol is the actual class name of the module, in that file. This setup enables the router to load that module lazily when accessed by the user.

const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
loadChildren: './home/home.module#HomeModule',
data: { preload: true }

path: 'about',
loadChildren: './about/about.module#AboutModule'

path: 'contact',
loadChildren: './contact/contact.module#ContactModule'

path: 'search',
loadChildren: './feed/feed.module#FeedModule',
data: { preload: true }
path: 'terms',

loadChildren: './terms/terms.module#TermsModule'
path: 'wall',
loadChildren: './media-wall/media-wall.module#MediaWallModule'

Preloading of some routes

As we can see that in two of the configurations above, there is a data attribute, on which preload: true attribute is specified. Sometimes we need to preload some part of theapplication, which we know we will access, soon enough. So angular also enables us to set up our own preloading strategy to preload some critical parts of the application, which we know are going to be accessed. In our case, Home and Feed module are the core parts of the application, and we can be sure that, if someone has to use our application, these two modules need to be loaded. Defining the preloading strategy is also really simple, it is a class which implements PreloadingStrategy interface, and have a preload method, this method receives the route and load function as an argument, and this preload method either returns the load() observable or null if preload is set to true.

export class CustomPreloadStrategy implements PreloadingStrategy {
preload(route: Route, load: Function): Observable<any> {
return && ? load() : of(null);

Results of route based chunking

The results of route based chunking are the 50% reduction in the file size of vendor bundle and 70% reduction in the file size of the main bundle this provides the edge which every application needs to perform well at the load time, as unnecessary bytes are not at all loaded until required.


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