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Implementing the UI of the Scheduler in Open Event Frontend with Sub Rooms and External Events

This blog article will illustrate how exactly the UI of the scheduler is implemented in  Open Event Frontend, using the fullcalendar library. Our discussion primarily will involve the events/view/scheduler  route.

FullCalendar is an open source javascript scheduler with an option to use it’s scheduler functionality. To use it with ember JS, we make use of it’s ember-wrapper (ember-fullcalendar). We begin by installing it via CLI

npm install  ember-fullcalendar

Next to initialise it, we need to specify some properties in the config/environment.js File.

Note: It is wrongly mentioned in the official documentation. (issue) Hence specified in this blog.

emberFullCalendar: {
includeScheduler: true

This enables the scheduler functionality of the calendar, next we need to specify the model, which will include the details of the rooms and the events which need to be displayed, the full calendar scheduler requires them in a specific way, hence the model will hook will be:

model() {
return RSVP.hash({
events: [{
title      : 'Session 1',
start      : '2017-07-26T07:08:08',
end        : '2017-07-26T09:08:08',
resourceId : 'a'
rooms: [
{ id: 'a', title: 'Auditorium A' },
{ id: 'b', title: 'Auditorium B', eventColor: 'green' },
{ id: 'c', title: 'Auditorium C', eventColor: 'orange' },
{ id       : 'd', title    : 'Auditorium D', children : [
{ id: 'd1', title: 'Room D1' },
{ id: 'd2', title: 'Room D2' }
] },
{ id: 'e', title: 'Auditorium E' },
{ id: 'f', title: 'Auditorium F', eventColor: 'red' }

Now we begin with the basic structure we will require for the scheduler in the template files.Since we need an option of dragging and dropping external events, we will split the page into two columns, and make a separate component for storing the list of external events.The component is aptly named external-event-list. Hence the scheduler.hbs will have the following grid column structure.

<div class="ui grid">
<div class="row">
<div class="three wide column">
<div class="thirteen wide column">
drop=(action 'drop')
eventReceive=(action 'eventReceive')
ondragover=(action 'eventDrop')

It is important to note here that the full-calendar has various callbacks which are triggered when the events are dragged and dropped. The editable property allows the user to change the events’ venue and timeline, and is enabled only for the organiser of the event. The resources refer to the rooms/locations where the session/events will be held. Since ember executes functionality via functions, each of the standard callback of the full calendar has been translated into an action. Please see the official docs for what each callback does.The only thing which remains is the list of external events. It is necessary for the actual event to be wrapped in fc-event spans, as  they are the default classes for full calendar, and the calendar is able to fetch the event or session name from these spans.

<div id='external-events'>
<h4 class="ui header">{{t 'Events'}}</h4>
<span class='fc-event' draggable="true">My Event 1</span>
<span class='fc-event' draggable="true">My Event 2</span>
<span class='fc-event' draggable="true">My Event 3</span>

Whenever the events will be dragged and dropped onto the scheduler, they will trigger the drop action inside it, which will fetch the data from them and create an event object for the scheduler.


Tags :

Open event, Open event frontend, ember JS, ember service, semantic UI, ember-data, ember controllers,  tickets, Open Event API, Ember models


GSOC 17 @ FOSSASIA | Full Stack Developer | Swimmer

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